New friend needed to pee Ch. 02 by trybiman

Mark cleared his throat, clearly a little uncomfortable. “Gotcha. Okay.”

John and I took our seats, then I blurted out the first thing that came to my mind, “it might make it less awkward if you put yours on the chair inside too.”

He sat in silence without saying anything, then he stood up. “I guess rules are rules.” He started walking toward the door, and I kind of assumed he was getting ready to leave. He surprised us both when he started pulling off his shirt on the way.

I laughed. “That’s exactly what I said to John!”

That was all we saw just then. Once he disappeared, I got up to close up the grill and make sure everything was shut off. I was bent over turning off the gas when he came back out.

The sound of Mark’s voice gave me a little start. “Whoa”. It wasn’t until later that John told me Mark was staring at my ass, wide eyed, when he said it.

It wasn’t until Mark came back out that we saw the rest of his body. He was naked, and completely smooth from the neck down I might add. His penis was soft and hanging loosely between his legs, swinging a little as he walked, but you could already tell that he was good size, above average for sure.

I tried to quickly avert my gaze from his member, not wanting to make him regret his choice. “Welcome to the party. I don’t know about John, but I feel much less awkward now.”

report John nodded in agreement. “Same here.”

“Glad to hear it. I’m not totally there yet, but would say that we’re all in agreement.”

Since I was standing, with my lower body no longer hidden by the table, Mark’s eyes found their way to the only thing that any of us were wearing, the little pink prison keeping my erection at bay. “So, have you had that long?”

“I was wondering when or how that was going to come up. I’ll give you the short version for now.”

I proceeded to give him a very abbreviated version of the story, leaving out all of the drinking and golden shower parts. I wasn’t ready to share that part just yet. I just shared how I originally got it so I could stop myself from jerking off all the time. I knew he wasn’t satisfied with the answer but I wasn’t going to go any further just yet.

While telling my story I couldn’t help but notice that Mark was straining to focus his eyes on my face, but he couldn’t keep them from straying to my penis. Every time I noticed him look it pulsed against its confines.

By then Mark was sitting on one of the chairs, pushed back away from the table so he could turn in my direction. I decided to be a little more devious.

I went back over to the table and pulled the bench that was on the side of the table closest to where Mark was sitting. It worked out nicely that he was on the side with the bench and not the side with the chairs. Rather than sitting on the bench, I sat on the table and put my feet up on the bench, then lazily let my legs fall open in a more comfortable position.

If he was having trouble focusing before, he was definitely struggling after that. I was smiling inside, knowing that I was the one that was making him squirm.

As I wrapped up the story John chimed in. “It’s hard not to look at isn’t it?”

“I’ll admit, it’s a little enthralling. As much as I think I don’t want to, I keep finding myself drawn back to looking at it again. It’s kind of cute.”

That last comment felt a little humiliating, him calling my caged penis cute, but it made me even hotter as well. I would’ve felt really ashamed if I were actually small, but he did have me beat at least.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed that John’s beer was untouched but his water was gone and he was starting to squirm a little. We made eye contact and his eyes widened. He didn’t say anything but I could see the question in his eyes.

I took a drink of my water and looked toward him. “Damn dude. You were thirsty!”

“Yea, gotta rehydrate.”

I knew what he was referring to. I immediately thought of all the creamy liquid he had lost down my throat over the last day, and I’m pretty sure Mark had suspicions too. “Good point.”

John looked a little nervous. “I think I’m getting there. I might explode soon.”

“That would suck. You should probably go.”

He nodded in agreement, then got up to go inside, grabbing his plate and some other items to take with him. “Yea, you’re probably right.”

It was a bit of an awkward exchange. I hoped that Mark hadn’t noticed the tension.

When John was about halfway to the door I hopped down, then picked up my plate and some of the condiments from the table. Quietly, I said to Mark, “I should give him a hand.”

Mark had no idea what I was talking about, and I’m not even sure if John was sure about what I was up to either.

When we were in the kitchen I made it clear to John why I came in. “Like we said before, rules are rules.”

“Really, right now even?”

I dropped to my knees in front of him and opened my mouth. “Of course, and this is as good a place as any. Now hurry up.” He didn’t delay any longer, taking the one small step to close the distance and started to unleash into my open, waiting mouth.

I closed my mouth around his shaft so I could swallow without him having to pause. As I suspected, there wasn’t actually as much as he had let on, so it didn’t take long until I could tell he was slowing down. I swallowed one last time and then pulled off him again to catch the final stream in my open mouth. There was something different about the piss flowing out in the open before landing in my mouth.

John’s usual final blast was just splashing against my tongue when we heard Mark talking while walking around the corner. “I was relaxing out there and then I realized that I needed to go as well…”

The end of that sentence trailed off when he saw what was happening in front of him. I looked at him and then slowly closed my mouth and swallowed the warm pool within. Mark was staring at me without speaking, probably more shocked than when he first found us in the backyard.

Well, that was that. He had heard about some of what we had been up to, and now seen more. “So, there is another rule that I was putting into place this weekend as well. Only John has been required to follow it so far.”

Mark was finally able to speak again, “And that rule is?”

“No clothes isn’t the only restriction. No fluids from my guest are allowed to go to waste, at least those that know about the rule. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine any of this would happen. I was about as vanilla as they came a few weeks ago. Little things just kind of happened and now here we are.”

“LITTLE things? Hanging out after the bar, talking, bbqs…those are little things. Seems, umm. I can’t even put it into words.”

John interjected, “Maybe it’ll help if he heard the whole story now.”

“I guess you’re right.”

I proceeded to tell him how we got where we were, starting from the night at the bar when I made an odd choice of how to help in the bathroom when John’s hands were full holding mugs of beer.

Mark was still in a state of shock. “Wow! And you managed to sneak some last night while we were here without us having a clue. I thought you guys might have been up to something much more mundane. There were signs, some subtle and some less so. This never crossed my mind.”

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