Better Late Than. Ch. 3. by emilyagilbert

“Father Michael hands me this bag. ‘I got you some stuff. Obviously for when you’re ready, or so you can take a look’. I dip into the bag, and there’s condoms, and lube, he even put a banana in! Grandpa, who decided half an hour ago that this was all brilliant, asks him, ‘Father Michael. Did you go into Dwayne Reade and buy this yourself?’ and Father Michael’s all ‘Of course. I want to boy to keep himself safe.’ Jesus, I just wanted the floor to swallow me. I’d probably land in hell, but I didn’t care at that point.”

Aydin was practically clapping with glee. “I love that he did that for you.”

“He’s a good guy,” Connor said, rousing himself as a small group entered. “Right, back to work. And you,” he pointed at Aydin. “Second date. How you gonna beat the first?”

Aydin’s face fell. Oh boy. He had to come up with something amazing.


Ben was lucky that his company, unlike many others, did allow a holiday for Veterans Day.

Early on Sunday morning, he met Aydin at Penn Station. Equipped, as instructed, for hiking and an overnight. With no idea where they were going.

A little over two hours later, they alighted at High Bridge and Aydin led him into pure beauty.

It was warm enough to stuff their jackets into the rucksacks, and Ben couldn’t stop taking pictures. The fall colours were glorious, but the trail quiet once they had walked for an hour or so.

They chatted for periods. And had other periods of easy silence. Just their footfalls and the peace of nature all around.

A couple of hours into the hike, Ben stopped to take a photo and turned around to find Aydin gone.

He peered into the canopy of golds and russets above him and called out. “Did you just get abducted by aliens? Watch out for those probes, buddy.”

He heard a snort of laughter behind some low branches and moved closer. A hand snaked through the foliage and yanked him through. Ben’s laugh was cut off as he was shoved against the trunk of a tree and his lips assaulted.

“I’ve been thinking about doing that for the past half hour,” Aydin murmured when he released Ben’s lips.

“Yea?” Ben glanced around as he shucked off his rucksack and placed it on the ground. They were just off the path in a natural little den. Hidden. Glimpses of the lake they were circling through the branches in front of them. “I’ve been thinking about this for days.”

He switched their places. Claiming Aydin’s mouth and swallowing his curses as he flicked open his fly and gripped him.

“Whoa, shit!” Aydin managed as Ben knelt in the soft mulch, dragging his underwear down and exposing him to the warm (but not that warm) air.

It didn’t matter, as he was soon enveloped in Ben’s hot mouth.

Aydin braced against the tree as his head spun. One hand locked in Ben’s hair.

“Shit, this is fast,” he muttered. “I’m gonna.”

The scream ripped through the air.

Aydin shuddered from head to toe as Ben pulled back and looked around wildly. Then he spun in the dirt and grabbed his backpack, rooting through and grabbed an apple.

Aydin grappled clumsily with his cock, but not even the slight cool would dampen the damn thing’s enthusiasm, and he couldn’t zip his jeans.

As another high pitched scream shattered the peace, he sat and pulled his backpack over his privates. Fumbling for his water bottle and trying to look innocent as the leaves parted and a little girl dressed as a princess ran into their hideaway.

Her third scream cut off to a grunt as a slightly older boy, in a dinosaur suit, crashed through behind her.

Ben gave Aydin a wink as he crunched into his apple. “Hello,” he said, while chewing.

“Who are you?” the boy asked. Pushing his sister slightly behind him, which both Ben and Aydin thoroughly approved of.

“I’m Ben. This is Aydin,” Ben said.

“Hi,” Aydin managed with a little wave.

The bush parted again and a much larger dinosaur pushed through. “Oh good,” it said. “You found us snacks.”

The little girl rolled her eyes. “Daddy. Princesses don’t eat people!”

“Dinosaurs do,” the little boy said with relish. Happy when Aydin fake squeaked and held out a candy bar. “Please eat this instead.” Before adding in his normal voice. “If it’s okay with your Dad?”

Both kids turned and made puppy eyes at their dad.

“That’s kind. Say thank you.”

The boy took Aydin’s candy and said “Roar!” Pleased when Aydin laughed.

The little princess took a candy bar from Ben and gave him a curtsy and a shy thank you.

With an apology for disturbing their peace, the kids were hustled off and Aydin let out a long slow breath, falling back on the ground.

Ben took another bite of apple and lifted the rucksack slightly. “Oh well,” he declared sadly, making Aydin giggle before he zipped up and crawled between Ben’s legs, leaning back for a cuddle.

Ben kissed his hair. “This is a beautiful spot. I could stay here for days.”

“Be a bit chilly, later on,” Aydin mused.

Twenty minutes later Aydin got another kiss, and then a tug on his hair.

“Time to move, you’re getting heavy.”

Aydin smiled and rolled. Leaning in for a proper kiss before he stood and stretched. “I am six foot,” he reminded Ben. “I’m the perfect weight for my height.”

Ben got to his feet and rolled his shoulders, before swinging his backpack on and holding the low branches aside for Aydin.

“Maybe I should swap you for Luc,” he wondered as they started to walk. “He looks like a little doll when Con picks him up.”

Aydin smiled. “I know. Luc’s forever being accosted. Leaves him all befuddled and bewildered at the most inconvenient times.”

Ben laughed and linked their fingers as they started back towards the small town. The light was already softening when they came off the trail and Aydin admitted guiltily that they probably missed dinner at the guest house.

By the time they made it up the long driveway, he was proven right.

“Sorry. My bad.”

“No it’s fine,” Ben reassured him. “It’s not far back to town right?”

“Or we can get you in a pizza and a couple of extra beers?” Charlene, behind the desk, offered. Grinning when Aydin grabbed her hand and kissed it lavishly.

“Oh my darling. I swear we were blissfully wed in a previous life.”

She rolled her eyes at Ben, but giggled a little. “Fully loaded?”

Aydin turned and looked enquiringly at Ben. “It’s good.”

“Sounds perfect,” Ben agreed. “I might blissfully wed you myself in this life. I’m starving.”

“We gave away half our food to needy children,” Aydin claimed.

At Charlene’s concerned look Ben clarified. “Two candy bars, and they didn’t actually look very needy. Just cute!”

She tutted and handed the keys over. “Number six, I know that’s your favourite. Go freshen up and I’ll pop the pizza over in about thirty minutes.”

They thanked her and Ben let Aydin excitedly tug him up a pathway to reveal a small individual pod style accommodation.

“How many times have you stayed here?”

“Only twice before. I like the hiking and this place is just so sweet. I brought my nephew Aidan last year, we stayed four nights.” He finished with, “Ta daaa.” As the small room was revealed. Bed, lounge area, with small wood fire, and kitchen area.

“Bathroom is at the back,” Aydin confirmed and pulled Ben along before he could really look around.

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