Shadows of Desire Ch. 02 DEVASTATION

“You don’t seem at all excited about tomorrow night.” Killian stated as they neared the dining hall.

“Should I be?” Rowan asked, curtly.

“I would think any bride would be at least a little excited, yet you show no enthusiasm at all.”

Rowan sighed as he stopped, turned, and stared into Killian’s eyes. “If I said that I was eager to wed you, my Lord, you would know that I was lying. So, what’s the use? You and I both know I’m being forced into this marriage. I have absolutely no reason to be happy about it.”

“You could at least try.” Killian frowned. “Would life as my duchess be so terrible? I know my home is not as grand as the palace but it’s not as though you’d be living impoverished. I promise that I will do everything in my power to make sure you are comfortable and well cared for. You shall want for nothing. You will have attendants, servants, and an entire estate to explore. Plus, think of all the parties you will be attending, grand dinners, and I’ll even take you out as often as you like. Isn’t that better than being confined within the palace walls, isolated and alone?”

“I’ve become accustomed to my isolation, my Lord, and I’ve never enjoyed parties. Especially not the kind you host.”

Lord Killian laughed at that. “My dear, young, Prince. Life at court isn’t all about orgies and debauchery. Much of it is ass kissing a bunch of puffed up cox-combs with their heads so far up each others asses it’s hard to tell where one ends and the other begins. But, keeping the nobles happy is my job. Well, part of it. It would be much easier for me if I had a beauty like you on my arm. I’m not very good at entertaining you see. I do not have the charm and soft touch that you have. Your father thinks you’re weak because you’re an omega. But, I see you as the perfect liaison between me and the people I govern.”

“And why do you think that, Lord Killian?”

“Because, my dear Prince, you have something that I lack.” Killian brought Rowan’s hand to his lips and gently kissed it. “Compassion.”

Killian left him standing there, a look of astonishment on his young face, as he made his way into the dining hall. Rowan took a moment to compose himself then followed after, ready to get this night over with so he could return to his rooms and secure the rest of his future.


Dinner was excruciatingly monotonous. King Desmond and Lord Killian spoke at length of the wedding taking place the next night. They spoke of land and titles and all the things that Rowan himself found nauseatingly boring. Despite his growing irritation with the topic, Rowan nonetheless smiled, nodded, and did all the things that were expected of him, all the while keeping his opinions to himself and his mouth shut. His presence there was only for show. A trophy for Lord Killian to display for all to see. It was his way of saying “I won.” Rowan smirk inwardly. How disappointment would Lord Killian be when his bride was found dead, poisoned by his own hand?

Near the end of the meal Lord Killian turned to Rowan and, in full view of the King, Lady Caroline, and Lady Emilia, he presented Rowan with a small, back box. Rowan looked at the box with suspicion but Killian only smiled. “It’s a token of my love for you, my pet. One of many more to come.”

Rowan accepted the box hesitantly but graciously. Slowly he opened it and then gawked at what he found inside. “My Lord.” Rowan protested. “I couldn’t possibly accept this. It’s too much.”

“Nothing is too much for you, my love.” Killian reached into the box and withdrew the pendant inside. To say that it was beautiful was not giving it the credit it was due. The piece was stunning and must have cost a small fortune. The pendant consisted of a gold chain and suspended from it, a blood red ruby, cut into the shape of a heart. The ruby was no bigger than a single grape yet it shone with a radiance that Rowan had never seen before. The light from the candles on the table reflected off the stone casting a reddish glow on the fine, linen, table cloth. It was dazzling.

Rowan watched the expression on Emilia’s face turn to pure rage as Killian stood and fastened the pendant around Rowan’s neck. Rowan held the stone on his finger tips and he stared at it, unsure of how to respond. “T-thank you.” He stammered, still in shock. “But really, you shouldn’t have. I don’t deserve such beautiful adornments.”

“But you do.” Lord Killian smiled, leaning over to brush his lips against Rowan’s cheek. “This, and so much more.” Lord Killian looked Rowan over and a look of pride crossed his face. “It enhances your natural beauty, my dear. I shall enjoy spoiling you I think. Especially if you blush like this every time I gift you something.”

Rowan blushed brighter and when he looked across the table he saw that Lady Caroline and Lady Emilia were both glaring daggers at him. Emilia had her napkin balled up in her hand and her knuckles were white with the amount of force she used in gripping the thin piece of fabric. Rage filled her eyes and when she saw Rowan looking at her, she quickly turned her head away from him. Lady Caroline continued to stare, her eyes narrowed into two small slits. Rowan wanted to sink down into his chair but he refused to give her the satisfaction and so he sat up straight, his head held high, and smiled sweetly at Lord Killian.

“My Lord, you are too kind to me. I shall wear your gift with pride and for all to witness your generosity.”

Lord Killian grinned, giving a cursory glance in Lady Caroline’s direction then, making sure her eyes were on him, he lifted Rowan’s hand to his mouth and gently kissed his knuckles. “You flatter me, my Prince. Truly, I am a lucky man to be able to wed one such as you.”

“It’s a waste of your wealth.” The King suddenly bellowed as he gulped down his wine. “And the boy is correct, he doesn’t deserve such a lavish gift. What he deserves is a night at the whipping post. He’s far too outspoken. He needs discipline, not spoiling.”

“Thank you, your Majesty, for your sage advice but I feel that I can manage my husband with somewhat less…violence…when he comes to live with me.”

The King shrugged. “Suit yourself. After tomorrow night he’ll be your problem to contend with, not mine.”

“Indeed.” Lord Killian nodded to the King. “But, for now, it is late and I think I will retire for the night. There is still much to do before our wedding tomorrow.” He stood, offering a hand to Rowan. “Come my dear. I’m sure you need your beauty rest as well. Let me escort you to your apartments.”

“Thank you, my Lord.” Rowan accepted the hand and rose from his seat with all the eloquence and grace expected of a Prince. “Father, My Ladies.” He bowed in turn to each. “Goodnight. When next we meet it will be a joyous occasion for you I’m sure, as it will be the last time you will look upon my face.” With that, he turned and left the dinning hall. Lord Killian bowed as well, saying his own farewells before following his fiance into the outer hall.

“That was quite an exit you gave.” Lord Killian said as he walked up to Rowan, giving him a knowing smile.

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