The Trappings of Love Pt. 04

A gay story: The Trappings of Love Pt. 04

**Thanks to everybody who left comments and sent messages concerned for my well-being during this hiatus. Literotica got blocked where I live for awhile (assuming due to a new bill that was passed around the time but not 100% certain), not sure why but I couldnt access it and gave up after awhile. The frustration led me to take a break from writing but I checked a couple days ago and immediately got back to work on my stories upon seeing I could access the site again. Part 4 was partially finished so here it is and part 5 is currently roughly halfway done. Apologies if this entry feels like a bit of a slog to get through, just looking to build on the anticipation with this one. Thanks for your patience and support!**

It took several seconds for Boston to notice the position he found himself in as he woke up. He was spooning his best friend Josh with his morning wood pressed into one of his buttcheeks. He pulled himself from Josh gently and quietly so as to not risk waking him up. The only thing he could think in that moment was how much he didn’t want Josh to know he’d had an erection while cuddling him in the night.

Boston grabbed his phone and walked straight into the bathroom. He stepped out of his underwear, sat down on the toilet and then leaned forward so that he could pee comfortably with his dick still rock hard. Boston had the faintest trace of a hangover, just enough to know he’d drank too much the night before. Not that Boston needed the hangover to know that much with his head spinning with the murky recollections of the previous night.

He and Josh had crossed yet another line the night before. Cuddling the way they did last night was one thing; sure, they’d cuddled alot in the previous week and a half or so but not like they had the night before with Josh putting his hand on Boston’s abs and Boston stroking Josh’s hair. As innocuous as that would seem given the fact they’d already been cuddling for awhile now, it was still another in a seemingly escalating sequence of events between the two best friends.

Even more worrisome for Boston was what had transpired after falling asleep. If the previous night’s cuddling wasn’t crossing a line, this was certainly over the line. Boston had been awakened by an odd feeling and even in his inebriated, half-asleep state, he realized Josh had just kissed him while he slept. In the moment, he thought it was kind of sweet and he even felt like he might want it to happen again. Once it became clear that Josh was not going to continue, Boston started spooning Josh who then grabbed ahold of Boston’s hand and intertwined their fingers.

As much as Boston had enjoyed this in the hazy moment, he was equally as confused and a little nauseated by the thought of it now that he was sober. Boston wasn’t gay, no he COULDN’T be gay. That just wasn’t a thing for a guy like him and until now, he didn’t think that was a thing for a guy like Josh either. However, Boston had to consider whether Josh might actually be gay and, more concerningly, whether Josh had actual feelings for him or not.

Once Boston had finished peeing, he turned the shower on. He sat down in the tub and wrapped his arms around his knees as if trying to make his body resemble a ball, resting his head on his knees as he remembered why he always said he’d never drink again the morning after every night of drinking. Boston continued to contemplate the situation with Josh as the warm shower rained down on him.

He couldn’t understand how Josh could be straight when he had kissed him. The cuddling was one thing, friends just cuddle sometimes and it doesn’t have to mean anything romantic or sexual is going on. Sure, that was more common between girl friends than boys but Boston just figured that it’s silly to think two guy friends can’t do it too when you’re as close as he and Josh were. That said, he certainly wouldn’t be keen on others knowing and kissing was another step beyond that. That was not something friends did, especially the way Josh had kissed him, secretly in the middle of the night as if he couldn’t help himself. Now, Boston started to question everything about his friendship with Josh. Had Josh been hiding feelings for him this whole time? Is this why he was always touching him for no reason? Is it possible Josh had been doing this kind of thing to him in his sleep for a long time now?

He wasn’t even mad at Josh, it didn’t really even bother him to think about the possibility of Josh kissing him in his sleep more than the one time he knew of (or worse, groping him which was a thought that Boston refused to entertain.) He thought that perhaps this was all his fault, maybe he was leading Josh on without even realizing it. This only confused Boston further and gave him anxiety. He started questioning whether or not he let Josh play with his hair and cuddle with him because he too had homosexual feelings for his best friend. He’s the one that spooned Josh last night after all, not the other way around.

Boston shook these thoughts out of his mind, telling himself that there was zero chance that he was gay and that the only reason he’d spooned Josh was because he was drunk and not thinking straight. The idea of bisexuality just wasn’t something he even considered in the moment. Boston was attracted to women, he’d only ever dated and had sexual experiences with women. Boston was convinced that Josh had to have feelings for him though and he didn’t want to hurt him. He was still his best friend and he didn’t want that to change but he also didn’t want Josh to get the wrong idea and think Boston felt the same.

He couldn’t bring himself to just come out and talk to Josh about it because he knew not only how awkward that would be but he knew the way Josh was and how it would hurt his feelings. In the back of his mind, he also didn’t want anything to change about their friendship. Boston didn’t want to do anything that would jeopardize their friendship but he wanted to make sure Josh understood that this was all strictly platonic for him.

A light bulb, however dim, went off in Boston’s head and he turned the shower off, grabbed a towel off the rack and swiftly dried off before sitting back down on the toilet and grabbing his phone. He texted Cara, the girl he’d met at the party the previous night. She had asked to exchange numbers with him before he’d left. He asked her to go to the football game with him that day and Cara, responding surprisingly fast, enthusiastically said she’d love to.

Once Boston had brushed his teeth, he quickly realized he hadn’t grabbed any clean clothes. He awkwardly cracked open the bathroom door, sticking his head out to see if Josh had woken up. Josh unfortunately had and was in the middle of his morning workout. When they caught eachother’s eye, Josh gave him a big smile.

“Good morning,” grunted the smiling Josh.

Boston couldn’t help feeling incredibly awkward but tried to return the smile. His smile must have appeared pretty strained and he knew he’d failed when he saw Josh’s face fall ever so slightly. Josh, ever the empath, immediately felt the change in Boston’s energy. Boston, towel tightly wrapped around his waist, opened the bathroom door and moved at light-speed to gather some clothes out of his dresser before walking back into the bathroom and hurriedly shut the door behind him.

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