After the End Ch. 20

In fact, it was my secret hope that I’d never have to compare another relationship to this one. I couldn’t imagine that anyone else had the potential to be as important to me as my two loves. Maybe they’d be willing to move back with me, if my commanders decided not to renew my mission here. Julian had a well-appointed house and substantial status waiting in Portland, after all, and Avery didn’t seem entirely uninterested in adventuring west.

And if not…if I had to resign my commission and become a permanent resident of this remote settlement, scratching out a communal living among the ancient woods and wetlands, with no help from my family or access to my bank account…I would do it. The bed I shared with Avery and Julian was my home now. They were my family. And the rich contentment I felt when we were together was beyond price.

Anything I had to sacrifice for them would be worth it.

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