88E469SD Ward of the State by Night_Walker05

“Turn around and face the wall and bend over touching your hands on the floor. If anyone’s hands leave the floor, you’ll be laying on it!” the guard said. “Spread your legs out as far as they’ll go”. Aaron knew this position, the guards liked to call it a “cavity search”. Sodomy was such a crude term, and they would never ever do anything like that!

All five of the boys did like they were told and Aaron started to remember what the Albany County sheriffs were talking about on the ride up. His legs started to shake and he knew that would only encourage the guards even more. He concentrated on keeping his feet flat on the floor to minimize any shaking. The CO moved to Conner and put the tool up to his rectum. Then he pushed it in. The CO pushed it in as far as he could go and Conner started to cry. Aaron knew that was very big trouble for Conner. “Shut up kid, or I’ll go and put on the bigger tip,” the CO said. Conner’s audible cry subsided, but his body language told Aaron he was being ripped open by the tool.

With the tool inside Conner, the guard cranked on the handle and it opened the little boy’s anus. The guard shined the flashlight inside Conner’s rectum. “Jesus fucking Christ, this little mother fucker is full of shit!” he told his buddies. Conner’s legs gave out from under him and the boy fell to the floor with the tool still attached to his body. The guard released the crank and yanked the tool out. Conner felt a stinging pulling sensation when the tool was ripped out. His upper thigh started to get a little wet. Maybe he wet himself some again.

Aaron was next in the inspection and he noticed that the tool had both feces and blood on it. Aaron figured he was lucky, the feces and blood would make the tool slippery now and it would enter him easier than it entered Conner. The tool was very cold as it was put up to his rectum and shoved in. Aaron was a little surprised; the tool didn’t go in as hard as he thought it would. Was it Conner’s lubrication that caused this, or was it because he had already been sodomized 5 or 6 times back in jail? Aaron wasn’t sure. Aaron heard the clicking of the ratchet handle and felt his anus being wedged open.

With each crank, his rectum was being forced open more and more. While this was happening Aaron was remembering being a little younger and getting constipated. Trying to pass his stool was very painful and difficult for him, the feeling he now had was a little more intense. Aaron forgot about keeping his feet flat, and the forward pushing by the guard had made Aaron’s heels lift off the ground and he was standing more on the balls of his feet. This made his legs quiver up and down. “Look at this kid, he’s getting off on this fucking thing” said the guard to his buddies. The guards thought that was very funny. “He looks like Bugs Bunny getting set for a foot race,” said a guard standing next to Alex. “Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry,” Aaron repeated to himself over and over again.

Alex’s turn at bat came and Alex prepared himself to be dragged through the mud of shame and degradation he was sure was about to come. “This one’s got stretch marks all over his ass!” It was true; Alex had received abundant rectal tears which began when he was 5 years old. The machine did its job and Alex held his breath straining against the pressure on his anus. “Old hat huh kid?” the moron said. Alex said nothing; what was the point?

Jimmy’s turn came next and when the tool was inserted, the guard had another amusing quip for his pals “This boy’s been down this road more than a few times.” The guards thought that was very witty, and laughed heartily. “No sir, I don’t do that,” Jimmy pleaded. “Sure kid and you don’t fuck your sister either.” Aaron never saw a 14 year old boy cry before. Jimmy gave Aaron a very good demonstration. “His own fucking sister?” said one of the guards. “Yea., and he’s going to be a proud poppa,” said laughing boy. “Sounds like job security to me,” said another guard who wanted to demonstrate his comedic abilities.

The last boy to enjoy the guard’s attention was Mark. The tool was inserted with the appropriate force and Mark’s head hit the wall in front of him. “Back up you little scumbag,” the guard told Mark. Mark followed the guard’s order which greatly amused all the guards. “He looks like a crab on the beach!” guffaws all around. “It looks like this puppy’s been around the block too! You really like to fuck, don’t you kid?” Mark didn’t answer; he joined Jimmy in tears.

In the care and custody of the State of New York, each boy was ritually rectally raped within 30 minutes of arriving. The guards loved their job and made sure they did it thoroughly and with a sense of humor.

After the “inspection” the boys were told to go to a box standing off in a corner and get a pair of underwear. Aaron’s spirits were picking up. He wouldn’t be naked for very much longer. The boys went over to the box, it contained white boxer shorts; at least they used to be white. The boys thumbed through the box looking for the smallest pair they could find. Label after label Aaron saw read size 38, 40, 42 and they were all men’s sizes. Aaron wore size 10 boys. The boys were also looking for the cleanest pair they could find. Every pair Aaron saw had urine and/or semen stains on the front and the rear was usually brown with feces stains. After about a minute of fishing through the box with no boy putting anything on, a guard came over and told the boys to get the fuck out of the way. Then he reached in and threw a pair of boxers at each boy’s feet. “I ain’t got all fucking day to play around with you assholes,” the guard said. Aaron felt like he was going to be sick, but he knew there were no choices. He bent down and picked up the boxers and with his eyes closed, put them on. The only way they would stay up was by holding them, and that is what each boy had to do. Just as the boys got the boxers on, the door opened and another guard came in. This one Aaron knew was an officer because of his uniform. “What the fuck is this Charlie, Romper Room? he said as he came in and looked at the boys. “No captain, judge Klein wanted these kids transported here in transit to Elmira to show them their future” said the CO. “You’re fucking kidding!” the captain said. “Charlie, compared to Elmira, we’re a fucking Country Club. What’s wrong with that stupid fucking moron in Albany!”

“Ain’t you never been to Elmira?” asked the captain. The man shook his head no. “Listen asshole,” said the captain, “I don’t want to see any paper trail concerning these fucking scumbags, and if I do, you’ll be back at Rome State cleaning shit out of retards diapers again. Do I make myself clear?” Again the CO nodded without saying a word. “If any of these little pricks gets an ass fucking, you better make damned sure they’re a hundred miles away!” “Yes sir!” said the CO and the captain slammed the door behind him as he left.

“Fucking stupid jerk!” said the CO when the door slammed, and he whirled around and sent Alex crashing to the floor with a slap to the side of his head. Alex’s crime was that he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The CO didn’t give a shit who he slapped, he slapped the closest one to him and that was Alex. “Pick the little motherfucker up!” He ordered Aaron and Jimmy. The boys picked up Alex who was bleeding from his nose and his ear. Alex didn’t pay too much attention to his nose bleed but he was cupping his ear with both hands. Aaron felt very sorry for Alex, but he was glad it wasn’t him who got hit.

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