After the End Ch. 20

“Please,” I breathed, but when Avery’s loving hand came up to caress the side of my neck, some of the torture’s sharp edges blunted. I wasn’t enduring this just for Graham. Avery wanted this from me, and if I were honest, there was some place buried very deep inside me that didn’t entirely want it to end, either.

“Tell Avery,” was the soft reply, while the captain’s hand kept twisting slowly against my rampant hard-on.

I raised my head, finding my husband’s gaze again, allowing him see the pathetic shambles I’d been reduced to.

“It teases so badly, Avery,” I whispered, like a man dying of thirst who asks for water. “When I can’t — get any more, and I can’t — back down, and he just keeps –”

“I know, babe,” he whispered back, his thumb stroking my cheek. He’d cooled some since his climax, from the searing fires of passion to the smoldering embers of affection. “I’m gonna get off on it for the rest of my life — that you’re letting him do this. But it’s good too, isn’t it? The absolute most you can feel without it being over.”

I wished I could disagree, but the exquisite thrills Graham was wringing from my captive organ did actually rival an orgasmic explosion. They just didn’t satisfy the craving; didn’t feel complete. Which, as Avery pointed out, meant this could go on indefinitely.

He pulled my face closer so he could kiss me, his lips caressing as gently as Graham’s hand. And I allowed them both to keep me in this state of suspended animation — inflicting me with decadent sensation that never progressed. I wasn’t restrained; no one was stopping me from getting up or finishing myself off. But I didn’t. For once, I wanted my two men to have me, fully. At my weakest and most exposed. No matter what it cost.

They didn’t make me wait much longer. Graham laid a kiss near the top of my spine, and his hand let me go.

“Scene’s over, Julian,” he said quietly. “Thank you for trusting us. Can we get you cleaned up?”

I nodded mechanically, so far outside my normal scope I didn’t even know what I wanted. We disentangled and went about our bedtime routines, but Avery stayed close to me, glancing often at my face as though checking for signs of distress. I recognized the gesture, and the extra attention was rather comforting: a guidepost through the disorientation of intense denial and surrender.

“You in the middle,” he instructed once we were ready, and I crawled gratefully under the sheet. It was rare for me to take this position — Avery and Graham almost always wanted to be in contact with each other during the night, so they traded turns next to me. I’d never minded; I typically found it easier to sleep with less movement around me.

Tonight, though, being surrounded was the balm my overwrought nervous system needed. Avery snuggled against my side, in his favored place to my left, and Graham lay close too, his strong forearm entwined with mine against my bare torso. My erection at last had given up, and truthfully I didn’t feel that different than if I’d been sharing their afterglow. Submission left behind its own kind of glow — more fragile, but no less intimate. Peaceful on a more profound level, beneath the surface of satisfaction. It wasn’t something I necessarily wanted to experience often, but I could sense a new depth to the bond between the three of us, and that might be worth exploring on occasion.

“You doing ok?” Graham asked in the dark beside me.


“Need anything?” he checked.

“Just this.” I gave his arm a slight squeeze and offered the same to Avery with my other arm across his back.

“We love you a lot, Julian,” Graham told me, which injected fresh warmth into my chest.

I’d known for the past four months how he felt about me, and he wasn’t shy about saying the words, but they still affected me differently than when they came from Avery. Not more — my husband’s devotion was the most precious thing in my universe. But Avery and I had fallen for each other during a time when we were both desperately lonely and carrying quite fresh emotional wounds. Our union was powerful and probably irrevocable, and a lot of that power derived from the intense pain we’d helped each other heal from.

Graham and I had connected under quite different circumstances, long after I was emotionally stable and deeply attached to a family and community of my own choosing. And he, in his mid-thirties, was nothing like my husband had been at twenty-three. The captain had a social origin similar to mine, was grounded in a long-term career, and benefitted from a wealth of adult life experience. Plus he’d grown up in a much more supportive environment than either Avery or I: with a father who wasn’t neglectful, a mother who didn’t leave, a sister who didn’t die, and classmates who didn’t subject him to sexual violence. Graham knew the world was dangerous, but he didn’t seem to internalize that danger. He didn’t need me, is what it boiled down to. But he loved me anyway.

“Love you too,” I told him quietly. I drifted off before I could even start wondering what torments they had planned for tomorrow.

* * * * *


Julian was still out, on his side facing Avery, when I surfaced from sleep. Carefully I scooted closer, reached one arm around to his crotch, and found him solid inside his trunks. Perfect.

He stirred within moments of my fingers landing, but I kept fondling, and he didn’t move to block me.

“Morning, Major,” I murmured from behind his shoulder. “That’s a nice stiff cock you got there. You gonna let me taste it before I send you to work?”

“If that’s…what you want,” he replied, already sounding unsteady.

“It is what I want,” I smiled, punctuating with a nip to the joint between his neck and shoulder. He surged against my hand, which made me laugh. “Trunks off,” I commanded. “You too, little one.”

I switched on the lamp so I could enjoy the sight of my two men lying side by side, naked and hard and waiting for me to play with them. I stretched out at an angle so I could reach them both and nudged Julian’s legs apart.

Instead of going for his hard-on, I closed my hand around the base of his scrotum, pulling his tender balls tight. Then I swiped my tongue across the vulnerable flesh.

I heard him take in a quick breath, and I knew the delicate contact must be jump-starting his libido after what he’d been through last night. I kept licking wide stripes over the improbably soft skin there, stimulating the myriad of nerve endings designed to protect a male’s ability to father the next generation. Not that he had any intention of ever letting his sperm gestate.

“How does my tongue feel on these pent-up balls?” I asked after a minute. “Avery and I want to hear.”

There a long exhale before Julian answered. “It’s…very arousing, and frustrating, to have your tongue there, when I want it elsewhere.”

“You know you can’t come, even if I lick your cock,” I reminded him with malicious delight.

“I remember,” was the sardonic answer. “But it aches more, with you doing that.”

“Hm,” I mused, then I pulled one of his eggs into my mouth and sucked on it lightly, which made his erection twitch. “Maybe this is all the tasting I’ll do this morning then,” I threatened before switching to the other.

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