Implanted by The_Technician

Donna swallowed several times to make sure that her tongue was clear– it wouldn’t do to drip anything on his black pants– and then she again flicked William’s glans several times. That, and a little assist from William’s implant, had him rock hard once again. She stood up and then turned and lay over a conveniently-placed speaker. Her glistening cunt was visible to everyone in the room for just an instant before he rammed himself into her.

William didn’t like what he called “soft sex.” He once told her that he approached love-making the way he approached business, “all in fast and hard.” The beat of the music was vibrating her upper body which William was pressing more firmly onto the speaker. Her lower body was responding to a different rhythm as he pounded her mercilessly.

She had learned to suppress her passions for the pleasure of her clients, but she had also learned to release them at the appropriate time. Her well-trained cunt could feel the twitchings which marked the beginning of his orgasm. It was time to release her own pent-up fury so that they would climax together.

They did. His was marked with a short grunt. Her orgasm was marked with a long, low, loud wail that was met with almost thunderous applause. She had been a little noisier than normal to add to the impression that he had driven her wild.

William turned his head and smiled at the crowd… or was it a smirk, with him it was always hard to tell. He moved Donna around the speaker so that she was now facing forward, but was still more or less bent over the speaker. Then he said loudly, “There is still one more stop on our around the world tour.”

Donna always resisted when someone requested anal sex. She was, of course, always willing to accommodate the desires of the client, but at the same time, she made it clear that she was doing it only because they insisted. Actually, Donna loved anal sex, but giving the client the sense that they were forcing something increased the client’s pleasure. It also normally increased Donna’s fees. In William’s case, her promise of him being a life-time comp client still held. The thought of forcing Donna to do something she really didn’t want to do, however, was all that was needed to bring William back to ready.

The one accommodation William made when it came to anal sex was that he started slowly rather than ramming himself home and pumping wildly. He pressed his prick against Donna’s rosebud and waited for it to open and accept him. Donna had tremendous control over her body and could relax her anal sphincter almost immediately, but that would make it too easy. William had to conquer her. He had to force her body into submission, which is what he felt he was doing as he pressed solidly against her asshole. After a few moments, things relaxed and he forced himself in.

Donna made sure to make the appropriate faces indicating that she was in pain… even though she wasn’t… and that she didn’t like what William was doing… even though she was already having to suppress an orgasm that was starting to grow from deep within her. She even faked a look of intense relief when he finally finished and spurted deep within her bowls. As she did so, she looked out at the women in the crowd and thought, “I wonder how many of you have ever had to fake NOT having an orgasm.”

After William finished, he waited until he had fully deflated before pulling out. He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped himself off before tucking himself back into his pants. He then dropped the handkerchief onto the stage floor and walked out into the crowd, leaving Donna Reynolds lying naked over the speaker.

She stayed in place slowly looking out at the gathered Elites. She remained motionless for many minutes because she knew what the gathered Elites were thinking as they watched her. They were looking at her and then at the RPA entertainer dancing with them and saying to themselves, “If that’s what the boss is willing to do, what will this one do for me?”

The answer was, of course, “Almost anything.” All of Donna’s employees were Elites that had been seIected by The Network for this role in Elite society. Their chips protected them from disease and if the client wanted something rough, even the most extreme welts and bruises healed in just a few hours.

After a few minutes, Toby walked up on stage with a damp towel. Toby was one of Donna’s more sought after dates. His own self-descriqtion was, “I flame so hard you could light a candle off my ass,” but he was basically straight. It gave female clients a great deal of pleasure to think that they were so attractive that even a gay man couldn’t resist them. Some of Donna’s truly gay escorts could also fill that role, but no one flamed quite as brightly as Toby or was able to put so much enthusiasm into pleasing a woman as he did.

He cleaned her up and helped her slide back into her dress. He held her shoulders for just a little too long after pressing the snaps back in place. “Toby,” she said firmly, “you know that I am way out of your league. And you have clients to satisfy.”

“Yes, Mistress,” he replied in a soft groan as he walked away. He was the only employee that she allowed to call her Mistress. All other employees addressed her by her first name. But Toby was special. He was in great demand and his rates were more than double any other escort. And as Donna already knew very well, you can get away with a great deal when you are the best.

After Toby sulked his way back into the crowd, Donna stepped down from the stage and began to mingle. The Senior Supervising Manager was the only one who would get to use her tonight. That wasn’t because she thought she was too good for the others. She was available to them… if they were willing to pay the price… on other evenings. But tonight was about power and prestige and she was reserved for the top dog.

After making a thorough tour through the crowd, she stood at the back of the tent watching her employees and carefully noting comments– good or bad– that would have to be made at the next employee meeting. As she was finally relaxing and sipping a drink, Molly Fairchild stood alongside her and said softly, “Welcome, old friend. It’s been a long time since Sub-level One of First Level Schooling.”

Donna turned to her without a smile. Her face was emotionless. “I am here tonight,” she said flatly, “because you employed my services.” She waited until Molly’s face went blank with shock before smiling and saying, “But I will stay overnight with you because you have always been my closest friend.”

One of the more pleasant memories of Donna’s year of travel was the six weeks that she and Molly had traveled together. They had become intimate in the first few days and shared the pleasure of each other’s bodies many times. Twice they had even surprised some random male by proposing a threesome. Once, just to see what would happen, they suggested a threesome to a very rich, older woman. Lucinda– the rich woman’s name– introduced them to the joys of strap-ons, both for giving and receiving. And they rewarded her with her first experience with double tonguing. For that, Molly took the front while Donna took the back. Lucinda, meanwhile, just stood between then moaning and shaking until she collapsed.

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