Webcam Boys Chapter 5 by Dingg007

The sound of flushing and doors opening snapped the two boys out of their daze, with Peter tucking away his hard dick as he smiled, and William, blushing like a traffic light, following the older teen to the sink to wash their hands. A while later they were heading out the mall. William was still embarrassed and silent.

“Dude, it’s cool, we all get boners. It’s normal.” Peter reassured William. “Oh yeah, you got a nice dick.” He added with a wink.

“Uh…thanks…” William tried to smile though all he managed was to blush even harder.

Peter laughed and put his arm around the younger boy’s shoulders as they walked back to the bus stop.

In next to no time, William was already home. The locked gate and the absence of the car signified that his parents had yet to arrive. As he fished his spare keys from his pocket, he thought back to the wonderful day he had with John and the bathroom incident and Peter at the mall…and the bathroom incident with him…what was it with bathrooms today anyway? William went to his room and dropped on the bed thinking what it would have been like if he accepted Peter’s offer to hang out at his place.


John was doing some last minute Facebooking before heading off to bed. It was a tiring day, what with his grandpa’s farewell dinner and their trip to the airport, not to mention his earlier escapade with William in the school bathroom. It was already 11 PM and the young boy was getting sleepy, and perhaps a bit irritable.

While randomly scrolling through his homepage, he chanced upon an update that he seemed to have missed before. It was a post on William’s wall, made by a certain Peter McMahon thanking William for a great hang out. John clicked on the update to see all the replies, and to his irritation, he saw around twenty more replies coming from both William and Peter referencing what fun they apparently had together. As John read further, he found out that Peter and William hung out after school in the mall and spent somewhere near five hours together. The two had been trading comments for a couple of hours judging from the timestamp of their latest replies.

John unconsciously gritted his teeth in dismay. For some inexplicable reason, he was really very pissed off at the pair. He was pissed off at Peter for being a total stranger who seemed to sweep William off his feet, and he was also pissed at William for…well. WAS he pissed at William? John’s irritation immediately softened as he thought of his best friend. He couldn’t really be angry with William even if he tried. John realized with a wistful smile, that what he was feeling wasn’t anger at all, it was loneliness, even longing. In a word he was…was he…? Was John actually…jealous of William and Peter?

It wasn’t only that, but William seemed to be enjoying himself too much, to the point that he’d been taking their whole ‘being blackmailed into having sex’ issue too lightly. It’s almost like William didn’t care at all. Personally, John was scared out of his wits thinking what that video might do to both of their lives should it get leaked anywhere. It’s not that he didn’t want to do sex things with William, it was just that he was afraid what would happen if anyone knew…and William’s certainty that nothing would happen felt so hollow and unconvincing despite his firm belief. John was worrying about it so much, though if he was honest with himself, he didn’t know what to do. He didn’t have any leads to who PBear might be, and he had no idea what to if, by some miracle, he found him.

A knock on the door brought John back to his senses. After he opened it, his father walked in with a solemn expression on his face.

“Dad?” John said in surprise. “What’s up?”

“I hope you’re not too sleepy, John. Have a seat. I just want to talk to you.”

“No, it’s alright…” John replied as he sat on his bed. He had this intuition that his dad wasn’t there for a reason he’d like.

Connor Watson sat on John’s computer chair and looked straight into his son’s eyes. “I’ll do my best not to beat around the bush, son. I’m here to talk to you about sex.”

“W…what?” John said, dumbfounded.

“Your mother and I think that it’s about time that we had this talk. I’ll just tell you how it all works, son. No malice or shame or anything like that. These are just things you need to know.”

“But…but dad! This is embarrassing!” John stammered, his cheeks already bright crimson.

“You shouldn’t be. I’m open with you, and you should be open with me. If you want to ask anything at all, don’t hesitate. “ Connor was still calm and stoic. John merely looked to the floor and stayed Silent. Connor continued, “Pretty soon you’ll be starting puberty and when you do, you’ll be on the way to becoming sexually mature. When a boy becomes sexually mature, he is able to have babies with a girl. Do you understand?”

“Well, yeah, but dad…” John was still blushing and avoiding eye contact. “ I sort of know how it all works. I know about sperm and egg cells and how babies are born and the whole sex thing….”

“It’s called intercourse. Intercourse is what most people commonly refer to as ‘having sex’, which is when a man inserts his penis into the woman’s-“

“Yeah, dad I know! Geez….we have sex ed at school! You don’t have to tell me…” John interrupted, still flustered.

“Very well. Did they also teach you about the changes to your body and behaviour during puberty?” Connor was as serious and devoid of emotion as when he started.

“Well, yeah, sort of…”

“Did you know about getting muscle definition, your voice cracking, your shoulders broadening and the appearance of bodily hair?”

“Yes! You don’t have to nitpick, dad!”

“How about the growing of your penis, wet dreams and the production of sperm?”

“Dad! Please! This is really awkward! Yes, I know all that!”

“John, I want you to be honest with me. Do you have wet dreams?”

“Dad! Why are we talking about this?! It’s embarrassing! I –“

“Please just answer the question, son.” Connor cut across the boy rather harshly.

John was getting increasingly scared of where this conversation might lead. He had the impression that his dad was telling him off. There was something about him that seemed odd…something that felt…cold. “Well, no, I don’t…I mean, I can’t well, you know…not yet.”

“I see. But I believe you masturbate?” Connor sounded impatient now, with each word becoming quicker.

“Well, I…uhm…but it’s normal anyway…right?”

“Yes…I see. Yes, in private and on your own it is.”

“Huh? What do you mean?” John was confused with what his father said. It’s like Connor was implying something…

“Son, I need to emphasize that sex is done by MEN and WOMEN because they love each other. Get it? BOYS and GIRLS fall in love with each other, then when they grow up to be MEN and WOMEN they get into a relationship and they marry and become HUSBAND and WIFE. Then they become FATHER and MOTHER when they have children. That’s how life works alright?”

“Dad…where are you going with this…?” John just had a sudden realization what his father’s repetitive emphasis meant to imply. Did his father know about him and William…? The young boy was now honestly scared, his pulse even quickened and he was starting to sweat.

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