Better Late Than. Ch. 3. by emilyagilbert

“Maybe, but also you’re very ambitious and you work super hard. Running a pub doesn’t leave a lot of time for socializing does it?”

Aydin shrugged, “Connor and Luc manage.”

“Yea, but they work together!”

“Maybe I just haven’t met anyone who interested me enough,” Aydin suggested, sending Ben a smouldering smile.

Ben blushed, took a too big slip of his drink and coughed a little, before changing the subject. Wanting to know more about how Aydin’s favourite club worked. Slightly fascinated by the idea of the hook-up bathrooms.

“I’ve always assumed that the whole gay men in bathrooms thing was an out of date cliché.”

“Not at Sherbet. But the bathrooms are glorious so there’s nothing grubby about it.”

Ben nodded. “No, it sounds like a good idea, for people who want to keep it casual. But you said the bathrooms are gender neutral and fully accessible?”

“Yea. It’s more popular with gay men to be sure, but it’s not exclusively a gay club. And trust me, the rooms are soundproofed, but some of those ladies are LOUD!”

Ben laughed. “But I’ve been past Sherbet. It’s in a basement, down a steep flight of steps?”

“Oh I see,” Aydin sipped quickly. “Yea, there’s a small wheelchair lift around the corner and inside it’s really well thought out. One time I went they were planning on running a drill. Half price entrance and you would have your drink replaced, but an evacuation at some point.”

He held up his arms to demonstrate. “Also there are safety posters around to remind wheelchair users to make themselves known to a staff member if there’s an alert, but I stayed for the drill.”

“Was it quick?”

“Super quick. They have about five exits, all stairs, but one at the back of the bar actually goes into the building next door and to an accessible ramp. Emergency only, but it works.”

He grinned. “I got talking to this guy in a chair once. He told me that when they bring you in, in the lift. Stop it,” he smiled and slapped Ben’s hand when he kept sniggering at the word lift.

“Sorry, it’s cute!”

Aydin rolled his eyes. “Anyway, obviously that can’t be used in an emergency, so they make sure wheelchair users know where the ramp is and where to head for. But apparently they are also warned, that if there was a fire in the bar area, they might end up being dragged up the nearest stairs over someone’s shoulder. They actually warn them.”

“Can they do that?”

Aydin shrugged. “Well, this chap just said the way they explain it, but also they make clear that a person’s life is more important than their dignity in an emergency. Plus one of the owner’s is a wheelchair user and almost always behind the bar, so it’s not like they don’t get it.”

“So today is very different for you?” Ben asked, still clearly a little unsure.

Aydin reached over the recently cleared table and squeezed his fingers. “Today has been amazing.”

“Not too tired. I had somewhere else in mind for drinks.”

Aydin’s smile was huge. “You’re spoiling me. Lead on.”


After the romantic meal, watching the sky steadily darken over the pretty view, Aydin thought there would never be a better date than this one.

He had learned loads about Ben. Finding out that he was very much a family man, having stepped up when Sarah’s partner did a runner. They hadn’t heard from him since Becca was two.

He was a little worried that Ben might disapprove of his lifestyle, but several sweet stolen kisses while walking, still hand in hand, had put his mind at rest a little.

They stopped outside some steps, not unlike Sherbet.

“Down here,” Ben said. “I hope you like it.”

Aydin smiled as they went down. His smile widening when the doorman (protected by a huge, but friendly bouncer) greeted them.

“Good evening. Do you have a reservation? I’m afraid we’re packed tonight.”

“I do, for nine,” Ben confirmed and gave his full name.

“Ah, right on time. Okay, so you’ll be on a two-top towards the left, table seven. It’ll be the only table clear so easy enough to spot. Good view of the band, but far enough back you don’t have to yell too loud.”


“You can either wait for your waitress, or use your phone and she’ll bring the order. That’s faster, truth be told.”

“I’ll do that then.”

“Have a good night,” he said, including Aydin.


“Be sure we will,” Aydin said, and watched the man’s face light up.

“Oh now, and where would you be from. Wait, say something else.”

Aydin laughed, as the man grabbed his hand for a shake. “Ballycotton.”

“All the way down there. Belfast, it’s a pleasure. Are you visiting?”

“Yea, I got the Belfast,” Aydin admitted. “And no, I live here.”

“Well, welcome to McFlinty’s.”

“Oh, is that where we are? I hadn’t realized. I know the owner a little.”

“You know Pat?”

“I’ve never met him, but we’ve spoken on the phone. I work at Better Late Than. We’ve exchanged supplies on a couple of occasions.”

“You’re Aydin?”

Aydin smiled, a little surprised, “Yes, that’s right.”

“Well it’s nice to meet you. You have fun.”

Ben and Aydin thanked him again and went inside. As soon as the door opened, lively Irish music spilled out.

A few short steps and, “Holy shit. He wasn’t kidding about the busy!”

The place was packed. The band on the other side of the room. People laughing, singing along, drinking.

They spotted their table and squeezed through. Quickly ordering, and Ben waved a ‘no worries’ at a pretty waitress who held up five fingers from the bar.

“They’re really good,” Aydin said of the band.

“Good choice?”

“Very good choice, thanks so much.”

“So you know the owner?”

“Con knows him better. But I spoke with him one time when he had an issue and needed to borrow some stock from us. Con’s amazing with stock, we never run out of anything, so I was able to cab a couple of boxes over with Dave.”

The drinks arrived and Ben looked dubiously at the dark brew. “I’ve never tried Guinness.”

“We have the same supplier, so I can tell you it’ll be good.”

He grinned as Ben took a sip and pulled a face. Another sip, unsure. Third sip, maybe.

“Grows on you,” Aydin smirked.

“It’s not bad,” Ben admitted and raised his glass again.

A fast twenty minutes later, they had been chatting quietly while enjoying the music, two more drinks were placed on their table. Pints this time.

“Oh, I don’t think,” Aydin turned to look at the man who had placed them.

“Aydin Flanagan?” he asked.


“Pat McFlinty,” the man smiled.

“Oh,” Aydin hopped from the stool to shake hands properly. “Good to meet you, Sir. Yes I’m Aydin.”

“You should have told me you were coming. How’s young Connor, and that young man of his?”

“He’s good, and Luc’s good, thanks. I didn’t actually know I was coming. Um, this is Ben, he booked it.”

Ben and Pat shook hands. “On a date are you?”

“First date,” Ben admitted, pulling a nervous face.

“Can’t go wrong at McFlinty’s,” Pat said.

“The band are really good,” Aydin told him.

“You ever have Irish music?” Ben asked. “You’re practically an Irish pub!”

Aydin shook his head, but laughed a little. “I know that everyone apart from Luc is of Irish extraction, but no. We’re a gay bar, not an Irish pub. Connor’s always very clear on that, and I agree with him.”

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