88E469SD Ward of the State by Night_Walker05

“Monitor the rectal tears for the next three days. We’re not out of the woods as far as a sepsis is concerned” Doc reminded his crew. “Make sure the caretakers have the necessary tools: ointment, diapers and suppositories. I want temperature readings on every one of them every 3 hours for the next 24. If we’ve got any problems, that’s where it will show up first.” Doc’s assistants nodded and prepared to follow his orders. Doc knew they were competent, and would follow his directions to the letter. Doc needed to lay down and rest. At 63 years old, he had been treating children now for almost 40 years. The possibility of losing a child always took a heavy toll on him. “If the patient spikes, you will call me immediately,” Doc reminded his team and left for his room next to the ward.


Closing the door to his room behind him, Doc sat back in his chair and closed his eyes. This was his 10th year of a 5 to 15 year sentence he received for possession of child pornography. For over 27 years Doc had an extremely successful career as a pediatrician. During those years, not once did Doc ever inappropriately touch a child, but he was drawn to the beauty of them.

In children’s bodies he saw a purity and innocence that drew him like a moth to a flame. He absolutely hated the affliction. If there was a piece of his brain that could be cut out to rid him of his thoughts, he would have put the scalpel to it himself. His only release short of actually touching them he found in magazines and pictures. His collection started in Holland on vacation there. Spring cleaning one day his wife found a box in his closet and Doc’s former life and marriage disintegrated.

Doc was sentenced to prison for looking at pictures of naked children. There were no pictures that were sexually explicit, they were pictures from nudist magazines, but they showed children’s vaginas and penises. Every judge and prosecutor knew that if a person viewed a child’s naked body, they were a sexual predator waiting for the opportunity to fuck kids’ brains out.

As with all sentences allotted to prisoners in the State of New York to first time offenders, the sentence of 5 to 15 years was split into thirds. He had to spend a minimum of 5 years behind bars. At the end of the 5 years, he was eligible for parole and would be on parole for the next 10 years. If he did not make parole, or chose not to accept it, he would be released under supervision of the probation department after 10 years. Unless he refused probation and then he would serve the full 15 year sentence.

Doc learned what every other person who was convicted of “sex crimes” knew in very short order. Officially the sentence ended after 15 years maximum. In reality, that conviction brought a lifetime sentence of harassment and abuse by the authorities. The sentence never ends. It’s a scarlet letter. Doc refused parole after 5 years; he had absolutely nothing to gain by accepting it. 2 months earlier, Doc refused to accept “conditional release” at the 10 year mark. Again, why leave one prison for another; it didn’t make any sense to him. Doc had another 5 years to serve, in all probability he would decide what date his obituary was written on. He had absolutely no intentions of ever leaving prison standing up.

Doc and the trustees of Elmira were more fortunate than most “perverts” in prison and they knew it. They were part of a program developed by their jailors. There are many programs within the prison system designed to enhance the guards’ salaries, Elmira is just one of them. Doc was a very valuable asset to the program, he kept the children healthy and away from outside contact with people who might ask questions that none of the guards wanted answered.

Now with the present situation concerning the 12 year old Alex, Doc was deeply depressed about not being able to hold the perpetrator responsible. The man belonged on the other side of the fence but Doc knew that would never happen.

There was no way that the guards who controlled Doc were going to bring the incident to light, it could bring down a spotlight even bigger than the one created by the guards at Fishkill when Donna Payant was killed by Lemual Smith and the entire program almost unraveled because of the ensuing investigation. Spotlights were out. The guard could kill or maim children with complete immunity and there was nothing Doc could do about it.

Doc heard the bell go off for chow, and decided he would join the children who were now gathering in the mess hall for lunch. The new children had a full day ahead of them, they would be receiving their identification cards, have their fingerprints and photo’s taken, have their teeth and chest x-rayed, vision, and hearing tested and that would all have to be done by 5:00; it was going to be a full afternoon for everyone, and then there was Alex and another boy on the ward with appendicitis.

The new boys were returned to the units they had slept in the night before and once again, the doors locked behind them as they entered. Aaron walked back in with Conner, holding Conner’s hand on the journey. Once back in the unit, Aaron looked at Conner’s diaper with envy. Even though all the other boys were also naked except for the ones now in diapers, Aaron wasn’t used to walking around stark naked. If he had access to a diaper, he would have put it on in a flash. One week earlier, he wouldn’t have considered it. However, there were no options, what was the use of even bothering to think about it. His dick was out for public display; fuck it he thought to himself.

Conner opened the refrigerator and let out a yell. There was juice and fruit, cookies and milk that wasn’t there when they left in the morning. The boys were starved due to the fact that most, if not all of breakfast was blasted out of them during evacuation and all four sat down at the table pouring glass after glass of milk and eating handfuls of cookies. When they were done, they moved over to the couch and turned on the TV. Conner scooted up onto Aaron’s lap which didn’t bother Aaron all that much, he was getting to like taking care of someone else, and besides, if Conner sat in his lap, he in effect did have a diaper on!

The boys heard the bell ring for lunch and turned off the TV and stood by the door. They knew it would be opening. When it did, the trustee looked inside and saw the remnants of the cookies and milk. “I hope you saved some room for your lunch!” he said to the boys and turned around with the boys following.

Unlike the initial entrance of the new boys into the mess hall, the noise level of the boys talking inside stayed constant. Very few boys turned to look at the new ones now coming in except for the boys who were naked who did take note of the five boys in diapers. They undoubtedly knew why the new boys had them on and there was no display of ridicule or laughter from them that would have occurred amongst a “normal” group of children. If anything, the looks they had on their faces showed empathy and compassion for the boys in the diapers. More than a few of them undoubtedly were wearing diapers in the not too distant past themselves and knew what was appropriate behavior on their parts.

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