The Wager

He nodded and said, “Come on, I haven’t repeated anything we’ve said privately. The knowledge of this video will stay with me until I die.”

I had to trust my best friend, “I blackmailed him.”

Dean was in shock, “You blackmailed him? How?”

I trusted Dean. He was my best friend and over the years we’ve told each other secrets all the time. But this secret was one I had to take to the grave.

“I can’t tell you. Just know I did.”

“Come on, you can tell me,” he pleaded.

“No, I will not tell you. Ever. I made a promise.”

Accepting defeat, Dean said “Alright, fine. Either way, you got to suck Ellis’ cock!”

“And more,” I winked.

“No way!”

“Continue to watch the video,” I said.

Dean grabbed the laptop and placed it on the bed. He then stripped to his briefs and lay down on the bed. I did the same. The laptop was between us as we stroked ourselves. I turned to him and said, “I won the bet, so you gotta hook me up with your cousin.”

Dean replied, “Yeah, yeah. I will. Just give me some time. For now, let’s just enjoy this video.”

I said nothing. We took out each other’s cock and stroked one another as we watched the video.

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