The Wager

I cleared my throat and repeated myself, “I want to suck your dick,” this time I was less nervous.

In one quick motion, Ellis grabbed my t-shirt by the neck and shoved me against the wall. We were at eye level and my feet were hovering off the ground. Panic filled me. Making me regret my decision to ask. “I ain’t a faggot like you! No man will ever touch my cock! Especially you!”

Ellis turned his free hand into a fist and held it at shoulder length. It was ready to fire into my face. “Why would you even ask that?” he said angrily.

I gulped, “I know you didn’t cum earlier.”

Ellis had a confused look on his face, “What are you talking about? What do you mean I didn’t cum earlier?”

“With Tracy. You didn’t finish because the school bell rang.”

This angered Ellis. Causing the fist the held my shirt tighter. I felt more pressure against my back as he pressed me harder against the concrete wall. “You’re lying!” he denied.

“It’s true. I was there. I saw it all. I even recorded it.”

“Liar!” he spat out. I felt some of his spit on my face.

“It’s on my phone.”

“Delete it before I beat the living shit out of you.”

Confidence came to me, “I will after you let me suck your dick. I promise.”

Once again he applied pressure to my chest. It felt like he was going to crush my rib cage. It hurt so much. “What did I tell you before? I don’t want a guy touching my fucking dick!”

“It’s just one blowjob and I’ll delete it. And I will make sure Marsden never sees it.”

Ellis looked away and stared off into the distance. For once he was thinking about it. Possibly realizing what would happen if Marsden found out. The fallout of that would be tremendous. He and Marsden had been best friends since middle school. The two were like brothers. Which made me wonder why he would even betray him like this.

I held onto his strong wrist as he continued to press me against the wall.

Ellis turned back to me, “A blowjob and you’ll delete it?”

I nodded.

“I wanna hear you say it!” he yelled.

“One blowjob and I will delete it.”

He let go of me almost falling to the floor. My hands quickly went to my chest to rub it. Ellis ran his hand through his blonde hair while the other hand was on his hip. “Let me see the video.”

“I have it saved to my cloud so even if you destroy my phone, I have it backed up.”

Ellis kicked the wall right next to my head. Which sent a shock through my body. I looked up at him as his leg lowered. “So you have a fucking backup! You fucking little perv!”

Despite the intense anger, I was still attracted to him in this state. It was odd. Maybe I have a fetish.

“Which will also be deleted if you let me suck your dick,” I affirmed to him.

Ellis was so angry that his hands were balled into fists. Wanting to drive them in my face. I was scared, but I think I had a chance. Considering the repercussions of that video getting out. It would make the final months of school tense.

“Fine, I won’t destroy your phone. Now show me the video!” he finally said.

I grabbed the phone from my pocket and put the video on. Slowly, I turned it with my fingers tight around it. The footage only managed to make Ellis angrier. But instead of kicking the wall, he grunted and said, “Fuck!”

Ellis turned around and held his hands on his hips. I said nothing. Instead, I put the phone away and stared at the ass in his jeans. The ass I might be grabbing soon. I was so scared. This could easily backfire on me. But I feel it would be far worse for Ellis. He would not only lose his best friend but the school would call Tracy a slut for sleeping with another man.

I rose to my feet. Ellis sighed and turned around to face me. He approached me and stood inches away from me feeling his heavy breath upon my face. I felt his hand on my chest and pushed me against the wall once more, “You will delete the video from your phone, your cloud, and any other fucking backup you have. And I will watch you delete them all!”

I nodded.

“Say it, God damn it!”

“I will delete the video on every device and cloud I have it on.”

Ellis took a bit to say it but he finally said, “Delete the video and you can suck my dick.”

“No, I suck your dick first then I delete the video. You will back out if it’s not done this way.”

Ellis applied more force, “Fucking Sticks! Fine! Let’s get this shit over with!”

He let go of me and said, “We can’t do it at my house though.”

“We can do it another day.”

“No, the sooner I’m done with this the sooner that video is deleted.”

“Makes sense. How about my place? My mom works in the evenings. So I have the place to myself.”

Ellis grabbed my shirt and tugged at it, “Fine, let’s go! Get in my car!”

He pushed me forward and I began to walk to his car. The entire time I had a smile on my face.

I got into his car and saw how clean it was. Ellis got in the driver’s seat and turned on the car. “Wow, these seats…”

Ellis glared at me and stepped on the gas, revving the engine and silencing the rest of my sentence. It was his way of telling me to not speak. “Seat belt,” he said through his teeth. I said nothing and put the seat belt on. My body jerked as the Mustang moved back and drove out of the parking lot.

We arrived at my house. The entire drive over was in silence. At first, I had tried to start a conversation but Ellis just gave me angry grunts. He parked the Mustang in the driveway. As we walked up the driveway, I heard Ellis say “I thought about throwing you out of the car,”

I stopped as he continued his walk. I wasn’t sure if he was joking or not. I gulped and followed him up the porch. We stood before the front door as I unlocked it. When we entered I said, “You want something to drink?”

“Fuck no, let’s get this shit over with,” he said angrily.

We walked to the back of the house where my room was and we entered it. I closed the door and locked it in the event my mom came home early. But it was very doubtful. Ellis had been looking around the room at my collection of books and comics. I had a few statues of comic book characters.

He stared at one of the female superheroes, Captain Marvel, “Them some nice tits on her,” he grinned but then quickly replaced it with a flat expression. It was clear he was trying to keep his angered demeanor. But I knew it wouldn’t last long. Once we got going he would resort to his calm self.

“You have a laptop or something? Otherwise, you’re going to have a difficult time sucking me off as I won’t be hard.”

I grabbed my laptop and placed it on the bed. Ellis began to browse through porn. I just stood there waiting for him to find a video so we could begin. I took out my phone as he did. Quickly I went to my recorder app. I had a recorder in my room in the event my brother came in here to take some of my stuff, which he had done in the past. But sometimes I would use it to record me and Dean during sex. I turned it on and it was a great view.

Ellis found a video and began to undo his pants when I stopped him, “Can you stand up?”

He rolled his eyes and stood up, “Whatever. Just get this over with already.”

I grabbed the laptop and put it on top of the dresser next to us so he could watch the video. Then I knelt down before him. I was nervous but also excited. I was finally going to suck off Ellis Williams’ cock. I looked at him but his eyes were glued to the screen. I undid his pants and pulled them down to his knees. For a brief moment, I gazed at the bulge of his trunks, which were Calvin Klien brand. They were blue in color with a silver waistband that had the name of the brand in giant letters. He didn’t look aroused, meaning I had to get him there. My hands moved up his hair thighs until they reached the top of the waistband; where my fingers dug underneath. Slowly I peeled off the underwear just enough for his cock and balls to be exposed. Ellis’ cock and balls hung, and the foreskin covered most of the tip, leaving only the very tip exposed. Even flaccid the cock was long, about 5 inches. I stuck out my tongue and slowly brought it to the tip of his cock. When I made contact with it, Ellis stepped back. He was about to pull up his underwear when I reminded him, “Remember our deal.”

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