Webcam Boys Chapter 5 by Dingg007

“The library?! I thought nothing short of a zombie apocalypse would get you to go there. Will, is it just me or do you like Peter as much as he does you?” John said, barely concealing a smirk.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, remember, I reckon he’s got a crush on you, and the way I see it, I think you have one on him too!”

“You bastard! It’s only the second time we met! He’s just a cool guy, that’s all.” William replied as he playfully shoved a giggling John.

“Well, whatever, dude. Anyway, I need to take a piss.”

Both boys drifted to the nearest boys’ bathroom. By some lucky coincidence, this particular one was completely devoid of any other patrons at the moment, and the hall outside seemed to be rather empty as well. All in all, it was a secluded, quiet place, with only John and William present to break the eerie silence.

Sensing that it was as good a time as ever, John brought up something that he’d been meaning to discuss with William. “Hey Will, I wanted to talk to you about well…you know. PBear and our video.”

“Uhm, what about it?” William replied nervously as he took the urinal beside John and unzipped his pants.

“Did you see him online again, did he mention anything about the video?” John asked with equal uncertainty as he pulled out his dick and aimed it at the urinal.

“Only one other time, it was the day after, you know…and no he didn’t mention anything, we just went on a quest together.”

“Oh, I see. It’s just that I’m getting real nervous, Will. What if anybody else finds out? What if our parents find out? Whenever I think about it I get scared.”

“Dude, chill. You’re getting too paranoid. We kept our word and PBear kept his. He doesn’t have a reason to show it to anyone.”

“What if he does? How can we trust him?”

William thought for a bit and seemed to have made up his mind. “No, he won’t.”

“How sure are you?” John asked fearfully. By now, both boys had finished urinating though they seemed to have forgotten the fact that their dicks were still exposed, absorbed as they were with their conversation.

“ I just am.”


“Don’t worry, nothing bad will happen to us, I promise.” As he said this, William hugged John as if to reassure the younger boy. John leaned on William’s shoulder and just stood there feeling the warmth of his friend’s embrace; he wished he could find the security he was longing for in William’s arms.

John was just enjoying the moment until he realized something. “Dude, you’re hugging me but you didn’t even wash your hands yet, ugh!” he said as if he was disgusted, but he was laughing all the same.

William didn’t seem predisposed to reply though, as he held John tighter toward him. John was now fully aware of the fact that their dicks lay forgotten in the open air, and that they were now being squashed together because of William’s hug. Furthermore, William was quickly sporting a boner.

“What…Will!” John whispered shrilly. “Do you have to be horny right now?”

“Yes.” William replied with a grin.

“But…but someone might come in!” John said worriedly, though despite himself he was now getting his own erection, mostly because William’s already hard three and a half inches was rubbing across his own.

William nodded and led John to one of the larger cubicles. By this time John was already grinning as well. Walking around with his boner poking out of his fly was too naughty for someone like him, though it did have its charm, or rather, thrill. William hooked the latch and turned to face John again. John’s eyes were wide and he was already smiling. With privacy somewhat assured, he was now as willing as William.

John made to grab the older boy’s hard dick, but William swatted John’s eager hand away and put his hands on John’s shoulders. “No, I want to try something I just thought of. Just do what I do.” And with that, William started to rub his dick across John’s crotch.

John was momentarily stunned. He didn’t know what William wanted him to do. After a few seconds though, a new, yet familiar, feeling radiated from his dick to his loins. William’s dick was rubbing across his, pushing it this way and that as if re-enacting a perverse swordfight. It felt positively good. He put his hands on William’s shoulders and started rubbing his crotch on William in the same manner.

For a few good minutes, the boys enjoyed humping each other. It didn’t have any rhythm to it; they just submitted themselves to their passions and thrust their hips at each other, rubbing their dicks on each other’s groin, and feeling each other’s warm breath. They were both silent, with only their laboured breathing, their occasional grunts and the rustling of their clothes disturbing the otherwise still atmosphere. Sometimes their random thrusts would be replaced by gyrating their hips; all for the purpose of making their dicks bat and swat each other, and rubbing their over-sensitive tips on each other’s smooth skin.

“Will, I’m…!” John whispered thickly.

“Yeah…me too…just keep…doing it!” William replied between breaths.

Through some convenient coincidence, both boys reached their climax at the same time, after one last, forceful, simultaneous thrust. Both of their dicks were throbbing angrily, sandwiched between their now, slightly moist pubic areas.

“Will…what’s…it feels a bit gooey. Wait, this isn’t piss…” John said. He inspected the sticky, clear substance on his pelvis, feeling it between his thumb and forefinger, and held it up to the light. To the young boy, it looked very much like clear snot.

“I…dunno. But I have some on mine too…and it doesn’t look like it’s…well, you know…semen…” William remarked with a blush. He was feeling around on his pubic area as well.

Both of them looked at each other and smiled, then promptly sagged to the floor. Their little activity had taken its toll on them; apparently it was not best to perform it standing up while fully clothed. Their knees ached and worst of all, their dicks, while fully satisfied, were now red and sore. William winced; he made a mental note to never do this again unless it was on a bed.

All of a sudden, the sound of footsteps made them both stand up in fear. Someone just went in the bathroom.

“Hellooo?” the voice said. William accidentally bit his tongue as he realized to whom the voice belonged. It was Johnson Masters.

John and William were silent, not to mention scared out of their wits. It would be quite difficult to explain why the two of them were sharing a cubicle without raising eyebrows. John made to unlock the cubicle, but William stopped him, giving him a look that said “no-we’re-gonna-get-screwed-if-he-sees-us”. John replied with an expression that clearly said “we-are-so-dead”.

The footsteps drew nearer and seemed to stop at the urinals. They heard the sound of Johnson unzipping his fly and relieving his bladder. All the while, William was racking his brains for a way out of their precarious situation. It did not help that John was cutting off the blood flow in his left arm with a vice grip.

Moments later, they heard the footsteps again and the sound of a faucet being turned on. In that same instant, a metaphorical light bulb lit up in William’s brain. He motioned for John to climb up on the toilet, which the younger boy did as quietly as he could. He made John sit on the toilet canister with his feet on the toilet’s rim. Then William shucked off his pants and underwear, than sat on the bowl himself. This time, he was the one gripping John’s legs. To the common observer, it would look like William was taking a dump while he was giving John a piggyback ride.

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