New friend needed to pee Ch. 02 by trybiman

“I think so. What about the other house guests though? How are you going to handle that?”

“I’m not sure yet. I think we need to ease them into learning about what we’ve been up to before we go any further.”

“I think you’re right. Easing into things is usually the smart way to go.”

“I’m not really sure how to share all of what we’ve been up to. We kind of got here organically, so maybe we just see how things play out. We should let them know at least the other part of it though. I don’t want them to think we are ashamed, or that we don’t trust them.”

We looked at each other silently for a few moments until he broke the silence. “I think I got this. I’ll just mention it casually next time I talk to them, and then take it from there.”

“Sounds good. Appreciate it.”

I got up to turn on the shower. I was fine with how things were but I didn’t want to get anything on John, or on the furniture. “I’m just going to rinse off really quick. I don’t want to make a total mess everywhere.”

“That’s probably a good idea. Okay if I join you?”

“That was going to be my next question too.”

I stepped into the warm stream and beckoned for him to follow. As he squeezed in close to share the stream I pulled him into me for a long, slow kiss. When our tongues first slid across each other I felt a twitch run through my caged cock.

As we pulled apart I moaned, “Mmm. I could get used to this.”

“I’m game.” He leaned in to press his lips against mine again.

“I don’t know if you had any plans for today, but I think I’m instituting a no clothes rule at least until tomorrow evening, maybe even Monday morning.”

“Well, I wouldn’t want you to feel self-conscious. I suppose I should leave so it doesn’t get awkward.” He winked.

I didn’t speak, just grabbed him by the cock and looked at him.

He returned the favor, and reached to cup my cage and balls. “Or…I guess your house, your rules. It’s probably best since I only brought what I was wearing.”

He squeezed his hand, “Just don’t think this thing is coming off any time soon though.”

I fake pouted a little, and gave him a quick stroke, “If you insist.”

“Oh, I do.”

I let go of him and turned to shut off the water. Since I had my back to him, I made sure to push back into his groin with my ass, before pulling away to get out and grab a towel. Since we didn’t need to get dressed, it didn’t take long until we were done in the bathroom.

We made our way back to the kitchen where I started making coffee and poured some orange juice for both of us. We snacked on the leftover fruit and drank our coffee and in front of the tv, casually sitting close to each other on the couch, just short of touching. We watched some soccer and whatever came on afterward, but mostly just chatted about whatever came up.

After sitting through a movie, I had an idea. “I have some chicken breasts or ground beef. We can bbq one or both and have an early dinner later out back. As you probably noticed last night, the backyard is pretty well isolated.”

John chuckled. “Just not hidden from inside the backdoor right? That sounds great though. I could go for a good burger.”

I laughed and I gave a quick side eye. “Too true.”

With all of the evening activity, combined with a light breakfast, we were both hungry for dinner by 4. I got the ground beef ready for the burger patties and John dug around to find the buns and all the fixings. It didn’t take long before we were all set, so we headed to the backyard to heat up the grill and turn on some music before I put the burgers on.

We continued talking comfortably while the burgers cooked. When I went to take them off, John turned and went inside. “Be right back.”

I put the burgers on a plate and took them over to the table. I was standing at the table, getting the buns and condiments ready as John walked through the door with a water in each hand. “I grabbed a couple of…”

He stopped suddenly with his mouth frozen mid sentence, so I turned around to see what caused the surprise. I was thinking there was probably a rattlesnake over there or something. Not my favorite backyard guests, but also not completely out of the ordinary. Some might not have been all that concerned but, given John’s and my complete lack of clothes, many might consider what my eyes found to possibly be worse.

I was so caught off guard that I didn’t even react. “Uh, hey Mark.”

I was standing there with what I can only assume was a shocked look on my face, probably similar to the one he was having trouble hiding.

“Oh man. I’m so sorry! I left my jacket out here last night so I just came by to pick it up. I knocked, but you didn’t answer so I thought I’d just slip in, grab it, and get out of here. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

With the music on, I hadn’t been able to hear him at the door or more importantly, him coming through the gate. I was completely exposed, standing there facing one of my good friends with a bottle of ketchup in my hand. You wouldn’t have had to be all that observant to see his eyes widen as his gaze drifted down below my waist.

Neither of us knew what to say at that moment. He just looked from me to John and back a couple of times, and if my eyes weren’t playing tricks on me, I could’ve sworn his eyes didn’t make it above waist level during that time. It must have been quite a sight with John just shy of a decently thick half-mast, and my penis on display in its oh so tight pink cage.

To my surprise, seeing that his eyes had locked on it, I felt increasing tightness as unexpected excitement shot through my groin. I was actually getting more aroused from getting caught.

John had closed the door partway, but he still hadn’t moved or spoken. I figured someone had to though. I steeled my nerves and tried to get through this as smoothly as possible. “Well, I guess the cat is out of the bag now isn’t it? You might as well stay and eat. There’s more than enough.”


“Yea. Have a seat, I’ll get another plate. We can eat and talk. I’m sure you have questions. What do you want to drink?”

“Alright. Better make it a beer.”

I squeezed past John on my way to the kitchen, and then he replied to Mark as he turned to follow. “I think I’ll get us both a beer.”

It didn’t take long for us to get what we went to the kitchen for. Before we turned to head back out I gave John a quick squeeze and peck on the lips. “It was going to come out at some point. I guess we don’t have to figure out how to start the conversation anymore.”

“This is definitely not what I had in mind though!”

I chuckled as I shrugged. “Seems to be the way things work in my life.”

He looked toward my bedroom and I guessed it was because he was thinking about his clothes. “Sorry man. Rules are rules. Just be happy you’re not wearing any little pink accessories!”

John and I walked back out, him a little lighter on his feet since the initial shock had worn off, me doing my best to pretend my head wasn’t going to explode. I walked out first and then John closed the door behind us.

“Um. I kind of expected that you guys were grabbing clothes too.”

“Probably would normally, but I didn’t want to go back on the no clothing rule that I have going through the weekend.”

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