Better Late Than. Ch. 3. by emilyagilbert

More wipes used and a donation for replacement in the secure box. Everything tidied away so the room was clean, and Aydin accepted Devon’s invitation for another beer. Sitting at the bar, and laughing so hard his cheeks hurt, for an hour before he headed home.

‘In cab heading home’ he sent a text to Connor.

He rolled his eyes when ‘Text me when you GET home!’ came back. Jesus, talk about over protective.

Twenty minutes later. ‘I GOT home. GOING to bed. GOODnight’.

He just got a middle finger picture back, and snorted as he cleaned his teeth. Then the phone pinged again with ‘See you tomorrow. Hope you had fun xxx’.

Two minutes later, ‘That was Luc’.

Shaking his head, he set his alarm and went to bed.


The following day after the lunchtime rush, as the two contractor shifts changed over and getting about forty paninis, sandwiches, cakes and drinks out all at one. Twice. Was a challenge to be sure.

Aydin chucked a bag in the trash container in the alleyway and went back inside. Surprised to see one of the contractors, Ben, waiting in the kitchen.

“Hi Ben. You okay? You looking for Connor?”

“Hi. No, you actually. Connor said I could come back.”

Aydin washed his hands at the sink, then grabbed a towel. “What’s up?” He asked with a smile.

He liked Ben a lot.

Ben and his mate Carlos, had been the first to help when Connor’s brother had attacked Luc and him.

If he hadn’t followed Aydin out, then it may have ended very differently. And Aydin could still remember seeing Ben hold a shaking, puking, Luc in his arms. Uncaring for the mess, just concerned that he was okay.

“Well, I’ve been wanting to ask you something,” Ben admitted nervously.

With a jolt of shock, Aydin remembered that Ben had been about to ask him a question on the day of the attack. “Wait. Not since?”

“Yea,” Ben admitted sheepishly.

“Oh my God, I’m so sorry. Ask away.”

“Would you like to go on a date?”

Aydin frowned as he finished drying his hands and replaced the towel. “A date? Who with?”

Ben flushed. “Me.”

It wasn’t a jolt of shock this time. It was complete incomprehension.

Ben’s colour deepened as Aydin just stood. “Right. Okay. I guess that’s my answer. Um. Yea, I gotta go.”


“No, it’s okay,” Ben turned away.

“No, Ben, wait.” Aydin stepped forward a little when Ben turned back, his eyes hopeful. “I didn’t know. You’re gay?”

“Yes,” Ben said slowly, “Construction guys can be gay you know. Have you never heard of the Village People?”

Aydin coughed out a laugh, but didn’t reply. He was staring again.

Ben rubbed a hand over his forehead. “And now I’m leaving.”

“No, wait,” Aydin moved closer. “Jesus, I’m fucking this up. I would love to go on a date with you.”

“Really,” Ben didn’t look convinced.

“YES. Sorry, it was just unexpected.” Aydin waved his hands at Ben. “You’re nice, and funny, and your crew like you, and you’re hot, and you’re brave, and you were so sweet with Luc, so yes. I would love to go on a date with you.”

“Okay. Good.” Ben stood and grinned. “Where do you wanna go?”

“Surprise me,” Aydin grinned and added. “Again!”

Ben’s smile widened. “Okay. When?”

“Ah,” that was more complicated. Running a pub meant Aydin didn’t get much spare time.

“He’s off on Saturday, all day.” Connor’s voice came from the small alcove between the kitchen and the bar. Closely followed by Luc’s giggle, quickly hushed.

Ben laughed silently, his eyes lightening up.

‘I’m so sorry,’ Aydin mouthed, before yelling. “I’m working Saturday.”

“Not now you’re not.”

Aydin rolled his eyes, but Ben yelled. “Thanks, Con.”

“No worries.”

More giggling.

“How about I pick you up here. Two thirty?”

“Oh, it’s an all-day date?”

“I’ll make the most of it,” Ben said, with a hint of heat as he started to walk backwards. “I really do have to go. I expect I’ll see you later in the week anyway.”

“Friday lunchtime maybe,” Aydin followed him towards the door. “What should I wear for Saturday?”

“Smart casual and layers. Comfortable.”

“Intriguing,” Aydin opened the door to find Connor back in the bar, but Luc tucked in the small space grinning from ear to ear. “Brat!” Aydin said and turned him into the bar.

“Hey, Ben,” Luc wriggled in Aydin’s grip so he could smile at Ben.

“Hi, Luc. You doing okay?” Ben nodded thanks to Connor as he passed through the bar flip.

“I’m great.”

“Okay, well.” Ben indicated his colleagues leaving. “Gotta run.”

“See you tomorrow,” Connor said.

Ben nodded and turned to where Carlos was stood near the door. An obvious look of ‘Well? Howdit go?’ on his face. Whatever he saw on Ben’s face caused him to grin and give the guys behind the bar two enthusiastic thumbs up. Quickly batted down by Ben.

The door closed behind them and Aydin turned to Luc. “Did you know he’s gay?”



“Mostly the way he gazes at you,” Connor said dryly. Luc just laughed.

Aydin shook his head and decided he needed a coffee. “I would have said Sunday,” he told Connor. “Saturday might be busy.”

“We’ll manage. And anyway, Ben works hard. Friday’s he would be too knackered, and Sunday’s he has to go to work the next morning. Saturday is best. You can make me one while you’re there.”

Aydin abandoned the machine briefly to give Connor a quick hug from behind. “Thanks, Con.”


Saturday arrived, and Aydin was soothing his unexpected nerves with food.

Sat at the bar munching a packet of Walkers. Which they imported to sell alongside the Guinness and Old Jamaican Ginger Beer, all of which were hard to track down in the States. They had a dedicated group of devotees, who would travel quite some distance.

Only Luc had refused to allow him his favourite cheese and onion, and had passed over boring old lightly salted instead.

“You’re not going on your first date smelling like those nasty, stinky, chips.”

“Crisps,” Aydin pouted.


“Look here. It says made in UK, so they’re crisps,” Aydin declared, ripping open the packet and shoving three large crisps in, and chewing loudly as Luc wrinkled his nose.


“Not like you to get nervous over a man, Aydin.” Connor observed.

Aydin frowned and swallowed. “Not nervous.” Crunch, crunch, crunch.

“My bad. Of course you’re not.”

Aydin jumped when his phone pinged.

“Allow me,” Luc grabbed the phone so Aydin couldn’t get grease all over the screen and read the message. “About ten minutes away, looking forward to seeing you.”

He smirked at Aydin and then the phone pinged again.

“From Ben,” Luc read. “Awww, that’s so cute, like you didn’t know who was texting!”

Connor sniggered.

“How do you know my pin?” Aydin asked. Wiping his hands (on his jeans) and taking his phone back.

Luc just fluttered his lashes demurely.

“He shouldn’t be texting and driving,” Aydin complained, letting it go for now, but vowing to change his pin (again).

“Probably stopped in traffic,” Gently suggested.

Just under ten minutes later the phone pinged again. “Just pulling up,” Aydin read and hopped off the stool.

“Have fun,” Luc grinned.

“Have a good time,” Gently told him.

“Thanks,” Connor just winked at him and Aydin moved quickly to the door. He looked back to see everyone watching him, before stepping into the sunshine and seeing the car just stopping.

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