Dave finds a book full story so far by arcaine one

Most trips you fly with strangers that you will never see again. This was different, some life-long loves were being made today.

Everyone was more or less presentable when the plane landed. The departing passengers were generous with their kisses to anyone who greeted them.


7am high school, Dayton, Ohio, Janet was busy trying to break up 2 kids in her class who were in the throws of passion and trying to undress each other. Every time she turned her back, the children were being increasingly inappropriate.

“Glory, Stan, stop that!”

“Gregory, Michel, you two stop that, boys should not kiss each other!”

She moved to physically try and pry two girls apart who were tongue kissing each other. She was getting dizzy from turning from one couple to the next.

“Stop it children, this is no way to act in school!”

Someone tapped her on the shoulder. When she turned around, Henry, who was a little person, had pushed a chair near her, so he could stand eye to eye with her.

The chubby teenage redhead put his arms around her neck and kissed her on the mouth. This shocked her into paralysis, the smell of roses in the air around her was making it hard to think.

“Henry! what are you doing?”

“I have always thought you were so pretty Miss Brenda, can I kiss you again?”

“You shouldn’t,” she began to say but her heart melted when she saw the little boy’s face fall.

“But, a little more won’t hurt I suppose.” she replied, encircling his waist with her arms.

A second more personal kiss was followed by a passionate kiss where she found herself teaching him all the details of French kissing. The other kids paused to observe and began to follow the examples set by their teacher.

Brenda began to run her hands all over the boy’s plump body, he was overweight but she found his softness fascinating. His chubby hands began to explore her small B-cup bra from the outside. Suddenly desperate to feel his hands on her rock hard nipples, she yanked her shirt open, spraying buttons in all directions.

“Look, it’s a front clasp, Honey.” and taught the boy how to open it. Bringing his hands out to her breasts with her hands on the back of his, Henry began to massage her tits. Brenda in turn slid her hands under his shirt to rub his soft belly and play with his chubby boy tits.

She gasped as he bravely put his mouth on her left nipple and began to suckle. Pulling his head closer she slid her hands down his back to his round butt, massaging his fleshy ass. Brenda felt a lust like never before in her life for this boy, not a man yet and his short body made him seem so much younger. She wanted him!

Pulling back, she unbuttoned his pants and pushed them down along with his cotton briefs. She was only peripherally aware that most of her students were naked or on the way to naked by now.

Henry was embarrassed he had never been naked in front of anyone but his mother. Seeing this Brenda kissed him again.

“Don’t be ashamed, my love, you are beautiful the way God made you.”

She ran her hand over his round tummy and found his hard penis sticking up at 45 degrees. Only 6 inches long but hard as a rail spike, Brenda unbuttoned her slacks and pushed them down along with her granny panties.

“See, now we are all naked right?” The boy nodded one hand still on her left breast thumb rubbing her nipple. He started at her crotch it was her turn to blush.

She had shaved off all the hair except a heart shaped patch just above her slit. Getting down on her knees and keeping eye contact she opened her mouth wide and took the boys penis and balls into her mouth.

Brenda moved his hands to her curly brown hair and grabbed his ass with both hands. The school teacher started pulling his hips back and forth teaching him how to fuck her throat.


Lola was on her back on Theresa’s bed. Jules was on her left side, sucking on her nipple and rubbing Lola’s clit while keeping eye contact. Theresa was on her right putting her large nipple in the dark skinned girl’s mouth. David was between her legs rubbing the head of his cock up and down her virgin slit.

“Do you want it?” he asked.

“Yes!” she breathed around his mother’s tit. She locked her ankles on the back of his thighs to pull him closer.

David put the head into her tight opening and pushed, Lola raised her hips to meet him as their hips slapped together. The pain was sharp as her hymen was torn away like a leaf in the wind.

Julie scrubbed her fingers hard on Lola’s clit turning the pain into a crashing climax.

Dave held still letting his new lover get used to the pressure of his cock. His sister and mother kissing and fondling the girl toward another climax.

“OK?” He asked the girl.

Lola nodded, her face almost lost in the mass of her black curls. Theresa’s breast covered half her face.

Slowly, David started pumping in and out of her tight passage, feeling it move his foreskin back and forth. Julie had a small bottle of lube in her hand that was fingering her friend and started squeezing drops out to land on her brother’s dick.

Between the lube and the stimulation getting the girls natural juices going David was soon pounding her slightly bleeding pussy like he was trying to break it.

Lola pulled hard on him with her ankles flexing her hips up to meet every crash. Sucking on Theresa’s nipple like it held honey, both her young pixie-like lover and the older woman were rubbing her clit ceaselessly.

Lola came hard and began to have back to back multiple orgasms as her 3 lovers poured attention on her, all determined to make the young girls first time a wonderful memory.


School was over at 3 pm Brenda had talked the children into getting presentable. More than a few had no idea where their underwear had wound up.

“Now children, be sure to kiss your parents when you see them so they know you love them OK?”

Everyone agreed and began to file out as parents arrived and the bus pulled up to get the riders. Several kids kissed the sour older Ms Johnson while boarding the bus. The usually crabby 65 year old seemed in a much better mood as she drove away.

Brenda saw Henry kissing his mother and then leading her over. The teachers chest filled with trepidation at the ominous possibilities about to unfurl.

A pretty and pleasantly plump natural redhead Kitty smiled at the teacher. She seemed a little dazed from the kiss.

“Mommy this is Miss Brenda, she is my girlfriend, can we have her over for dinner?”

Fear dropped on Brenda like a bomb but no one seemed even a little concerned about the announcement. Looking around she saw that the congregation was way more friendly than normal. Hugs, kisses, and hand-holding as well as some intimate public displays of affection were going on.

Kitty smiled “Of course dear, let me give this beautiful girl my address and phone number.”


Dave 8

Sacramento High School 10 am Monday, Jill Sharp went from group to group of amorous school children.

“Put your mask back on!”

She yelled this phrase over and over, quivering with rage over the students defying her orders. “Stop kissing, put your shirt back on, get that out of your mouth! Jamie don’t go in the boys’ locker room!”

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