Dave finds a book full story so far by arcaine one

“What is it, Irene?” Maxwell asked,”Another cancellation?”

“No,” the taller woman said smoothing her dress. Evelyn noticed that it was rather wrinkled.

“I just came to see if you needed anything: coffee, tea, maybe a hug?”

“What on Earth has gotten into everyone, why are you wearing a mask?” demanded Maxwell. “Has everyone lost their ever-loving mind?” Her voice was shaking with fear now.

“No.” Irene said, flashing a stunning smile.

“All this seems rather silly. Everyone seems to be so much better. Sometimes it’s simple hug and a kiss make you feel better than anything else right?

Evelyn realized that she had gotten up from her desk and backed into a corner during this conversation. Nurse Irene was slowly making her way across the room.

Evelyn tried to dodge, Irene was much quicker and stronger than she looked. Part of the reason the other doctors had hired her was her ability to help restrain over-excited patients.

The larger woman placed her hands on Evelyn’s shoulders and said. “Look at you, you’re shaking like a leaf.” Dr Maxwell could smell the faint smell of roses.

“Everything’s just so strange today.” she confessed, “What good will I be if no one is ever sick?”

Irene slowly brought the smaller woman within the circle of her arms, hugging her to her breasts. Dr Maxwell turned her head up face woman who gently kissed her on the mouth.

“There, isn’t that better?”

Maxwell wondered what she had been so upset about. “Yes I can feel much better, were you always this pretty?”


Roscoe was just getting done with his meal at Waffle House when someone tapped him on the shoulder. When he turned to looked a cute young girl leaned in and kisses him on the lips. Taken aback he asked “Excuse me do I know you?”

“I am Melissa. I am working my way across country to Florida. Can I get a ride?” She had reached out and ran her had down his chest.

“I am married with a girl almost your age.” he said, his cock growing hard in his pants.

“Oh goody,” she said “I like girls as much as men. Can we go now?”

He dropped money on the table and headed outm the girl close behind. No one seamed to look or even care. The staff was way more flirty than he remembered, and so was every customer.

Many people were holding hands or kissing. He could swear a couple was heading to the bathroom together.

Once inside his pickup, the girl slid over to the middle seat. “Oh I love these old trucks,” she said. “The seats are so big you can lay down on them.”

Roscoe pulled out on the road trying to not wreck the truck, as the girls clever hands unbuckled his belt. On the highway she took out his stiff prick and squeezed it hard as she slowly jacked it up and down.

“Do you know a quiet place we can pull off and test the seat?” She said with a smile.

“Yes,” he said almost panting. “New Mexico has lots of places no one goes.” She leaned up to lick his ear and whispered, “Good, find one so I can taste your cock.”

Melissa had a dress on that had buttons all the way down the front and she started to undo the buttons. She kicked her slip-on shoes onto the floorboard and showed him that she had nothing on under the dress. Her shapely legs parted to reveal her small puffy mound with a light dusting of hair.

Her deep brown eyes looked at him. “Do you like what you see?”

“Yes,” he said, “why did you pick me?”

“You look a little like my daddy, he lives in Florida. I am going there to fuck him. My Mom lives in Washington and has been pimping me out for drugs so I decided to go fuck some one who loves me.”

Once off the main road Melissa had stripped naked and was now masturbating herself and Roscoe while he looked for a secluded spot. He had not been able to hold an erection this long in years. He knew it might be from the extremely taboo situation, but he did not think so.

Arriving at last at a grove of scrub pine trees he shut off the engine and took off his jeans.

The little girl all but smashed her face into his crotch, taking his cock half way down her throat. As she worked her face up and down she encouraged him to move to the middle of the seat. After another feverish minute of sucking him off she came up for air and climbed into the seat.

With her little bare feet on each side of his hips, the little brunette put her hands on his broad shoulders and said “Guide me in Daddy” as she began to squat down on his wet dick. She plunged down on his cock in one motion. Roscoe felt like a fist with a velvet glove had clamped down on him.

“Oh fuck me Daddy, fuck me hard.” panted the girl, her A-cup tits scrubbing against his work shirt.

The old mechanic grabbed her narrow waist and began to thrust her up and down on his steel-hard prick. He was amazed, he was harder than he had been in 15 years!

The old truck was rocking on its springs and the sound of slapping flesh filled the cabin. The girl’s tight pussy was drooling on his lap, as she reached down to rub her clit with her left hand.

Roscoe dropped his hands to her ass and clutched a firm butt cheek in each hand. The girl was practically jumping up and he would slam her back down.

Melissa screamed and came squirting in his lap, her tight pussy clamping painfully on his cock. Cum shot out of his balls with the same gusto it had when he was a teenager.

The spot between the two lovers was wet and splashing as his young lover continued to pound up and down on him as she orgasmed once more as he started to deflate.

Like a felled tree the girl slowly tipped to one side still twitching. “God, I needed that, now take me to your house so I can watch you fuck your daughter. Afterwards I will eat your cum out of her.”

Roscoe had been suffering from ED for years and kind of doubted he would get it up again.

16 minutes later they were in sight of his house. Melissa lay in the seat sucking his hard prick with her dress on but unbuttoned.

The girl stayed in his truck as Roscoe tucked his raging cock away and went to kiss his confused daughter and angry wife.

After a moment his wife told him, “Bring that sexy little bitch in here, you are getting every man’s fantasy tonight my love. The 3 of us are going to fuck you till the sun comes up.”


Dave finds a book part 9

St Luke’s Presbyterian Medical Center, Denver, Colorado: Nurse Chapel made her way through the coma ward section, next to the terminally ill wing of the hospital. She was feeling absolutely wonderful. She had spent the night with a beautiful Latina woman in a small motel, on her way back from her vacation. It was her first lesbian experience and it was a grand experience. Later that day the two of them had shared a teenage boy they had met at the pool. Chapel’s back and knees no longer hurt, the same with her feet.

She arrived at the room of James Turro. Mr. Turro had been in a coma for the past 3 months. The dark skinned Latino man had the amusing ability to get an erection, even though he was completely comatose. James had an enormous cock, several of the nurses had already availed themselves of his turgid member. One girl even had a pregnancy scare.

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