Dave finds a book full story so far by arcaine one

Looking at himself in the rear view mirror the 18 year old thought “Wow, my face has really cleared up!” Turning his head he saw no signs of acne, not even scars. “That new cleanser scrub Mom gave me is a miracle, she deserves a kiss for that for sure.”

Part 2 – Dave

Julie put the pizza on the dining table and headed back to the bedroom.

Dave was coming out having gotten his wardrobe malfunction under control and stopped dead.

“Did you really answer the door like that?”

“Yes!” she said with an evil grin “I think his cock almost exploded.” She pressed her half naked body against her brother and gave him another smoking kiss while running her hands under his shirt.

David gasped as she tweaked his nipples and felt a tent rise in his pants again.

Julie pushed his shirt up forcing him to help her take it off. Grabbing his belt buckle she pulled him toward her room.

“Come on stud, Mom won’t be home for over an hour. I want my sexy brother to be the first man in my pussy!”

“You want me to pop your cherry?” he asked, as he willingly followed her.

She giggled “No, I popped it 2 years ago with one of Mom’s dildos.”

“Mom has a dildo?”

“Only about 8 or 10, she is a grown woman with needs you know.”

Julie’s room was as contradictory as she was. Hello kitty bed cover with sports posters on the walls and games on the shelves.

Turning back to her brother she kissed him again and unbuttoned his pants pushing them down with her hands and raised her tiny foot to push them to the floor.

Pulling the string on her shorts she let them fall to the floor as well. Dave wrapped his arms around her and crushed her lithe form to his body, his stiff cock poking hard into her flat bellybutton.

Julie broke away from him and backed toward her bed, when her legs touched she fell onto her back and scooted up opening her legs so wide she was doing the splits.

” What do you think big brother, do you want to lick it before you stick it?”

“Oh, yes!” he answered mesmerized by her smooth mound. She was wet with a tiny trickle of girl juice clinging to her slightly parted lips.

“I don’t have any experience though so might need some pointers.”

” Don’t worry, Lola and I eat each other all the time you will be a pro in no time.”

As he was crawling on the bed with his face near her cunny he said “Lola? the Latina friend of yours? Damn I am sad I have not known all this time.”

“Oh yeah big brother I am a freak! I totally want to see you fuck her sometime but first me, and then Mom.”

Dave gently ran his tongue up her slit tasting her nectar like juices. “Mom? You think I have a chance?”

“Dave, I want both of us to do her I have been hot to do her for years! I have seen the way you watch her, I do it too.”

Experimentally he sucked her clit between his lips and his sister arched into his face. He had read a lot of erotica, maybe it was not all garbage. He began to lash her clit with his tongue while it was trapped by the vacuum of his mouth.

Unable to talk anymore, the little girl thrashed and moaned while her brother slipped one finger into her tight pussy while squeezing her ass cheek with the other. The little waif-like girl felt her climax coming and wrapped her legs around her brother’s head in a death grip.

His tongue became a blur and his finger pistoning in and out of her. Again, female ejaculate squirted out and she let go of her death grip.

“Now,” she said breathlessly “fuck me me now while I’m helpless. Fuck me hard.”

David slid up between her legs grabbing both her trim ankles in one hand, he bent her back putting her in the jack-knife position and exposing her hairless pussy. He lined up his cock, pulling the skin back and exposing the head, pushed it into her and slammed down with all his weight.

She was like a fist lined with oil, he sank to the bottom in one push, the head of his dick mashing hard into her cervical head. Her ass fitted neatly in his lap.

Taking one ankle in each hand, he pinned one to each of her shoulders. Her head thrown back, Julie was in thrall, a continuous orgasm wracking up and down her tiny frame. Her older brother pulled almost all the way out and slammed back into her. Now he was like an out of control engine pumping in and out of her immature pussy as fast and deep as he could.

Julie could only nod her head and gasp “Yes, yes, yes” with each thrust. David had no sense of time, his balls slapping his sister’s ass, sweat pouring out of his skin. He could only hear his roaring heart and ragged breathing. He could feel his stamina starting to fade, his orgasm struck like lightning. He had no warning, he had no choice but to slam even harder into his sister’s abused pussy.

As sperm shot out of him he was paralyzed with the intensity of it, his cock head tight against Julie’s cervix, pumping his incestuous seed deep into her tiny body. At last the wave passed and he collapsed on top of her. Her tight pussy still spasming and milking his deflating cock. He became aware that Julie was crying, overwhelmed by guilt he started to apologize.

“Shut up dummy!” she said. “I am crying because it was so beautiful. Just hold me and tell me I’m pretty.”

He did just that, stroking her hair and telling her how she was the most beautiful girl on earth. After they had both calmed down Julie said “I had hoped Dad would be my first but I am glad it was you after all.”

Fighting his own tears he thanked her. They got up and recovered all their lost clothes and headed to the kitchen for food.

Passing a mirror Julie noted ” I look even more androgynous than before don’t I?

“Maybe,” Dave answered. “I love you the way you are so who cares?”

“God I hope I look like this forever, maybe Mom can trick some liberal doctor into giving me puberty blockers?”

“Pfft,” her brother said “All Mom has to do is blink those ice-blue eyes of hers and most men will do anything.”

While the siblings had been busy and were now eating pizza, Mark had swung by the small pizzeria owned by his mother and aunt for fresh deliveries. The young man surprised his Mom with a quick peck on the lips.

Stunned but oddly not unhappy she giggled “What’s that about?” He told her about the face cleanser and told her how pretty she looked before heading out.

Flushed and flustered, she went to the ladies room to check herself in the mirror. A smooth unlined face looked back, hazel eyes and red hair, and not a strand of gray to be seen. She ran her hands down her ample chest and found her waist narrower than she recalled but still plump and curvy.

Suddenly very aware of her thighs rubbing together and trapping her bulging mound when she walked, she thought “How did I forget to wear panties today?”

She definitely was not wearing any now. After splashing cold water on her face and wiping her damp crotch with paper she washed her hands and headed back out. Her dark haired half sister was heading her way saying “Oh good, my turn.”

Marg kissed her own palm and put it to her sister’s mouth like they both had done thousands of times. They both flushed a little and tried to get back to work. Twenty minutes later Marge’s sister Darla signed for a delivery and John, who was a terrible flirt, stole a kiss from her.

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