A gay adult story: Webcam Boys Chapter 5 by Dingg007 ,
Despite threat of blackmail, young love blossoms between John and William. All is not well though, as a few more people become privy to their little secret., and become part of a complicated situation
b]Poster’s notes[/b]This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn’t get an account here), I’m posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story aren’t specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. It’s a work in progress, with currently 8 chapters and counting. Chapter 1 serves as a prologue. Chapter 2 is the actual start of the story, with Chapter 3-8 containing the real meat of the story.
I will be posting each chapter exactly as it is found on nifty sans my friend’s author’s notes. He highly appreciates feedback, criticism and encourages people to spot any typos or errors and if you wish to email him he’s at:
I hope you enjoy his story.
Chapter 5: Looming Shadows
“Are you sure it’s the right time? I mean, he’s still eleven. I don’t think he’s at that age yet.”
“Connor, trust me. He’s at that age already. He needs the talk sooner than later. And it’s better if he finds out about…those things… directly from you than from any of his friends.” Sharon Watson said imperiously. She was washing the dishes as her husband, Connor Watson, read the day’s newspaper. It was usual for the couple to discuss important family issues in the morning, just after their son left for school and just before Connor would leave for work.
“What makes you think I need to give him the talk now? Don’t they have that at school these days?” Connor replied without taking his eyes off the newspaper.
“I just do. And I think the usual talk won’t cut it, either, you need to, well, maybe explain the things he should and shouldn’t do, and maybe clear up things he’s confused with. He needs a father’s guidance.” Sharon said airily as she piled the dried plates together.
“I’m likely to be confused myself if you don’t cut to the chase.”
“Well, when he had that sleepover with William the other day – remember, it’s the James’ son- I accidentally overheard them talking to each other. And well, because of that I have reason to believe they may be, well, to use the term, ‘playing with each other’”.
“Playing…with each other? What’s wrong with that?”
“For Christ’s sake, Connor, you’re not making this easy for me to say!” Sharon sighed in exasperation. While she loved her husband dearly and couldn’t think ill of him, there were times when she seriously thought he was daft. That, or he was doing it on purpose to annoy her. “I think they’ve been exploring each other’s bodies-doing sex play if you want it any clearer!”
“”What…?” Connor was dumbfounded. For the first time he put down the newspaper to look Sharon in the eye. “Are you saying he’s doing gay sex with William?!”
“Oh, goodness no, not sex, not like that, I think. But well, if we let it go I don’t imagine it’s impossible. That’s why I want you to talk to him as early as now, Connor, before he gets the wrong ideas!” Sharon said, her previously commanding voice slightly faltering. The topic was awkward in itself, but somehow, she didn’t like how her husband reacted.
“I’ll be damned if he does. You should’ve just said so in the first place!” Conner said firmly. The man was clearly agitated. “Don’t worry, I’ll straighten John out. I thought that William was a good kid, but no way in hell is he turning my son gay!”
“Connor, calm yourself!” Sharon said, starting to panic. She didn’t know her husband would react so violently. She was starting to regret bringing up the topic at all. “Boys will be boys, they’re just curious and all that. It’s just a phase! Just guide John into it and explain that while it’s normal, boys aren’t supposed to, you know…tell him something from your experiences.”
“I can’t stay calm while you tell me my son’s gay, Sharon!” Connor said angrily. “What do you want me to say? That when I was a kid I messed around with my friends too?”
“Well, yes! Something like that. I wouldn’t be surprised if you did! It’s normal for boys to get curious, right? Sex play isn’t that uncommon between them.” Sharon was steadily losing her bravado. She sounded like she was trying to convince herself as much as her husband.
“Sorry to say, but I’ve no such experience. I was raised in a normal Catholic home with normal parents and with normal straight friends. You know all this, Sharon, we’ve been married for twelve years and there’s nothing you don’t know about the way I was brought up!“ Connor said in a slightly offended tone.
“Dear, you shouldn’t be too worried about this. I never said John was gay. I’m just saying he needs guidance.” Sharon tried to negotiate. “Well, I never knew you were a homophobe…”
“Sharon…” Connor sighed. His anger had softened into something more similar to calm stubbornness. “I’m not a homophobe. Personally, I have nothing on gays. I couldn’t care less that gay marriage is now legal or that there are single gay fathers. But then I see how gay men are treated, Sharon. They’re ostracized, ridiculed by normal folk. They’re labelled and judged and it makes it hard for them to live a normal, good life. And it’s a fact that more AIDS victims are homosexual. I don’t want any of that for my John.
“In any case,” he continued, sensing that his wife was going to retort. “Leave it to me. I’ll talk to John about it, maybe in a few days’ time. Don’t worry about it anymore, hun, “ he said with finality.
Sharon bit her lip. Connor was unmovable once he had decided on a course of action. She only hoped that he wouldn’t do anything they’d both regret, or worse, anything John might hate them for. Her mother’s intuition seemed to agree that Conner was going to give their son a hard time.
John and William were walking along the third floor corridor after enduring a rather difficult pop quiz in math. They were both comparing answers-or lack thereof. William seemed to have fared better than John.
“I can’t believe you answered that! That was a trick question, I mean come on, it was a fraction that had letters on it!” recounted John, slightly annoyed, as he mimicked the position of the offending fraction with his hands.
“Well, it’s not the first time I’ve seen it, to be honest. Peter and I were practising after school yesterday and he showed me something like that.” William said bashfully.
“Peter? That guy you randomly met a few days ago?” John adopted an air of suspicion. “He hung out with you yesterday?”
“Well, yeah. You said you had to go early yesterday cuz your gramps cooked dinner, right?”
“For the record, my grandpa makes a mean Bouillabaisse.”
“Yeah, well anyway – no I’m not even going to try and pronounce that- I just hung around a little longer and I met Peter on the halls. Well, long story short, we just talked and ended up in the library and he kinda taught me some more math stuff.” William said nonchalantly. “I didn’t think it would actually be useful though! I can’t wait to tell him it did!”