Dave finds a book full story so far by arcaine one

Darla backhanded him out the door telling him next time ask first. Chuckling he went to the truck, at 9 pm he stopped for coffee and kissed the waitress on the hand. She kissed the spot he had and told him she got off at 11 if he was not busy.

John said “I am married.”

Jane leaned in close smelling of roses “Bring her too, I bet some kisses will get her to agree.”

David and Julie had eaten and taken a quick shower they thought about doing it together but decided there was no way they could control themselves and not get caught.

Just after they settled onto the sofa in the game room to watch a monster movie, their mother breezed in the door at 9:15.

Tall and pale, Theresa showed her Nordic ancestry in her white blonde hair, ice-blue eyes and creamy skin, C cups and wide hips with just a bit of thickness showing in her middle from 2 pregnancies.

She kicked off her heels and moved toward the sound of the TV while snagging a slice of pizza. The kids were cuddling up on the sofa watching some frightening show.

Leaning over them the smell of rose scented soap or shampoo was in the air.

“I see you have both survived the day and showered” she said with a smile.

David, looking up, heartrendingly reminded her of her late husband, he was such a handsome boy. The red hair from his father was strawberry blonde mixed with her genes. While Jules was a tiny boyish version of herself.

Both children lifted their faces for expected kisses which they both received, an outsider might think the kisses were a trifle longer than casual.

Theresa had to resist more every day to keep herself from just ravishing them both. This was the year she and Philip had planned on introducing them both more into heavy petting and deeper kisses.

With him gone she had no idea if she could do it alone. She paused looking at the TV but in reality using the side of her vision to see what was going on. The kids were sitting closer than normal and holding hands. A trickle of excitement stirred in her stomach. as she continued to look at the screen and nibble her pizza.

Julie leaned back toward her brothers shoulder with a contented sigh.

“Well, it seems I am the only one who has not had a bath. I could use a soak, thank goodness for the instant hot water, huh?”

Bending over for one more kiss each, this time she felt just the tiniest touch of a tongue from each of her offspring. Both kids turned to watch their mother’s ass roll under her skirt as she glided out of the room.

“Do you think she suspects?” Julie asked.

“We can never hide anything from her. She already knows but is willing to ignore it. Or needs time to process, or is unwilling to call us on it for fear of damaging us, or is so excited she does not know what to do yet” said David with a smile.

Jules looked at her brother. “Maybe you’re not as dumb as you pretend to be.”

Kissing him with her mouth open she grabbed his hardening dick with her free hand. “You can take me any time you want Dave, you don’t even have to ask” Julie said in a fierce whisper.

“You sure?” he said feeling his pulse quicken. “This is your only chance to back out.”

“Oh yeah I’m sure, I am your fucktoy any time you want any hole you want. I will help you fuck any girl or boy that you want.”

“I don’t want any boy at the moment” he confessed, “but it’s not off the table.”

“Right,” she said “I mean it though, I am your free-use toy and I want to watch you fuck everyone on earth.”

He had to admit that he had enjoyed some gay porn as well as the other deviant stuff he had watched….

Part 3 Dave

Theresa stripped down in her master bathroom while pouring a hot bath. She looked at herself in the mirror, turning this way and that. She noticed that her stretch marks from the pregnancy had faded considerably. Honestly, if you didn’t know exactly where to look, you would see nothing there at all.

The solid gold ring that was through her clit hood twinkled in the light. The sexy MILF had no body hair whatsoever.

She had it all laser removed more than a decade ago, shaving was such a chore. Easing her body into the piping hot water, she added a bit of scented oil oil to the water. Bemused, she wondered to herself “Why does everything we have smell like roses? When had this become a default?”

When the water had cooled down she pulled the plug and turned the shower head on, standing up rinsing off. She dried with a warm fluffy towel and put on a short robe with a loose belt.


John, the truck driver, arrived home just before 10:00. His wife, Sylvia, met him with her usual enthusiastic kiss, this time it left them both a little more breathless than usual.

Turning back to the kitchen she turned off the stove and asked him. “So anything unusual happened today?”

Without thinking he said “As a matter of fact, yes, waitress at the restaurant told me she gets off at 11:00. She also said I should bring you if you want to come.”

With her back to John he could not see the joy that lit up her face. She knew that he cheated on her from time to time. She was plump but always a shy partner in bed but deep down wished she wasn’t. She couldn’t really get mad at him but was thrilled that he had finally invited her to come along.

Determined to break out of her life-long hesitancy, she said “I’ll go get my shoes and that box of condoms we bought yesterday.”

Sylvia quickly left the room John stood in the doorway. He was already growing hard, and then he wondered why he was smelling roses.

For her part Jane, the waitress, had been kissing the back of every one of the 64 tickets she had written since John left.

“Wow!” she thought to herself “This lipstick really transfers a lot, seems to last forever” while looking at the rosy lip-print on the 64th ticket.

Every recipient of the ticket followed that unnatural urge to put their mouth to the print. Almost all of them were unaccompanied men or women.

A few were families or groups of friends. A couple who were passing through town with their teenage son, kissed the paper. The son casually noticed that the print disappeared afterwards.

By 11 pm just when John and Sylvia are picking up Jane, 30 of the people who got tickets have kissed their significant other and are already in the throws of passion. Any grievance forgotten and caution thrown to the wind.

The boy kissed his Mom goodnight at their motel. While she and his dad are making passionate love he sneaks out and runs into the Latina lady who cleaned the rooms.

Juanita feels an attraction for this boy – he is thin and pale. She has always had trouble keeping away from young boys, it’s why she fled her country and wound up with this menial job.

“You lost?” She says in broken English with a smile showing her very white teeth.

“Only in your eyes” says the goth boy blue eyes under short black hair stare into her liquid brown.

“So romantic, are you a guest here?”

“Yes, my parents are busy,” he says quietly stepping closer to the curvaceous 40 year old. “Would it be OK if I kissed you?” he asked.

Glancing up and down the empty hall, she nods as the boy leans up. She is about 4 inches taller, he closes his eyes. His lips look so soft and are slightly parted.

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