Dave finds a book full story so far by arcaine one

None of them paid attention to her, most pretending that her voice was too muffled by her own black mask. Someone ran past and snatched her mask away.

“Give that back!” she screamed, her voice shrill in panic. She did not see the cheerleader step up behind her and kiss the palm of her own hand.

Sylvia Wiss had always hated this self-righteous bitch. She clamped her hand over the teacher’s flapping lips. Using the same hand, she turned the teacher’s head to face her.

“Calm down, Sharp, can I take of your shirt and bra?” Jill could not think of a good argument, her mouth tingling.

“Yes, that would be fine.” She said breathlessly

“Goody!” Silvia said with a giggle and began to strip the teacher from the waist up.

Behind Sylvia, a girl from the drama club was sitting on her plump ass sucking the dick of one of the boys from the chess club.

“There,” Sylvia said admiring her work. “You really are sharp looking.”

The teacher was pale and thin but her C-cup tits were like cones with bright pink nipples.

“Why don’t you come to the boys’ locker room with me?”

Holding hands the teacher and the teen girl went into the boys’ locker room. They received a warm welcome.


David was in his own room, he had gotten his whole week’s worth of homeschooling done by noon. His sister and Lola were in her room doing schoolwork as well.

Once he was done he turned to his web page to check on offers for the books. There was already a $2,400 offer on the Oliver Twist book. Dave turned it down; he hated low-ball offers.

There was another offer, this one from one of the colleges he was interested in. They offered to have the book appraised and certified for free. If the book was real, they offered him a full 4-year scholarship tuition and book fees in trade for the book!

A PDF of the contract was available for download for his lawyer to look at.

Julie came into the room since the door was open, stark naked as was her new usual.

“What you printing big brother?” she asked with a sloppy kiss that tasted like Lola’s pussy.

After explaining she was excited. “Wow! I hope it’s real!”

“I think it is, they don’t know about the private journal yet.”

Bringing out the book he thumbed through the brittle pages with care to the last entry.

“Hmm,” he said.

“What?” Julie asked.

The last entry talked about the spell he had seen. David began to read aloud

“It says; The whore made an offer for her life. She had the nerve to say that if we all would fornicate it would cure the pox and all other ills. I have kept the scrap of paper with her lie on it to show the magistrate.”

Julie looked at David. “Did that jerk doom people for ages because he was a limp dick?”

“Sounds like it, how does my face look?”

“What? Well sexy as ever.” She said with a smile

“No, no I mean I had a bit of acne, is it gone?”

Looking close she said. “Yeah, not even a scar left!”

Jumping up with a start he shouted. “Lola, come here please!”

“What?” said the dark skinned and half naked girl, as per usual she had a long sleeve shirt on.

“Can I see your arm?”

Looking a little panicked she asked “why?”

Julie was catching on. “just to show him, baby, it’s OK.”

Looking unhappy she pushed up the sleeve. They all looked on in stark wonder and the smooth skin.

Quickly taking off her shirt and poking at her arm, she yelled, “What the Hell?”

David felt like ice water had splashed on him, he started to think hard.

“Wait, I found the paper Friday and kissed Julie and Mom. Julie kissed you Saturday. Julie, have either of you kissed anyone else?”

Julie blushed to her waist. “I kissed the pizza guy.”

David started doing math in his head. “f(x) = 2x this is a double cascade.”

Both girls looked a little confused.

David said “We want to kiss people who are not under the spell. Kissing spreads it 100%. It’s been 3 days, the pizza guy works at a public restaurant. I bet they move 300 a day plus employees. Delivery guys have to be on board by now.”

He started to pace. “Lola, have you seen people perform public affection more than usual?”

“Oh yeah all over even, two boys.”

David began to talk louder. “We are less than 2 hours from an international airport!”

“So? Said Julie, “we have spread love and a cure for sickness.”

“True, he agreed I wonder if anyone will notice and try a quarantine? I mean, with the COVID lie out, people are already paranoid.”

David sat at his computer and called up a free game that is a simulation of a world wide plague. He set the parameters to 100% contagion with the infected willingly spreading the disease.

“72 hours give or take. It could be as little as 2,500 people or as much as half a million.”

Going to the window he looked out, the street was empty as a ghost town. The girls joined him, “Where is everyone?” asked Lola.

“I bet they are all inside fucking!” Julie giggled. “Come on let’s do the same. I need some orgasms after all the class work.” The three young people headed to the big bed in the master bedroom.


1500 miles away, a 747 landed at Albuquerque, NM. All 500 passengers and crew quickly got dressed and masks haphazardly in place. Numbers and email addresses exchanged before disembarking.

David could not know that his coefficient was woefully low the real number of people in the thrall of the spell was well over 1.3 million now.

The wave of passengers spread over the airport, hugs and kisses exchanged with friends, family, and complete strangers, ensured that every outbound plane carried the spell.


Dr Evelyn Maxwell was having the worst day of her career, so were the other two doctors as far as she knew. They all worked in the same small office the small town of Yelm, Washington.

More than half of all the patients and canceled their appointment for the day. Every single one claiming they feel better than they ever had in their lives. The receptionist tried to explain that they would have to be billed for canceling it at the last minute – almost all of them rudely told them to try and collect it.

The majority of the patients who didn’t show up only did so in order to tell her and her fellow doctors about how well they were doing. And how bad a job the medical profession had done with helping them before now.

She couldn’t explain it, two of her patients were wheelchair-bound last time she had seen them. Both of those patients walked in under their own power.

Dr Maxwell thoroughly believed and strictly followed all the COVID guidelines. She maintained a six-foot distance from her patients as much as possible.

More upsetting was that patients were constant attempting to try to kiss her hands. At this point she was now wearing two layers of rubber gloves.

Now Evelyn sat terrified in her office. She was certain she could hear two people in the room next door having sex, in the doctor’s office!

At this point she wasn’t sure if she had gone crazy, or the rest of the world had. Someone knocked on the door, one of her nurses asked to come in.

Hesitantly granting entry, Dr Maxwell allowed the plump receptionist to come in. She was a tall woman with short hair and lots of tattoos. Maxwell had never really approved of hiring her.

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