Better Late Than. Ch. 3. by emilyagilbert

The door shut behind him, pushing him fully out, as he realized that Ben was not alone in the car.

As he approached a young man, half his height, who most definitely had Ben’s eyes jumped out of the car.

Ben waved from the driver’s seat, and he waved back. “Hi,” he said to the young man.

“Hi, you can sit up front with Uncle Ben,” the kid said. Smiling and jumping into the back.

Uncle Ben. Phew!

“Thanks,” Aydin got in the front and smiled curiously at Ben. “Afternoon.”

“Hey. You look good.”

“I told Uncle Ben it was kinda lame bringing your nephew on a date, but he didn’t listen. I’m Matt. You’re Aidan?”

Aydin looked up from clicking in his belt.

“No, not Aidan, Matt. I told you. It’s Aydin. Aye-dun.” Ben told him.

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay,” Aydin smiled at him. Twisting in the seat. “Even my family get it wrong sometimes, and we’ve had an Aydin in every generation for over a hundred years.”

He grinned, “Plus my brother’s oldest son is only a year younger than me, and he’s called Aidan. We were Aydin and Aidan Flannagan a year apart all through school, can you imagine?”

“That’s funny.”

“Yea, of course we were as good as gold.” Aydin looked sharply at Ben when he snorted. “Hey!”

Ben just held up a hand for peace.

“Aydin, do you know those people?”

Aydin turned at Matt’s pointed finger and then groaned. “Oh, sweet Jesus,” and sank down in the seat.

Luc, Gently and Mrs Wilder were all in the pub doorway grinning at them.

Ben waved and they all waved back.

“Don’t encourage them,” Aydin complained, then groaned louder when Matt lowered his window to wave and Luc bounced over, taking it as an invitation.

report “Hi. Hi, Ben.”

“Hey Luc. This is my nephew, Matt.”

“Oh, hey,” Luc put his hand through for a shake. “Pleased to meet you, I’m Luc.”

“You a friend of Aydin’s?”

“Not anymore,” Aydin complained.

Luc ignored him. “Yea, we work together and he’s my best friend.” The last said with the soppiest expression, so Matt knew that he was joking, but also meant it.

“Did you know Aydin has a nephew who’s nearly as old as him?” Matt looked at his Uncle Ben and laughed. “That’s really weird.”

“Yea, Aidan. I’ve met him, he’s really nice.” Luc leaned in and lowered his voice. “Aydin’s mom and dad are kinda naughty. Wouldn’t be surprised if Aydin gets a baby brother or sister one day.”

Matt and Ben both cracked up, as Aydin glared. “Goodbye Luc,” he insisted and put the window up via his arm rest, cutting Luc and Matt off. “Drive. Drive. Get me outta here,” he tapped Ben’s arm urgently.

Ben grinned and pulled away, beeping a final goodbye.

Aydin shook his head despairingly, but then twisted around again so he could see both Ben and Matt. “So, where are we off to?”

Ben bit his lip and suddenly looked nervous. Matt sniggered at him.

“We’re going to a little league match. My sister’s playing.”

Aydin’s jaw dropped. “For real?”

“Ah shit!” Ben cursed.

“No. No. That’s great. Baseball right? I’ve never been.”

Ben glanced at Aydin and saw him grinning with real excitement. “So, it’s not lame?”


And it wasn’t.

For a start it came with hot dogs and soda. Plus Matt kept up a running commentary so Aydin learned what was happening.

The kids were adorable, in their little uniforms and so fierce.

Fiercest off them all. Matt’s sister, Becca.

At one point she had slid feet first into second base and disappeared in a cloud of dust along with the boy who had been waiting to catch the ball. He didn’t, the ball bounced to the edge of the field.

All three of them were on their feet. Matt sat first, going back to his hotdog. “She’s fine.” Totally unconcerned.

Aydin sat more slowly, but Ben remained standing until the dust cleared and the boy picked himself up and held a gentlemanly hand down for Becca.

It was only when the coach had run over to check and then allowed play to carry on that Ben sat.

Aydin patted his back. “She’s fine, right?”

“Christ. I hate when that happens,” Ben rubbed his chest.

Aydin looked at Matt, who just rolled his eyes and munched.

When Aydin met Becca after the match, she also had Ben’s eyes. Looking at him with interest and amusement.

Ben placed a towel on the seat before she got in. Covered as she was in dust and dirt.

“Good match, Becca,” Matt allowed before the squabbling started.

It was all familiar to Aydin, so he joined in. He and the kids were firm friends by the time they got to Ben’s sister’s house.

Yet again he found himself looking into the same bright blue eyes.

“Next time you should come eat with us,” Sarah told him. “But I know Ben has plans for you tonight.”

“I’ll hold you to that,” Aydin promised. The scents coming through the screen were delicious.

Matt had said goodbye and gone in already, but Becca lingered with her mom, eyeing Aydin speculatively.

“What’s wrong, honey?” Sarah asked.

“It’s their first date so they need to do the first date kiss,” Becca pointed out.

Aydin’s eyebrows rose, but Ben took it in stride. “That’s usually at the end of the date, Becca.”

“But then I won’t see,” she pointed out with infallible logic.

Aydin shrugged and smiled at Ben, to show he was happy either way. Sighing, Ben leaned in, placed his fingertips only on Aydin’s cheek and pressed a very soft, very chaste kiss to his closed lips.

It was sweet and innocent.

And Aydin felt his knees tremble.

What the hell?

When they finished their goodbyes and got back in the car, Ben let out a shaky breath and paused before starting the car.

“Did you feel that?” he asked without looking at Aydin.


Ben nodded and turned the key. “Okay. Not just me then.”


After parking, Ben led Aydin a couple of blocks and then up a steep staircase. Coming out onto the High Line, which was one of Aydin’s favourite places in the city.

They strolled for ten minutes or so, Aydin slightly thrilled that Ben had linked their fingers.

Distracted by some artwork, he stopped at a gentle tug of his hand. “Sorry, what?”

“We’re going in there,” Ben pointed at a small footbridge that linked the walk with the rooftop balcony of a restaurant. “You like Mexican?”

“I like anything,” Aydin grinned, and soon they were settled into a small table with a view of both the pretty balcony, and the High Line winding in two directions.

“This is such a great view.”

Ben grinned, happy that Aydin was pleased, and they soon ordered.

Over nachos, the background noise allowing them privacy, Ben turned the conversation towards their history and dating habits.

Aydin was interested to learn that Ben had never had a one night stand or hook-up in his life.

A college based, two year relationship, and later a guy he was with for about three months, until he moved away.

“It was more that I thought maybe we could be in love, had we had more time, but actually we weren’t. Maybe if we had stayed together, but he had to go home and we’re still friends. Certainty not heartbroken,” Ben confirmed.

And Ben had learned that Aydin had only ever had hook-ups, and had never been in a relationship. This was his first real date as well.

“I’ve wondered sometimes if it’s because I’m so much younger than my siblings, so all my family is settled and happy. There’s no pressure on me.”

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