After the End Ch. 20

“Avery still out with the traders?” I asked.

Julian nodded toward the command center. “I’ll know once I check in.”

“I was hoping you could meet me in your room before dinner.”

He cocked his head. “What for?”

“Surprise for Avery,” I grinned. “Well, and for you.”

He could surely guess that my plans had to do with our sex game, but he didn’t react in any visible way. “I can probably be there in about twenty minutes.”

“Great. See you then.”

When he arrived, he was somewhat discomfited to learn that my surprise was actually the anal plug he’d owned for years but had never worn until recently. He stared at the black plastic object laying on my palm as if it were a desert scorpion about to sting.

“This is optional, Julian,” I said. “If it will bother you, then just say no. But if it’s only going to bother you in the sexual sense, I’d really like you to say yes.”

“I…” His gaze lifted, nearly as tortured as he’d been that morning while I licked his genitals. “I’ve never — in public –”

“I know,” I replied easily. “But you’ve made Avery do it, and Vik, and they survived for much longer than I’m asking for. Imagine your husband’s insta-boner, when we sit down to dinner in the main hall and he finds out you’ve got this little devil up your ass.”

He swallowed harder than usual. “Yeah.”

“So, you gonna let me put it inside you? You can always come back and take it out, if it’s too much.”

There was a long hesitation before he conceded. “Ok.”

I found his lips for a kiss. “Pants down. Lean over the desk.”

I stepped to the nightstand to get the lube while he unbuckled and pushed his trousers to bunch around his knees, then rested his elbows on the wooden surface and left his backside bare to me. I took the opportunity to grip his firm glutes with my free hand, squeezing like a lewd uncle.

“You have a truly gorgeous ass, if I haven’t told you lately,” I commented.

“I’m sure you have,” he replied, faintly amused. “But I’m glad you approve.”

I didn’t want to drag this out too long, in case Avery got back and was looking for us, so I lubed the toy and started pressing it through Julian’s hole. It took a minute for him to loosen, but soon the plug was seated securely.

It was shaped to lodge directly over the prostate and provide hands-free pleasure with every contraction of the pelvic muscles. Any movement — walking, bending, shifting weight — would nudge the magic button, causing a practically continuous erection. Plus the sensation of having your ass fucked while your friends and colleagues watched could be pretty damn arousing, in my opinion.

He managed to straighten and pull up his pants without too much wincing, but when I turned him around and pressed a hand to his crotch, he was definitely roused. I had to kiss him some more, until I was in danger of popping wood myself.

“How’s it feel?” I asked before we headed out the door.

“Like I’m being fingered one hundred percent of the time,” he sighed.

“Avery’s gonna flip,” I snickered.

The trading mission had mostly been a success, so my younger lover was already in good spirits by the time we made our way to the hall for supper and filled our bowls with savory jambalaya and cornbread. I waited until the three of us had found space at one of the long tables, making sure Avery ended up beside me on the bench, then leaned close to whisper the secret into his ear.

His reaction was a comical succession of expressions: disbelief melting into amazement and quickly heating to lust, before he remembered where we were and tried to return his features to something less noticeable. Every time he glanced at our victim across the table, though, I could practically see the blood pooling in his groin. Julian was much more adept at controlling his face, but even he was looking a bit frazzled.

To my extreme delight, one of Fort Laurel’s civilian leaders ended up joining us to talk business. Which meant Julian had to sit there hashing out the details of a report about livestock grazing patterns for the governing council, while beneath his clothes and composed exterior, the toy was continuously probing his ass and tantalizing his prostate. I thought the situation was steaming Avery up about as much as if he’d been the one impaled. Vik even dropped by to say hi, and I really wanted to tell him, but I had to content myself with a couple of clever puns.

“Let me see it!” Avery demanded the second we got back to their quarters. He started tearing at his husband’s clothes, and Julian assisted as well as he could through the hurried attack. The instant he was naked, Avery shoved the taller man flat onto the bedspread and pushed back his knees to reveal the tip of the plug protruding from his hole.

“Can’t believe you’ve had that thing inside you this whole fucking evening,” Avery raved, so wildly turned on he sounded angry. “Fuck that’s hot!”

“See?” I directed at Julian. “You made the right choice.”

“Evidently,” he agreed, somewhat breathless. He was still lying with heels obediently planted well apart, chest rising and falling while his unrelieved erection pulsed above his pelvis. My mouth watered at the sight.

“So what’s the plan?” Avery asked me impatiently. “Someone should be doing something.”

I sat behind him on the mattress and wrapped an arm around his torso. “What do you want to be doing?”

“I want to be fucking him.” His gaze was still fastened on the toy invading his husband’s private place.

“If that’s ok with Julian, it’s ok with me,” I granted. “Don’t you want to edge him some first, though? This is your last chance before he gets to come.”

“That plug has been edging him already,” Avery countered, faltering on the exciting words. “But yeah, maybe a little.”

“I was thinking,” I murmured over his shoulder, “if he’s willing, we might tie his hands to the headboard.”

“Fuck…” Avery breathed. “God, yes.” His focus shifted to Julian’s face. “Would you do that?”

As far as I knew, Julian hadn’t allowed himself to be bound since coming to the South, but he seemed invested in pleasing his partner.

“I — I suppose I could.” He almost sounded nervous, and I wasn’t sure if that was about being restrained, or about what we might do to him afterward. “If you’re careful.”

“Of course we’ll be careful,” I assured him. “You can show me exactly how to tie you first.”

He gave a tight nod, and I thought Avery was going to burst out of his pants from the anticipation alone.

Julian demonstrated his preferred knots on my wrist, and I did my best to recreate them on his. I didn’t have his level of expertise, but I knew the basics, and it helped a lot to have an example to copy. I felt confident I wouldn’t accidentally hurt him, since he’d be able to identify if I did anything wrong.

In a few minutes, both his hands were secured to the bed frame — not too far apart, so he wouldn’t feel too trapped, but plenty to prevent him from taking out the plug, for example. Apparently inspired by my session that morning, Avery shed his clothes, got between Julian’s legs, and applied his tongue to his husband’s incredibly swollen cock.

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