The Wager

“You’re right, at least my guy is single, because that makes it easier,” I said sarcastically.

I got off the bench and said, “I’ll talk to you later. I’m going to my spot before lunch ends. I’m really into this book. There was a whole chapter dedicated to space worms!”

“Nerd!,” Dean teased, “Go daydream about Ellis’ space worm.”

I laughed and walked away.

The spot I was referring to was at the very back of the school. The decommissioned bungalows. They were set to be destroyed over the summer and new buildings would be built. We weren’t allowed back there and it was fenced off but I knew a secret passageway. Not even Dean knew about it. It was my own little hideaway. No one ever came back here. At least during the times, I had been there.

I sat down next to the second to the last bungalow and read. No one could even see me. As I read, I would pause and think about a way to get Ellis’ cock in my mouth. But every time I thought of a way, I found a way Ellis could counter it. I whispered, “Man, God, It be cool if you could give me a miracle.”

I guess I would be topping Dean for the rest of the semester because I couldn’t think of a way. Asking straight out would lead to violence and that’s the last thing I wanted. So I gave up.

It was 8 minutes before the end of lunch when I heard voices. Instantly I froze not knowing who was coming. A teacher? The security guard? An administrator? Fear sunk in as the reminder of suspension came to mind. Which I didn’t want weeks before graduation.

As the voices grew closer, I began to look around for an escape. I could fit under the bungalow but I felt there wasn’t enough time to get under it. So I just stayed in place and hoped they wouldn’t notice me.

The people walked past my bungalow, which made me realize it wasn’t an authority figure, but rather students. Which gave me a big relief. At least I knew I wouldn’t get in trouble. I could still hear the voices however, they were now directly behind me on the other side of the bungalow.

Cautiously I rose to my feet and looked through the window. At the window on the opposite end, I could see the tops of two heads. I knelt back down and bent down to look under the bungalow. I saw two sets of feet. Then a moment later, I saw a backpack drop to the floor. The first thing I noticed was a keychain. A shiny Ford Mustang keychain. It was Ellis.

I looked around and saw no one, then I grabbed my camera. Which had a two-foot extendable snake attachment. I would use it when I would do plumbing with my dad. Sometimes, I’d use it for other things. The space underneath the bungalow was about 3 feet in height. I crawled underneath. With my stomach on the cement, I gingerly crawled to the other side. I didn’t want them to spot me, so I took out the camera in my pocket and attached the snake to it.

I took a deep breath and moved the snake forward. Using the screen on my phone, I stopped the snake right where I could barely see them. My eyes widened, it was Ellis. But the bigger shock was who was with him. It was Tracy Langsford. The two were making out. I couldn’t believe it. Tracy was cheating on Marsden with his best friend Ellis. It was something out of the story books.

I wanted to turn back but my eyes were glued to the screen. My thumb hovered over the record button for a few seconds. I wasn’t sure if I should press it. It was wrong but at the same time, I could use it against him. This could be my way into his pants. I thought about it a bit longer then finally pressed the record button. What Ellis was doing was wrong too. Marsden was his best friend. Not even I would do that to Dean.

Tracy’s hand moved up and down Ellis’ crotch, rubbing the erection that pressed against his pants. The sight sent blood south. I wanted it to continue. I wanted to see the sight of his cock. The cock I dreamt about so many times.

The kissing stopped and Tracy lowered herself into a squat. Ellis looked down at him as she gazed up at him. I gasped quietly as I worried Ellis would see the camera. But thankfully he was distracted by what her hands were doing. Tracy’s hands opened his pants and his erection was pressed up against his blue trunks. Ellis pulled open his underwear and took his cock into her mouth.

Ellis’ cock was just how I’d imagined it. It was long, about 8 inches in length. The girth was just smaller than a drain pipe. It was also veiny but his bush was shaved completely.

Tracy released his cock and stood back up. She then moved her hands under her skirt and pulled down her pink panties, leaving them around her knees. Ellis pressed her against the wall of the bungalow just below the window. She grabbed his cock and slid it inside her pussy. With his pants around his knees, Ellis moved his pelvis back and forth. With my camera catching everything.

I only intended to use the video of the two kissing to get him to let me suck his dick, but this was even better. He would definitely have to let me do it. If this got out, he would be hated by his best friend.

The bell for the end of lunch rang. I whispered a curse. As did the two above me fucking one another. “Let’s finish,” she urged.

“No, sorry. It’s Mr. Shelton’s class. I’ve been late to his class too many times. I can’t be late if I expect to graduate.”

She sighed, “Fucking, Mr. Shelton. We’ll finish this later?”

“You bet,” he said with a grin on his face.

Ellis tucked his erection into his underwear and pulled up his pants. She left first. With Ellis waiting behind a few minutes for his cock to deflate. When it was presentable he walked away. With the show over and them gone, I crawled out of the bungalow and smiled. I had a way to win the bet.

The final bell rang. The school day was finally over. During my last period, I thought of several ways how to present it to Ellis. I felt a bit bad but at the same time, he was doing something far worse. Unfortunately, all plans had a possibility of me getting beat up. But I had to win this bet.

I waited in the parking lot by his Ford Mustang. Ellis was actually across the parking lot talking to some friends. Dean came behind me and said, “So how’s it going?”

“I think I got a plan,” I said nervously.

“Oh? Do tell.”

I smirked, “I can’t tell. You’ll have to wait.”

“I wish you all the luck then. Tell me how it goes,” Dean walked away.

Ellis finally departed from his friends and walked to his car. I was so nervous. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen. Thankfully the parking lot was mostly empty. Ellis noticed me and said, “What you want, Sticks?”

I approached him, “Can I talk to you?”

He looked around and said, “About what?”

“Somewhere private.”

Ellis raised an eyebrow, “Fine, make it quick Sticks. I have places to be.”

The two of us walked off the parking lot and stood behind the building. With no one in sight.

I was shaking and he noticed it, “What’s up?” he said calmly, “You’re shaking a lot.”

“I wanted to ask…”

“Come on spit it out, I don’t have all day,” he urged.

“I wanted to ask if you could let me suck your dick,” I said, nervously.

A gross look grew on his face, “You want to do what?”

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