88E469SD Ward of the State by Night_Walker05

When the boys in the clothes were finished, they got up and left. They all pretty much left in pairs, each jumpsuit boy seemed to have a boy with a pair of shorts on following them or walking along side them. Some were holding hands. Aaron thought that was a little odd, but then, he held Connor’s hand hadn’t he? Some of the boys in the jumpsuits had very long hair Aaron observed. The boys in shorts had hair, but nowhere near as long as the jumpsuit boys. Aaron looked at the naked boys. It reminded him of pictures of kids in a cancer ward. They had no hair whatsoever, not even on their eyebrows.

When all the boys in clothes left, a trustee came to the door and announced “school”. All the naked boys got up and started to file out following the trustee down the hall. Now that they were passing Aaron he got a closer look at them. The most important observation that Aaron made was that the boys, including the naked boys didn’t really seem all that unhappy. Nobody was crying or keeping their eyes glued to the floor, Nobody looked scared or embarrassed, nobody looked like they were about to step into hell. At that point, the mess hall was empty except for the 20 or so boys from the cell block and then the trustees came back in. Michael went around the table and told some of the boys to finish their coffee. When all the coffee was gone, Michael said “Stand and follow”. The boys then walked down a few corridors and walked into a room with shower heads all along the walls. As each boy entered, he was given a very large glass of water and told to drink it all. There were about 6 trustees in there and the boys were told to get wet under the shower and stand in line in front of the trustees. After getting wet, each boy’s hair was washed with a shampoo that Aaron thought smelled like kerosene. The trustees didn’t rinse off the shampoo, they put more in their hands and washed each boys genitals with it and left it on too. Jimmy stood there with a trustee scrubbing the shampoo into his groin with his legs spread apart and was very far from a happy camper. “Stand there for 5 minutes, this will get the lice off you.” “Lice? I don’t have lice,” Jimmy said to the trustee standing in front of him. “It doesn’t matter, just do it and don’t talk” After five minutes, he told the boys to rinse off and get under the showers and wash. “Lice my ass!” Jimmy said to himself. He was convinced he just got a feel job from a faggot.

A few minutes into the shower, Conner raised his hand to a trustee and told him he had to go to the bathroom and do number 2. “Yes, we know, you all do; you’re being evacuated. Stay under the water until it stops” he told Conner. Conner didn’t understand and neither did most of most of the boys. What the heck did “evacuate” mean? None of the boys were sure.

There was another boy just a little smaller than Conner and he found out first. He was standing there under the shower, and he reached down and grabbed his stomach and started to bend his knees to the cement floor. He got about halfway down and his ass exploded all over the wall in back of him. He wasn’t shitting, he was blowing. Less than 15 seconds later, Conner was dumping shit all around his legs and pretty much freaking out. The meaning of “evacuate” was becoming clearer to boy after boy in the room as they joined in and squatted to the floor. After about 20 minutes, every boy had shit his brains out wondering if they had an asshole left. Hoses were attached to the showers and a trustee gave each boy an enema when the bulk of the flood subsided. Aaron was grateful that the tip was very small, and that the trustee put some kind of white jelly on the tip before he stuck it in. Aaron almost didn’t feel it being inserted. The showers never stopped and the shower walls were hosed off by the trustees.

Michael stepped forward after the room was cleaned up somewhat and the last of the boys were finished. “Today you will all receive a physical from the Doctor and his assistants,” he said. “Part of the physical is to check your rectums and the evacuation was necessary to do that. We didn’t do it to hurt you or to make you feel bad. If it needs to be done in the future, you will be told about it before it happens.”

From the shower room, the boys went across the hall and walked into a room that looked to them like a barber shop except it had stools, not barber chairs to sit on. There were about 10 stools in there and each one had a trustee behind it. They were about to get a haircut and they remembered what the boys in the mess hall looked like. They didn’t look like happy campers, especially those boys who had already started or attained pubic hair. Aaron was happy he was bald; the older boys seemed to be really upset with being shaved. Jimmy was pissed. He looked like a little boy again. There were no mirrors in the barber shop, and Aaron was happy about that. He looked like all the rest of the boys in front of him and didn’t like what he saw.

After haircuts, the boys were taken to the infirmary and a trustee handed each boy 5 glass tubes with colored tops and they moved to a line with a trustee taking blood from them. One by one, the boys had to hand him a tube when he told them to and filled up the tubes. Aaron could hear Conner protesting and crying in the background. Michael picked him up and sat down on a chair with Conner in his lap. Michael was making it as easy for Conner as he could. Aaron watched as Michael held Conner close to him and stroked his back as Conner’s blood was being drawn from his arm. He was grateful that Michael was there instead of a guard, he knew if that happened, Conner would go off. Aaron looked around the room and saw several other trustees that had boys in their arms too. Aaron was feeling hopeful; he was witnessing more and more compassion occurring around him. Something that he hadn’t seen or heard in a very long time.

As each boy finished his blood work, they were directed to trustees who gave them shots. Aaron didn’t know what the shots were, but there were 4 of them to be given to each boy. Aaron wondered if the trustees were going to be reaching for his dick; he hoped not.

Michael pretty much assumed, very correctly, that Conner was about as cooperative with shots as he was with blood work. With Conner still in his arms, Michael addressed the entire room. “Boys, there are 4 shots that are mandatory. You have a choice: you can either take the shots in your arm, or on your butt. Some boys find it easier to take the shot in the butt because they have more padding there. It’s your choice. If you want them in the butt, turn around and that’s were it will be given,” Michael went on: “I know a lot of you have been told that shots are given in the dick. You were told that to scare you, it isn’t true.” A lot of the boys all looked at each other. The needle in the dick routine was a favorite joke of the police; they get off on scaring the living shit out of little boys. The boys’ spirits were picking back up.

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