88E469SD Ward of the State by Night_Walker05

They needed stealth. Did you know that when you drive past two prisons that are side by side off Interstate 84 that there are over 40,000 men and boys in those buildings? Ever see ONE? The B-2 Bomber has nothing on the New York State Department of Correctional Services when it comes to stealth!

Lastly, they needed little boys who would fuck on demand. Those kinds of boys didn’t grow on trees and the guards needed guidance. They received it from the court, “SD” was attached to the files of any little boy who was caught on his knees or on his stomach. It took the guards a few months to crack the code, but they eventually learned that “SD” stood for “sexual deviant.”

Why would the boys cooperate in The Program? TIME! If they were good little boys and made the guards very rich, they were paroled, given time off for “good behavior” or pardoned by the Governor. Pardons aren’t easy to come by. They’re made a lot easier if the very influential person doing the requesting in the Governor’s ear is also the boy’s most frequent patron.

If the boys were to serve their full sentences, most would rot in prison for a minimum of 5 years. Some faced 10 or more, depending upon their age. Even by conservative estimates, a young boy in prison in the United States is 10 times more likely to be sexually assaulted than an adult. This figure doesn’t depress the Corrections Departments or the courts, to the contrary, they openly brag to the children standing before them that when they hit prison “You’re going to get your ass fucked off!” If they were cooperative in The Program, they were out in two years and had a bank account to keep them company. What would you do?

The guards didn’t give the boys severance because they were kind and benevolent; most boys were 12 to 14 when they entered The Program. The clients didn’t like to go higher than age 15 on their boys; that would make them fags or queers. These were very respected people in the community. Turnover required new blood and for the older boys to go away quietly and money made that happen.

Not everybody in the prison system was involved in The Program. Most had their own scams like going out chopping wood on State land and selling the wood. Or clearing land for contractors with your crew of 40 men who worked for their evening feed. Since there were a few people who didn’t have an independent source of income, the guards in The Program needed to be able to operate without some secretary in Albany trying to figure out why certain prisons needed 3 times the trustee population of “normal” prisons. Or why medical costs were so much higher, or why transportation costs were so much higher. Questions from Albany were avoided at all costs.

Anybody who has ever dealt with the State of New York knows that the place would collapse in a molten heap if it weren’t supported by its most important foundation: paper. If a piece of paper in Albany said that 50 trustees were in Elmira, 50 trustees were in Phasalia and 50 trustees were in Mount McGregor, then god damned mother fucker, that’s where they were! If a piece of paper in Albany said that 50 boys were in Elmira, 50 boys were in Rome State and 100 boys were in “Wilderness Training” guess what? Most of the guards couldn’t read or write, but some could type and luckily, when computers came along the keyboard looked just like a typewriter did.

Some dates, names, and particularly inmate numbers have been changed to protect the identities of the children involved, but it wouldn’t take a rocket scientist very long to figure out very fast that these children existed and this is what the State did while they were in “The Care and Custody of The State of New York.”

Since the departure of the boys in this story, The Program has moved its base of operation 2 times but the cash is still rolling in. The Program is made possible only with the able assistance of our Courts, Judges, Prosecutors and Social Services Departments who supply the necessary product.

For example: Mommy goes out shopping one day leaving her 8 year old son with his 13 year old baby sitter. Mommy comes home and son is fucking the babysitter. Mommy calls the cops. Who is charged by the DA with fucking a girl under the age of 14? The Program’s new product. Only in America!

Now that you know what The Program is the story begins. It would be wonderful if all the words that follow were full of love and sex and little boys romping around naked happy and cheerful. The Program isn’t Disneyworld. The trustees and the boys involved pay a very heavy price for being who they are and who they love. We all do. Please remember: no means no. That will keep the little ones away from these assholes.

Part 1

As with every other morning for the past four months, Aaron awoke to the sound of the jet taking off from the Albany County Airport that sat next to the jail and wondered where it would take the people who were sitting in those seats. It was 6:00 A.M. and he wanted to be any one of those people on that plane, even if the plane crashed into the ground, especially if it crashed into the ground. Aaron thought it would be nice to crash into the ground, if he did, his nightmare would be over.

As soon as the lights went on, the clanking of the chains began. The Albany County Jail was a pretty modern facility, but the method of opening and closing the cell doors was always kept constant. They were controlled by a system of pulleys and chains that dragged their way though the tunnels over each cell, and with each movement, every prisoner could hear the dragging of the chains. It was draconian and the sheriff liked it that way. It always took 10 or 15 minutes before any of the cell doors opened and the boys always had ample time to study the sounds of the chains dragging themselves through the system. That system is in use today (2005) if you’d like to hear it, visit the jail on Albany Shaker Road.

When the doors finally did open Aaron stepped out from his cell and stood there until the CO (corrections officer) told him to turn and march to feeding. Prisoners in New York State do not have breakfast, lunch, dinner, or meals, they have feeding. Breakfast, lunch, dinner or meals, had the implication that they were giving people food. As any corrections officer will gleefully tell you, prisoners are not people, they are animals. You feed animals.

After 4 months of being there, Aaron was used to the routine of the march to feeding, he would go through 3 cell blocks of prisoners, past rows and rows of men standing at the front of their cells looking at the boys as they passed through.

Aaron knew that there were two ways to feeding; you could either go directly down the staircase to the first floor, or, you could wind your way through the entire 3 story cell block house one tier at a time. The winding method was preferred by the guards, it gave the boys maximum exposure to humiliation and degradation. Most of the prisoners were silent when the boys passed by but none of them looked away. Some made a few very low comments while others stood there in their boxers waving their dicks at the boys or jerking off. Whenever that happened, the line was always slowed down by the guards. The guards were simply showing off the “fresh meat”.

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