Shadows of Desire Ch. 02 DEVASTATION

Rowan wasn’t the least bit upset that Killian had chosen Emilia over him, in fact he was grateful for it. What frightened him was the reaction his father was going to have when he found out. Rowan would spend the rest of his life locked in the dungeons or worse. His hand rose to his throat as he considered all possible outcomes. Lady Caroline wouldn’t need to make good on her threat to kill Rowan once the King was made aware of Killian’s rejection, he’d gladly kill Rowan himself.

Rowan looked up, his hand trembling as he spoke. “I…I assume that the King had not been made aware of Lord Killian’s intentions yet.” He stammered.

Lady Caroline rolled her eyes. “You foolish child. Of course the King knows. It was he who informed me and I, of course, gave my consent at once. Why do you think we were all present for lunch the other day? Lord Killian wanted to meet the royal family. The entire royal family. Though why anyone considers you a part of our family I’ll never understand. If I had things my way, you wouldn’t even be here. Or, better yet, I’d have you on your knees, scrubbing my garderobe!”

Again, Rowan was confused. “I…I thought.” He shook his head. “My father had told me that Lord Kilian had asked for my hand in marriage, not Emilia’s.”

Lady Caroline Laughed manically. “You? Why on Earth would Lord Killian want you? It’s clear that someone has played a rather hilarious joke on you, child. You are nothing. You will always be nothing, and no one, not even a gutter trash, blood born, vampire would take you as his mate. Face it, my little toad, you will spend the rest of your miserable life, alone.”

Lady Caroline smoothed out her skirts, brushed a stray curl behind her ear then turned for the door. She stopped long enough to turn back to Rowan, a malicious grin crossing her face. “How long your life may be, my young Prince, remains to be seen.” With that, she turned sharply and stormed out of the room, slamming the door hard behind her. Rowan lowered himself into an arm chair next to the dying fire and put his head in his hands. He had to escape, and soon. He feared, his days were numbered.


Lady Caroline burst through the doors to the Kings private solar, her face a mask of anger and humiliation. The king looked up at her, cocking an eyebrow, then calmly took a sip of the blood wine he held in his hand.

“And, to what do I owe the pleasure of your company, My Lady?” He asked. His tone clear that he did not appreciate the intrusion. He sat his glass down and waited for the Lady to compose herself and speak.

“Your bastard of a son.” She growled, narrowing her eyes as she stood before the King. “I’ve taken his insults long enough.” She told him. “You must do something about him. If you will not, rest assured, I will deal with him myself.”

The King motioned for her to sit in the empty chair beside him. “And, what has my idiot son done this time, I wonder?”

“Only humiliated my poor Emilia and then assaulted me when I confronted him about it. He…” She feigned anguish as fake tears filled her cold eyes and she dabbed at them with a handkerchief. “He struck me, your Majesty. Can you imagine. He actually struck me.” She sobbed into her kerchief miserably, one eye watching the King, gauging his reaction to her agony.

“I see.” The King placed a hand on her knee and squeezed gently. “I agree that his behavior had gotten out of control but you may rest easy, my love. He shan’t be a bother to us for much longer. I’ve already made arrangements for having him removed from the castle. In three nights from now, he will gone and out of our lives for good.”

Lady Caroline smiled at her intended. This was music to her ears. Finally the King’s wretched child would be out of her way. She couldn’t have asked for a better wedding present. “Tis marvelous news, my King. May I inquire, what is it you plan to do with the boy?”

The King sighed, picking up his wine glass, bringing it to his lips and emptying the glass in one gulp. “I thought I had already made my plans known to you. Lord Killian has asked for the boys hand and I’ve agreed. Why he would be so eager to marry the welp is beyond my understanding but who am I to question it when it means getting the child out of my hair?”

Lady Caroline stared at the King, the shock evident on her face. She let loose a small, nervous laugh. “Sire, I’m afraid I don’t understand. Lord Killian. But, he has already asked for my Emilia. Surely there has been some mistake.”

The King narrowed his eyes. “There has been no mistake, madam. Lord Killian has asked to wed and mate Rowan. There was never any mention of him asking for Emilia. He wanted a bride of royal blood.”

Lady Caroline shook her head. “No, this can not be. Lord Killian is to marry Emilia. My Emilia will become the duchess of Grayholm, not that sniveling, coward, of a vampire you call your son!”

“Calm yourself, my dear.” The King gave Lady Caroline a stern look. “Plans have already been set in motion. It is done.”

“This isn’t right.” She continued to protest. “When you told me of Lord Killian’s proposal you said it was Emilia that he had chosen.”

“I said nothing of the sort!” The King glared at her and Lady Caroline withdrew into her chair, knowing all too well what happened to those who brought down the King’s anger onto themselves. She had to control her emotions before she found herself as well as her daughter tied to a stake in the center of town.

“My King.” She said in soft, calming tones. “Forgive my outburst but you must understand. I was under the impression that it was Emilia whom Lord Killian wished to take as a bride.”

“Then your impression was wrong.” The King growled.

“But, your Majesty, you had told me that Lord Killian had asked for the hand of your youngest child. Since the Princess Leora was already married to the Duke of Eallesborough, I naturally assumed that meant Emilia.”

King Desmond laughed at the Lady’s statement. “My youngest Child, yes. That would be Rowan. Lady Emilia, as alluring as she is, is not my child, my Lady, nor is she royalty. Lord Killian made it clear that he wished to marry royalty, not the child of a Baroness. Remember, Lord Killian is a Duke. And, unless you provide me with a son after we wed, Lord Killian will become my heir.”

“But, Emilia will become a Princess, and, I had hoped, one day Queen. You can not take this away from her.”

“Lady Emilia was never going to become Queen.” King Desmond scoffed. “Thank your lucky stars that Killian has asked for Rowan and pray that this marriage goes off without a hitch or your only salvation is to produce an heir once we wed. If you fail to do so, I’ll have you beheaded and take a new wife.”

Lady Caroline stared at him in disbelief. “Oh, did you think I loved you?” The King laughed. “Do not think so highly of yourself, my Lady. You are simply a means to an end. I want a son. A real son. Not the omega trash I’ve been cursed with. Provide me with what I want and you shall live a lavish life for the rest of your days. Fail to do so and you will find yourself on the chopping block. I’m too old and have waited too long for the sons I so crave. I will no longer tolerate failure.”

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