After the End Ch. 20

Julian and I walked to our quarters, and apparently the display had affected him too, because as soon as we were inside, he pulled my mouth to his and picked up where Graham had left off.

“Kind of hoping we might have some important business before bed too,” my husband told me when he released my lips.

“Very important,” I agreed. In here, I didn’t have to stop myself from pressing my erection against him and finding out he was growing one too.

We got naked and moved to the bed, but before I went further than sliding a palm over his heated length, I had a request to make.

“I know we already had birthday sex, but there’s something else I’ve been…wanting to ask you. Something I want to do, with the three of us. Well –” I decided it would be more accurate to rephrase. “Something I want you to do.”

“Oh? What’s that, babe?”

My hand brushed idly along Julian’s swollen cock. “Want you to let Graham control your body and orgasm for twenty-four hours.” It was the original proposition he’d made to me years ago, when he’d decided to give me a serious introduction to power exchange.

There was definitely some kind of reaction under my palm, and not a discouraging one. “Graham? Not you?”

I shook my head. “I’ve tried it, and you know I’ve never been very into making you obey me. But…if you haven’t figured it out by now, I’m pretty into you obeying Graham.”

There was another twitch at Julian’s crotch, but all he said was, “I’d noticed that, yes.”

I leaned in to kiss his neck a few times, along the side where his skin was hairless and more receptive, and let my hand find a firmer grip. “So?” I prompted. “Is that something you could be into?”

He seemed to consider a moment before replying. “I could do that for you. I think it would be more fun if you gave him control of yourself, also.”

God, why hadn’t I thought of that? Graham withholding my orgasm and Julian’s at the same time…teasing us simultaneously… My own cock pulsed at the images that scrolled through my brain.

“Absolutely. Great idea.”

My husband’s fingers found one of my nipples. “You going to tell me what you hope he’ll do to me?” he asked provocatively, but I shook my head.

“I’m not going to tell either of you, so you’ll have no way of knowing what his plans will be.”

Julian’s cheeks lifted in a smile. “I look forward to finding out.”

A week went by before we had a good opportunity to start the game I’d proposed — a long one, filled with work and with tantalizing visions of Julian surrendered and exploited. I stuck to my word and didn’t share any of my fantasies, but I did find time to talk with Graham. I made sure to let him know that I didn’t want my preferences dictating our encounters. It would only be good for me if he were truly the one in control.

The last of the late-spring daylight was fading from the horizon when we got underway. Graham was over at our room, as he was most evenings that one of us wasn’t spending alone with him. We’d had a thorough pre-session conversation yesterday, but just to be safe, he started by reviewing rules, safe words, and limits. Thrillingly, Julian hadn’t set anything off-limits. Over the past five months, I’d been pleased to see how much more relaxed he’d grown when it came to intimacy with our third partner. He’d even experienced something of an anal renaissance since he’d first let Graham penetrate him. Stimulation there no longer seemed triggering, and he suggested it a lot more often.

“Here’s what I know about you, Julian,” Graham opened when we were ready to begin. He was watching my husband with a knowing glint in his lush, forest-hued irises. “What gets to you the most isn’t actually what happens to you. It’s what happens to Avery.”

There was no denying that. It was the main weapon I’d used, the one time I’d requested to do this with Julian.

“So, little one,” Graham directed at me. “I hope you’re prepared to spend most of the next twenty-four hours just as horny as he’s going to be. Because that’s the most effective way for me to fulfill your wish for this scene.”

Involuntary tightness crept into my trunks, but I’d been able to guess what I was getting myself into. “Yeah…”

“Good. Clothes off,” Graham commanded. “Both of you.”

While we undressed, the captain turned down the lamp and removed his own shirt and pants, leaving his briefs on. Then he sat cross-legged at the head of the bed, his back against the center of our wood-slat headboard. He directed me to lie face up in front of him, with my head on a pillow he placed over his lap. He had Julian sit beside me. I looked at my boyfriend’s face above me, unable to guess what his intentions were for this position, but already hard in anticipation.

“I have the right to keep you pent up until tomorrow night, just like him,” Graham reminded me, sinuous and sensual. “But I’m going to give you the chance to earn an orgasm this evening, by passing a challenge I’m about to set for you. And the beauty is, I’m fairly certain your husband will find it just as arousing whether you succeed or fail.”

Well that was ominous. And exciting. “What do I have to do?”

“Reach up and grab onto the headboard,” he instructed, and my stomach did a somersault. Nervously I obeyed, stretching my arms out beneath his increasingly predatory gaze, and he guided them into place. “Hands all the way apart.”

Shit. My skin started tingling in all the ticklish places he could now easily reach. Especially when both of his palms came to rest at my elbows on either side, dangerously near my vulnerable armpits.

I didn’t dare to look up again, but I could hear the positively sinful grin in his voice. “Here’s your challenge: My fingers are going to make seven trips from here, down to your nipples, and back. At whatever pace and in whatever manner I choose. If you want to empty your balls tonight, all you have to do is keep your arms where they are.”

I swore aloud before I could stop myself. Seven didn’t sound that bad, except if Graham wanted, he could make that take half an hour. Not to mention that if he jabbed too insistently in the right spots, there wasn’t a chance in hell I could avoid reacting — which he was fully aware of. I’d only win this prize if he let me.

I glanced at Julian. He was cross-legged as well, facing me so I could see his rod standing tall from between his thighs. He kept his hands relaxed on his knees, but by his expression, he was practically salivating to watch Graham creep into my unprotected pits.

“Tell me when you’re ready to start, Avery.”

I swallowed and took one last deep breath. “I’m ready.”

Two of Graham’s fingertips started walking down my triceps on each arm — taking tiny, mincing steps, like a ballerina on pointe. He hadn’t gotten very far past my elbow before it started to tickle, and as soon as he hit my stretched pits, it started to really tickle. But I couldn’t do anything to defend myself, not if I wanted to avoid going to bed unbearably frustrated. I tightened my grip on the headboard, locked my arms in place, and let him tiptoe all the way through my sensitive hollows, while I tried not to giggle.

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