88E469SD Ward of the State by Night_Walker05

“A little trick I was taught when I was a little boy concerning shots will help you,” Michael said. “If you smack the area you’re going to get the shot in with your hand just before you get it, it will make the shot less painful.” The room for the next 5 minutes reverberated with the sounds of boys slapping themselves on the arm or ass. Aaron smiled for the first time in months at the sight.

Conner wouldn’t let go of Michael’s neck, so with his permission, Michael did the honors. Conner came through it with a minimum of fuss and Aaron began to have his spirits lifted now as well. With shots over Michael called Aaron over and handed the boy to him. Aaron took him back and Conner attached himself back to Aaron’s chest. I sure am glad this kid doesn’t weigh anything, Aaron thought to himself. Aaron reached around Conner’s bottom with his arms and Conner reacted to the touch with a flinch. Aaron felt the flinch and asked Conner if his butt hurt. Conner shook his head yes and Aaron rubbed his cheeks. Conner giggled a little and Michael smiled and walked towards the door. It was good to hear the little boy giggle, Aaron thought to himself. He wondered what it felt like.

Michael addressed the boys standing in front of another door. “The area we’re now going to is the medical room. It is your doctor’s office, his name is Dr. Sid. Everybody calls him Doc, you will do the same.” Michael then opened the door and stepped aside as the boys filed into the room. Aaron entered the room with Conner, and looked around. The room was very big and very bright. Most of the rooms up to that point were cold and dark looking. The room smelled of medicine and had high flat beds all around it with paper on the top like you see in hospitals. To Aaron, it looked like a hospital emergency room did with all the machines and stuff hanging on the walls.

Doc was sitting at a big desk and was surrounded by about 8 trustees and everybody was in green pants and white shirts. Not the green pants of the prisoners that Aaron was used to seeing, but green like the pants worn in the hospital by doctors and orderlies. Aaron was impressed. Michael went over to the desk and he and Doc talked for awhile, and then Michael went out another door. Aaron followed Michael’s movements. He wondered where he was going and if he would be back. He hoped so.

Doc spun around in his chair and got up and walked over to the group of boys standing before him. He lifted himself up onto the flat bed and addressed the boys. “Good morning, my name is Doc, I’m your physician. I’m a pediatrician, does anybody know what that means?” he asked. “That’s a baby doctor,” one of the boys said. “Somewhat,” Doc answered the boy. “A pediatrician is a doctor who specializes in the care of children, they don’t have to be babies.

While you are here, I will make sure with my staff that your medical needs are taken care of.” The boys looked around to each other. In jail, you needed to have one foot in the grave before you got to see a doctor. “I will first tell you that I am an inmate just like you and so is all my staff. We are all trustees just like your caretakers.” None of the boys had heard the term “caretakers” before. “What’s a caretaker?” another boy asked. “Well, I guess I’ve jumped the gun a bit. A caretaker is a trustee that will be taking care of you and living with you. You will have one before the end of today,” Doc told the boys.

Doc got off the table and started to return towards the gurneys. “This morning, you were all evacuated. The coffee you drank had a medicine in it that cleaned out your bowels,” he told the boys. “A rectal examination can’t be done unless you are clean inside, and that’s the way it’s done. I hope you weren’t too upset by it, but it wasn’t done to you to make you feel bad. I know that most of you have received cavity searches and rectal examinations have nothing whatsoever to do with them. We need each boy to lie down on a bed here and we will complete the exam as quickly as possible.”

Eight beds were now lined up with a trustee at the head of each one of them. “You need to lie down on your side and pull both knees up towards your chest. If you want to see the exam while it’s being done, watch the monitor screen alongside your bed.” “Monitor screen?” Aaron thought to himself. What would watching a TV have to do with shining a flashlight up your ass?

“We want to see the littlest ones first,” Doc said and a trustee came to get Conner. Conner balked when the trustees hands touched his sides, and Aaron asked the trustee if he could put Conner on the table and be with him. The trustee looked at Doc who shook his head yes. “We’ve done this before Conner,” Aaron whispered in the little boy’s ear. “I’m here with you,” Conner whimpered, but he didn’t freak like Aaron thought he might. The trustee sat down by the foot of the bed and told Aaron to bring the boy’s legs up towards his chest. The trustee picked up a long rod and squeezed some KY jelly on the tip and turned on the monitor. “Watch the screen,” the trustee said. He waved the rod around and pointed it at Aaron. Aaron saw himself on the screen. Conner saw it too. “Wow Aaron, you’re on television.”

The trustee chuckled and reached around Conner and opened his buttocks. The smile faded from his face and he put down the rod. Aaron didn’t like the look on the trustee’s face. “Doc,” the trustee called out. At the same time, another trustee called out to Doc. Doc bent over and adjusted his glasses. “God damned fools,” Doc said and stood up. He came over to the side of the bed and turned Conner around and lifted him up. He looked down at Aaron, and said to the boy, “I need to put some medicine on him, He’ll be right back.” As Doc moved away from the gurney, he looked over to the trustee who also called him. “Him too?” The trustee nodded. “Bring him,” said Doc.

“Anybody else?” Doc called out. There was silence from the other trustees. Aaron watched the two boys being carried through the door that Michael went though.

“Come on pal, this won’t hurt you,” the trustee said to Aaron. The boy got up on the gurney and laid down like he was told to. Aaron watched as the television blinked on again and felt a cold tube sliding into his bottom. Unlike the cavity searches he was used to, this penetration didn’t hurt. To Aaron it felt like he was passing a small bowel movement. Aaron watched the TV while the trustee told him what he was looking at. Aaron had never seen anything like it before, it looked like a very red tunnel made out of raw steak. After about 10 seconds, Aaron didn’t want to see anymore, he closed his eyes. The exam took less than a minute and the tube was withdrawn. The trustee wiped Aaron’s anus with a diaper wipe and put some cool medicine on it. “You’re a very good boy, you’re done and everything’s fine,” said the trustee.

Aaron sat up on the gurney and asked the trustee where Conner was taken and why. “Your friend is in the medical ward and will be back in a short time.” “But why is he there?” Aaron wanted know. “Doc can tell you that, I can’t.” Aaron got off the gurney and stood where he could watch the door. While standing there, 3 more trustees picked up boys off the gurneys and walked with them through the door. There were now 5 boys in the room with Conner and Conner still hadn’t come back. Aaron was beginning to lose it. He was breathing very slowly and shallow, big breaths didn’t allow Aaron to control the flow or tears and that was the last thing he wanted to start doing. A trustee came over to Aaron and saying nothing picked him up and held him tightly. Aaron lost it again and this time, in front of all the other boys. He didn’t really care.

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