Better Late Than. Ch. 3. by emilyagilbert

“You’re in a rush?”

“Yes. Pizza’s coming!”

They giggled and stripped. Play fighting over the shower, until Aydin sank to his knees and blew Ben fast and hot before leaving, flicking back his hair and grabbing a towel, looking innocent like Ben wasn’t gripping the rail to remain standing and still panting hard.

“Oi, stop loitering you. Charlene will be here soon.”

With a curse, Ben rinsed off and, hands still shaking, dried and dressed. Or more accurately, slipped back into the old underwear that Aydin and told him to wear for today and pulled on a robe.

He knew Aydin was up to something, but didn’t know what.

Hearing voices, he went out to thank and say goodnight to Charlene. His tummy somersaulting slightly at the wonderful smell.

“Wait!” Aydin slapped his hand away from the pizza box.

“What? Why?” Ben whined.

Aydin handed him two cold beers and crooked his finger. Ben followed. Of course he did. Aydin had the pizza box.

Like a bear sniffing out honey he followed and then. “Oh shit. Whoa!”

Aydin had led him to a small deck which overlooked the forest and hills, with a blazing sunset lighting up the sky.

He stood, dazzled, and gazed at the amazing view. “This is incredible.”

“So’s this.”

Ben looked down and saw Aydin licking hot cheese off his finger. He was sat in a hot tub that Ben hadn’t even noticed at his feet, and had just liberated the first slice of pizza.

Swallowing back a squeal, Ben put the beers next to the pizza, shrugged his robe off and threw it over Aydin’s on a nearby chair, and slid into the warm, bubbling water.

He moaned in pleasure.

Aydin swallowed, lifted his beer in his free hand and grinned. “Hot tub and pizza. Can’t beat.” He didn’t finish the sentence as Ben slipped forwards, took his face, and kissed him deeply.

Aydin just held the beer and pizza safely above the water and let Ben take.

“Wow,” he managed when Ben released him.

Ben lifted his beer, completed the toast and took a drink before lifting the box lid and grabbing a slice. Chewing and praising the sunset at the same time.

Once the first slice was down, they slowed and enjoyed their meal while watching the sky darken and the stars come out.

By the time the moon rose fully, the pizza was history, and Aydin was straddling Ben’s lap, as they thrust and kissed.

“So this is why you told me to wear grotty old underwear?” Ben commented, while taking a break from Aydin’s mouth and cruising his lips over his chest instead.

“Yea. Just throw. Them out.” Aydin gasped. “Whoa, shit,” he thrust himself against Ben’s stomach as sharp teeth nipped at his flesh. “Don’t wanna.”

Ben slid a hand into Aydin’s soaked underwear and his finger along his crack, pushing slightly. “Getting close, baby?”

Aydin shuddered violently. Whether from the finger, or the baby, he wasn’t sure. “Not in water,” he managed.

Ben chuckled. “We’ve gone all wrinkly anyway. Time to get out.”

He wrapped Aydin in his robe and pushed him towards the door. Bumping him when Aydin stopped suddenly. “Oh. Pizza box. Wildlife.” He sounded a little out of it.

Ben kissed him again. “I’ll bring it in. You go and get naked and ready for me. I want you on that bed.” Another kiss.

“Chlorine?” Aydin muttered while chasing Ben’s lips.

“I don’t care about the chlorine,” Ben growled. “Bed, naked, now.”

Aydin grinned and half staggered inside. Ben pulled the hot tub cover down, found the sleep switch, and gathered the empty pizza box and bottles. Dumping them all just inside the door, which he locked. He yanked off his boxers, and dumped them on top of the box, before rooting briefly in his rucksack and hurrying to the bed.

Aydin had gathered himself a little and looked delicious. Lounged over the bed. Golden hair damp on the ends. Legs spread as he slowly and provocatively stroked his leaking cock. His other hand flung over his head.

His skin was still flushed from the heat of the hot tub, and his eyes were dark with need. His smile turned sultry as Ben knee walked onto the bed. Then he pouted with a slight question as he eyed the small gift bag in Ben’s hand.

Ben moved over Aydin’s body. Settling his weight on his lower stomach. Smirking as Aydin’s cock seem to bat at his butt. Almost needy, like ‘Where’s the hand gone?’

“I bought you a present,” Ben stated, placing the bag on Aydin’s abs.

Aydin frowned. “You bought that for Sarah,” he said, confused. Having been with Ben when he nipped into a small store and purchased the long silky dark purple scarf for his sister.

“I said it was for Sarah, but it’s really for you,” Ben said. “If you want.” He pulled the scarf out and pushed the bag off the bed. Laying the cool, soft material across Aydin’s mid-section.

“Remember you told me about the Folsom Street Fair. You said it was exciting to watch, but you didn’t like the idea of pain or punishment.” As he spoke he took Aydin’s hand and placed it on his tummy, over the material.

“But you said the idea of being helpless and teased, you would maybe like to experience that.” As Ben spoke, he pulled Aydin’s other hand down, and crossed his wrists. Holding them loosely with one hand as he slid his fingers over the material. “With someone you trusted, you might like to try?”

report Aydin’s eyes lit up, his cheeks darkening as he involuntarily tried to thrust against Ben, a groan escaping his throat. Ben rode the movement and grinned. “Shall we try?”

“God. Yes please,” Aydin begged, almost sighing. His breath speeding up as Ben carefully wrapped the material around his crossed wrists. Securing them together.

“Not too tight,” Ben muttered, half to himself, and then looked into Aydin’s eyes. “How does it feel?”

“Amazing. Exciting.”

“Wriggle back. Can you grip the headboard?”

Aydin moved back and lifted his bound wrists above his head. Reaching for the slatted head board. Ben shifted as he did. Moving up his body. Now straddling his upper stomach, but keeping most of his weight clear.

“Can I have another pillow?” Aydin asked, and used Ben’s body to lift himself. Feeling one of Ben’s hands on his back, supporting him, as he awkwardly moved a pillow.

“Okay?” Ben asked, and Aydin flopped back.

“Yes, much better.” He raised his arms again and gripped the wood. A low wanton sound in his throat as Ben bound him to the wood with a big flamboyant bow.

“Good?” Ben asked slightly breathlessly, as he braced over Aydin, who tugged at the binds.

“I don’t think I’m going anywhere,” he joked, slightly nervously.

Ben kissed him, before lifting the two ends of the bow. “You can grab either of these in your teeth and pull them to free yourself.”

Aydin nodded.


“I’m okay. Thank you,” it was Aydin’s turn to reassure Ben. Then with a cheeky grin. “What are you going to do with me?”

“Wipe that smile off your face for a start,” Ben promised and lowered his lips once again to Aydin’s skin.

Aydin was grinning, for a good ten minutes. But then the need started to build to painful levels, and he fretted and begged. Half mad with desire.

His skin was flushed and damp with sweat, his cock leaking and throbbing like it had never throbbed before. Ben had taken him to the edge, and he was pleading without shame for climax.

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