Shadows of Desire Ch. 02 DEVASTATION

Feeling the illusion begin to falter, Rowan knew he could not hide for much longer and Emilia didn’t seem as though she planned to leave any time soon. Reluctantly, he let the illusion fall and stepped out from within the shadows.

“Ah, there you are.” Emilia narrowed her eyes suspiciously as she studied him. Only a brief moment had passed before Emilia took a step back, glaring at Rowan angrily. “What are you?” She hissed.

Rowan shrugged. “A vampire, like you.”

“No.” She shook her head in disgust. “You are nothing like me. And you’re nothing like any vampire I have ever met, you are…something else. It’s no wonder that your father has kept you isolated here in the palace. What is it he is trying to hide I wonder?”

“Only the fact that he has an omega son.” Rowan retorted. “I should think that was obvious.”

“Right, an omega. Another thing about you that doesn’t make sense. Something that isn’t supposed to exist in our world and yet, here you are. An omega, with a beating heart, living, yet dead. Able to preform illusory Fae magic. You, my dear Prince, are an anomaly.”

Rowan sighed, tired of the cat and mouse game. “What do you want, Emilia? I find it difficult to believe that you’ve been stalking me through these halls just to point out how odd I am.”

She laughed a sinister laugh. “You know, my mother and I have been discussing you since we came to live here in the palace. I’ve watched you sneak out to the gardens late at night. I’ve seen you touch a dying rose and watched as it sprang back to life. I’ve even seen you speak to the trees as though they were sentient beings.”

Rowan raised an eyebrow. “That’s not the slightest bit creepy.”

Emilia grinned. “You detest the sight of blood. You haven’t fed in quite a smile. I can smell the weakness on you.”

“Is there a point to this?”

She nodded. “I was just wondering what your future husband would do once he’s discovered all your little secrets. I think you’d be lucky if he only had you banished to Ravenskeep or Rosegate. My guess is though, that he’d have you publicly executed.”

“And you’re worried about my well being?” Rowan chuckled. “Why, my dear step-sister, I never realized how much you cared.”

“I don’t.” Emilia glowered. “Not about you at least.”

“Then why are you here?” Rowan asked, growing impatient.

“I want to help you.” Emilia confessed.

“Really?” Rowan scoffed at her. “Forgive me but, I find that a little hard to believe. You despise me.”

“True. I really have no care what happens to you, honestly. But, by helping you, I’m also helping myself.”

“To what end?”

“To get you out of my way.” She stated, flatly.

“I’ll be gone in two days.” Rowan told her. “I’ll be well out of your way then.”

Emilia rolled her eyes. “Yes, and married to my future husband!”

Rowan laughed at that. “You can have him, please. By all means. I have no desire to marry that cad.”

Emilia sighed. “If only it were that easy. Unfortunately, with you here, I can never wed him. You have caught his eye, though why I can not say, but there it is. He plans to wed you and unless we do something about it, the marriage will take place as scheduled and you and I both lose something we want. Me, the man I love, and you, the freedom to do as you please.”

“Love?” Rowan huffed. “You love power and wealth. The only reason you want to wed him is to rise to his station. No longer a lowly baroness but a duchess.”

“And one day Queen.” She smirked. “I’m glad we understand each other.”

“So, my lady, what is your plan? To murder me and take my place?”

She shrugged. “That would be ideal but I don’t think even the King could allow that to go unpunished. You are a prince, after all. No matter how much your father despises you, you’re still a royal. The council would no doubt investigate and demand action. If the murder of any member of the royal family goes unpunished it would make the crown look weak and vulnerable. Someone may even challenge the King and attempt to over throw him. So, no, murder is out of the question.”

“You’ve given this a lot of thought.” Rowan crossed his arms over his chest as he listened to Emilia planning his eminent demise.

“Indeed I have.”

“So, again I ask, what is your plan?”

“Oh, that’s simple.” Emilia grinned a wide, toothy grin. Rowan shivered as he realized that she had something sinister in mind. “You, my dear brother, are going to kill yourself. Once your out of the way, Lord Killian will have no choice but to wed me, if he still wishes to be a part of the royal family, as I will be the Kings only available child. Or, will be once our parents have wed.”

“And, you think I’m just going to go along with this willingly?”

“I do. Once you’ve heard my proposal. It’s a master plan that will ensure we both achieve our goals.”

“My goal is not to die.” Rowan sneered. “I think you underestimate the strength of my resolve. While I would like nothing more than to get out of this arranged marriage, death is not an option I would even consider.”

Emilia reached inside her bodice and Rowan watched, curiously, as she pulled out a glass vile no longer than her index finger and no bigger round than the stem of a rose. He looked closer at it and saw that it contained a liquid too dark to be blood as it was nearly black.

“Poison?” He asked, raising en eyebrow. Surely she was joking. Did she really expect that he would drink that, willingly?

“It’s a draught of sleeping death. A sleeping potion so powerful that it gives the illusion of death.”

“The illusion of death?” Rowan grinned impishly. “Let me guess, only true love’s kiss can break the spell?”

Emilia rolled her eyes. “Don’t be such an idiot.” She chided. “The effects will wear off in time. It just depends on how much you take.”

“And this amount?” Rowan asked, pointing to the vile in her hand. “How long will this one last, should I drink it all?”

Emilia grinned. “A drop of this will keep you asleep for a day, maybe two. Drink the entire thing and you will sleep for a month. You’ll awake hungry but otherwise unharmed. Vampires have used this potion to induce hibernation, for centuries. It’s perfectly safe.”

She held the bottle out to him and Rowan stared at it for a moment before taking it from her hand. He studied the vile and the contents inside. He turned the vile over in his hands, the liquid inside moved slow, like sludge. He eyed Emilia suspiciously.

“What happens after I drink this? Everyone will think I’m dead, where will I go?”

“That’s up to you.” Emilia told him. “By the time you awaken I’ll have married Lord Killian and will have settled in Grayholm. You can go where ever you want, so long as you leave Basmorte. That’s most important. You must leave and never return. Make sure no one sees you. Once you’ve left the Kingdom, you’re free to go where you wish, do as you please. It’s really no concern of mine.”

“But how? I’ll have nothing. I’ll be penniless. How am I suppose to start over when I’ve never been on my own?”

Lady Emilia rolled her eyes in frustration. “Must I think of everything?”

“This is your plan.” Rowan growled.

“Fine.” Emilia crossed her arms over her chest and grumbled. “My mother will leave a bag in the tomb where you will be laid to rest. She’ll make sure to leave clothing, a bag of gold, and enough blood to sate your hunger for the journey. After you’ve fed and your energy replenished, take the bag and walk north, to Edleson’s rock. I’ll have a servant meet you there with a horse. Take the horse and ride east, to Nightport. After that, you’re own your own.”

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