Dave finds a book full story so far by arcaine one

Two teenage boys were making out in broad daylight. “Wow!” she thought. “Steel Washington is more progressive than I thought.”

On a park bench just out of view of Julie’s house, a woman who could not be more than 20, was sitting on the lap of a portly elderly man and kissing him with abandon.

Lola could not be sure but she would swear he had his hand under her skirt and between her legs.

Julie pounced on the plump teen the second she was in the house clamping her mouth over the taller girl’s sweet lips and mauling her tits with her hands. Lola loved when Julie kissed her, it always made her instantly wet.

Her mouth tingling from the kiss, she noted that Julie smelled like roses.

Grabbing her girlfriend by the hand, Julie led her to her room and shut the door. The two young lovers slammed together and began to shed clothes in all directions.

Lola loved how Julie seemed to love every inch of her without the smallest hesitations. Lola had been almost killed in a house fire when she was a toddler and still has a lot of scars.

Julie would hold her burned hand and kiss the scar tissue on her arm the same as every other inch of her body. There was no single inch of her that the pale pixie had not run her tongue over at least 100 times.

Julie ran her hand over the older girl’s black thatch of pubic hair while french kissing her. Finding her friend’s pussy already dripping wet, she curved two fingers into her warm tight passage and started rubbing her G-spot. Responding in kind, Lola pinched the younger girl’s nipple and began to finger her hairless slit.

“You make me so hot Julie!” she moaned, “I love you!”

“I love you too, Lola baby, lay back on the bed so I can taste you.” Eagerly she threw herself back on the narrow bed and spread her thick legs.

“I love how smooth you are Julie maybe I should shave too?” Kissing her way up to Lola’s dripping sex Julie shrugged.

“It’s up to you baby, I love you just like you are and I will eat your pussy no matter what as long as you let me.”

For the next few minutes the only sounds either girl could makes was sighs or groans of passion.

“Turn around Julie, let’s 69 again so I can taste your baby-smooth pussy.”

Lola loved that her girlfriend was smooth and imagined it any time she masturbated. Julie’s pussy was a bit more salty than she remembered but not bad so she put the thought away while sucking her to a mutual orgasm.

Jules had rolled of and once her pulse was almost normal she remembered to ask.

“Why do you taste different?”

“Oh,” she giggled. “It must be some of my brothers cum still in there.”

“WHAT?” Lola shouted “You fucked your own brother?”

Jules giggled some more “Yes, more than once, gawd, he is like a machine!”

Lola searched for the part of her that she be upset but it wasn’t there, what she found was a tiny spark of fear.

“So you love him?” she said in a tiny voice.

Spinning around to face her lover Jules looked her in the eyes and saw the fear. “Duh, he’s my brother. I can love as many people as I want to. But nothing will ever stop me from loving you, Lola.”

The fear drained away and relief brought tears to her deep brown eyes. “You mean that don’t you? I can see it, I can taste it and smell it how odd. Was I always able to taste truth?”

Shrugging Julie said “I don’t know since it’s always been true for me. I know people will say I am too young but, I say it anyway. I will always love you and be your girlfriend even if you don’t want me one day. But I also love my brother and Mom and will be fucking them both anytime I can.”

“Your Mom too?”

“Yes, we spent the night together, it was magical!”

Kissing Lola, she gave a naughty smile. “The two of them are fucking in Mom’s bed right now.”


Timothy was scooted down as far as he could in the aisle seat. A middle age black women, whose name he still didn’t know, was riding his crotch popping herself up and down on his cock.

She said, “I’ve never fucked a white man before in my life! I am definitely going to have to taste the rest of the rainbow now.”

Things had been so strange for him since he had stopped at that quiet little diner on his way to the airport. He felt more excited, happy, and friendly than he had in years. When he was boarding the red-eye flight to China he had politely kissed the hand of the stewardess. Quickly pulling his mask aside to do it.

She was startled at first but then she had kissed the back of her hand as well and waved him on board.

The black lady in the seat next to his head offered her hand as he was sitting down so he kissed it too like a gentleman should.

After seeing the tiny Asian stewardess break the mask protocol, the head stewardess called a temporary cessation to boarding.

She called a quick meeting of all of the stewardesses. Ming offered to show all was well, by demonstrating a similar kiss on all crew members.

Boarding resumed with each stewardess being sure to kiss the hand of each passenger they allowed on.

Timothy looked around everywhere is gaze settled, he saw people in the throes of passion. People had paired up in two-somes and more-somes.

A woman was straddling a man right in the middle of the aisle, while another man took her from behind.

Directly across the aisle a woman was scooted down in her seat licking a teenage Chinese girl who was straddling her face.

The girl was standing on the back of the tipped back seat while the woman lapped away at her bald little pussy.

A skinny older man from the seat next door was happily fucking her while trying to jam his tongue up the girl’s asshole.

A young Asian man came and stood next to Jim and his companion. The young man said something in Chinese.

“What did you say, darling?”

Tim answered “He said he is part of the rainbow.”

“Wait, you speak Chinese?”

“Yes, that’s why I’m going to China, so I can help teach Chinese kids English.”

Looking at the young man she nodded her her head reaching down she unzipped his fly.

She slid her dark hand into his pants, using her up and down motion on Tim to masturbate the thin Chinese man.

“He is smart like you, Tim. I might let him have my ass after I’m done with you.”

10 hours into the 21 hour flight Tim was with his 7th partner of the day, a waif-like thin 20 year old Chinese girl who was swearing in rapid fire Chinese about how her mother had lied to her about sex her whole life. How it was always rape and men care nothing for a woman’s feelings or pleasure.

Timothy was more than happy to help break this illusion by asking permission first and then holding back his own orgasm and stimulating all of the young woman’s erogenous zones.

She was stark naked like most of the passengers and crew. Tim had seen women and at least 1 man go into the cockpit to entertain the flight crew.

The handful of elderly passengers were all sleeping now, their older bodies exhausted from over-stimulation.

At last, he could not longer hold back. Rubbing the girl’s clit furiously, he pushed her over the edge again as they came together. After holding her and stroking her hair, they exchanged contact information like most of the passengers had been doing as well.

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