The Better Me

We stepped out to the patio..the colder air cooling us from the heat of the club. It was mid-spring..when days were very warm and nights got chilly.

“God, it got cold!” Jamie exclaimed, a little flamboyant. I smiled and steered him to a balcony railing. He pulled out a cigarette and tried to light it..his hands shook. I put my bigger hands over his and steadied him..he looked up at me as the flame lit his features.

He took a drag off the cigarette and exhaled. “Thank you..I felt like Veronica Lake in that moment.” He giggled.

I leaned against the railing. “You are way too young to know who that is.”

He smiled.  “The internet is very useful.” He shivered as a cold wind blew in. I stepped in closer to block the gust.


He huddled in, his head almost into my chest. “My hero.”

Jamie tossed the cigarette. “It’s too cold.”

l put my hand on his back and led him back inside..not sure why I did, but it felt natural at that moment. I looked over at him..and he was almost blushing.

We started towards the bar and I noticed our stools occupied. “Well, poop.” I heard him pout.  I looked over to the lounge..a loveseat was empty. I put my hand over his lower back and walked him over.

I sat down..nice and comfy. He looked down at me and a look came over his face..he sat next to me and placed his drink on the table.

“Not bad,” I said, stretching my arms over the back of the seat.

He sat up with his legs under him, a pure feminine pose, facing me. “What do you do?”

“I do software engineering..I workout.. I go hiking and camping.. I like to play video games and guitar to relax.” I paused. “That sounded like a Tinder profile.”

Jamie giggled. “I do website design, never been camping, but would love to try, and I play a lot of games..I’m playing through the Mass Effect games again at the moment.”

“No shit? I’m playing ME3 right now. I love those games.”

“Oh, really!” He almost squealed..his hand playfully hit my knee..and stayed there. I looked over and he had a demure look..just wondering..

“Not too old for you?” He knew I wasn’t talking about the game.

He was about to answer when a shrill voice pierced the moment.

The big titted blonde..hysterical and drunk standing in front of us.

“Jamie, I want to leave! That bitch Fiona started hitting on Gary and she KNOWS I like him and I fucking hate this place!”

Jamie looked embarrassed. “Dina, you were the designated driver, why did you get drunk?”

Louder now. “I had a rough day! I’m allowed to let loose!” Causing a scene. I knew girls like her..hell, I dated a few..they were fun until they weren’t. Then they became a chore.

Jamie looked over at me. “I guess I need to go..I have to drive her home.”

“Whoa, are you crazy? You’ve had more than a few. Look, I’ll drive you guys home, I’m dead sober.” I threw a little glance at the not-so-party girl. “That cool with you?!”

“God, I don’t care!” She started stumbling towards the exit. Jamie threw a look at me. “You sure you don’t mind? ”

“Not at all. Come on, let’s get the princess home before she falls over.”

The ride was pretty interesting to say the least. The backseat passenger alternated between lucid rage and drunken stupidity. Bitching about Fiona, Gary, Carli, blah, blah blah.

I took it in stride..drunks were drunks, especially ones who had more issues than Action Comics.

Jamie sighed and rolled his eyes and looked at me as if to apologize.

It got quiet about a block away from their townhouse. I glanced in the rearview.

“Looks like Princess Vodka is passed out.”

Jamie turned around and saw her..sprawled across the backseat, snoring.  “Oh, you sloppy fucking slut!” He looked at me and said, “I am so so sorry, Kyle.”

“For what? I didn’t have much going on. I was drinking club soda at a bar, remember. I wasn’t exactly setting the world on fire, tonight.” Jamie smiled and then groaned. “Now I gotta drag her stupid ass inside.”

I pulled into the space in front of a townhouse. “No worries. You unlock the door, I’ll grab her.”

“You sure?”

I winked at him. “Go ahead, do what I said.” In a firm voice. I saw his face change..a look of excitement flushed his cheeks.

Moments later I had the drunk roommate over my shoulder and followed Jamie into the house. Nicely modern art, fashionable sofa and chair.

Jamie shut the door behind me. “She’s upstairs..she’s not to heavy, is she?”

“Well, she could certainly hit the gym, but, nah, I got her.”

Jamie laughed at that and I followed him upstairs. He walked into a bedroom..where the downstairs was tasteful and clean, this was garish and a mess. Clothes all over the floor, empty cans and bottles strewn about. I lowered her onto the messy bed, on her stomach. Jamie placed a water bottle on the cluttered was obvious he had done this before.

He turned off the light and shut the door. He shook his head wearily.

He looked at me and smiled.  “Please tell me I can repay you with some coffee.”

“I was about to ask if you had some coffee.. what a coincidence.”

I relaxed while Jamie fixed coffee. The couch was tasteful and comfy..I’m sure at least 5k. The art, the big screen TV, the tasteful and shelf holding 3 game systems and plenty of games..something told me this was his place.

Jamie walked in, a French press and cups on a silver tray. He poured and handed me a cup. I sipped..mmm.

“Damn good coffee. You’ll spoil me.”

He grinned at that and sat down next to me. His eyes actions became more feminine. Or I was just noticing.

“I swept an arm around the room. “I love what you’ve done with the place.”

“That obvious?”

“After seeing her room, I put two and two together.”

Jamie held his cup with both hands as if he was warming them. “Dina..well, she needed a place to stay after a bad breakup. She works with me and we are friends..but..I don’t know..lately she has gotten worse.” The concern in his voice was genuine.

“All you can do is try to be there for her, if she lets you.” I said the words with softness. “But,” my voice more firm. “That doesn’t mean you have to take shit from her.”

He blushed a bit, and I thought I may have been too much.

“We just met, so I know its none of my business, though.”

A voice, meek. “You really turn me have this forceful aura..not fake, just real.”

I leaned back into the couch. “Jamie, I’m just me. I never go out to clubs, I don’t date, I was all about making myself into a person I could like seeing in the mirror.”

Jamie slid a little closer. “Are you glad you came out tonight?”

I brushed a lock of sandy blonde hair out of his eyes. “Yeah, I am. It reminded me I also need people in my life.”

My arm slid off the couch and around him..I pulled him closer to me.

Lips parted. Together. We kissed, his fingers framing my face.

We broke off and he sighed. “Oh, my.”

I grabbed him and put him in my lap..he straddled me as I kissed him deep, his arms around my neck, my hands running up and down his back. My long duration of ‘celibacy’ had made me almost animalistic in my approach with him.

My hands slipped into his pants..and found silky and lacy underwear.

“Well, you are full of surprises. “

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