New friend needed to pee Ch. 02 by trybiman

The weekend arrived and we were going to miss out once again. I was ready to host the rest of the gang on Saturday night and John was going to be on the road again. Saturday morning, I woke to a welcome surprise. John had been on his way to the airport when he was told that his trip was going to be postponed until Monday. He was going to be coming by along with the guys that evening.

Everyone was settling in, talking, and drinking, and I was still waiting for the guest of honor, in my mind anyway. Of course, he was the last to arrive. I’m pretty sure that he was messing with me on purpose.

Finally, there was a knock on the door and Mike got up to see who it was. In walked John, casual as could be, but I had a feeling it was just an act. I hoped so anyway. I’d feel pretty stupid if the excitement was only on my side.

When he finally turned toward the kitchen, where I was standing at the time, I greeted him. “What’s going on man? Welcome back.”

I tossed him a keychain with a lone key. “Want something to drink? Food isn’t quite ready yet.”

He looked at it and I smiled as he tried to hide the look of confusion on his face before he slipped it into his pocket and moved on. I was hoping it would be stuck in the back of his mind until he figured out what it was for.

After a quick hello to the rest of the guys he made his way into the kitchen.

“Sure, I could go for something, and a water. Gotta stay hydrated.”

“So true. There are a couple different beers in the cooler. Help yourself. I’ll grab you some water.”

I handed him a nice tall glass of cold water. “Here you go.”

We were standing in the kitchen, munching on some pineapple and watermelon while the rest of the food finished up. Mike and Mark were heading down the hallway while Brett kept at it, all his focus on his game on the tv. I hadn’t really paid attention to what he was watching but he was definitely into it.

It wasn’t until John saw the guys heading out of the room that he realized something. “Damn, I really gotta pee too. They beat me to it.”

“I’m sure you’ll be fine.”

He rolled his eyes at me, thinking I was just messing with him. That feeling was only short-lived though. He got my real point when he saw the smirk on my face. I waited for him to catch it before lowering down to my knees and moving in front of him.

I squeezed between him and the cabinet, then unzipped his pants to pull out that cock that I had so hoped to see again, although maybe not under those specific circumstances. I really didn’t want anything to spill so I made sure to make a good seal around his shaft before tapping his leg to go ahead.

He looked down at me, eyebrows raised with an unspoken question. All it took was a quick nod before he did his best to relax and let his steaming stream start to flow. To say there was more volume than the amount I had taken last time we were together would be an understatement. He definitely wasn’t exaggerating when he said he really had to go.

It was all I could do to just keep up. There was no savoring anything before gulping it down, and he was maybe halfway done when Mike and Mark came wandering back toward the room. My eyes were wide with shock and worry but John held his hand out to tell me to relax. They had stopped in the living room, just on the other side of the island. They were both caught up in the game and oblivious to anything going on in the kitchen.

Their presence so close by only served to add to the excitement in the moment. I could tell John felt the same because he had swelled noticeably just in the last few moments.

I could hear the guys cheering and then groaning at the tv. Mike was exasperated for sure but didn’t let it bother him too much. “Damn! So close. I guess that calls for another beer.”

I could hear him approaching just as I was sucking out the last drops. I pulled off, stuffed John’s thickened unit back into his pants and zipped him back up. I had just turned to continue searching the floor for that elusive pin that I was looking for just as Mike rounded the corner to head for the cooler. As luck would have it, there was a pin on the floor somewhere from when I had recently unpacked a new dress shirt.

“Ugh, it has to be down here somewhere. What the fuck! Ah, there it is.”

I tried to compose myself before I stood back up. Mike had his back to me as he fished around in the cooler, so I was able to sneak in one last wipe of my lips and pop another bite of fruit in my mouth before I had to face him.

That was really close, and even more exciting. I have no idea how I would’ve been able to explain that away had Mike turned the corner even a little bit sooner. John stood right up against the island, facing the room, so he could hide the obvious signs of his arousal.

My heart was pounding. The evening had definitely started off with a bang. “Exciting start to the evening.”

He and I were going to have a good laugh about that later. Mike looked over in my direction, and I nodded at the tv, suggesting that I was referring to the game.

Mike responded, “Totally.” He was oblivious to what I was actually referring to.

When he turned his back to walk back into the other room, I snuck my hand over and grabbed John’s package. “Not what I meant at all”.

He was firm and straining against the zipper, so I quickly topped up his water and pushed it back toward him. “Does this mean that there’s still more to come?”

His answer was clear even without words. He reached to my groin and squeezed gently, pausing for a moment before reaching toward the snacks on the counter. We were on the same page, but the pause and quizzical look on his face spoke volumes.

In response I casually asked, “So, you remember what that key was for?”

With my question, which wasn’t really a question, I had succeeded in clearing up any confusion that I had seen on his face. “Hmm. I think so.”

“Better make sure you don’t lose it again.” To really emphasize what I was hinting at I took his package in my hand again, this time keeping my hand there and rubbing up and down. As much as he was wanting to keep his arousal to himself, I wasn’t going to make it easy on him.

Any time we were near each other, which was quite often since we were taking care of the food, I had my hand or hands all over his cock, even sneaking them inside his pants when I could. And, oh my god, was I loving having that delicious, bare piece of meat in my hand. Based on his squirming and swelling he was loving it too.

It got to the point where I don’t think it ever really returned to a fully flaccid state. I’m sure he was relieved when we all sat down in the living room to eat, and I didn’t have any access for the time being. We were watching the second game of the night, and it was still pretty mellow, so there was more opportunity for conversation. We hadn’t all hung out for a few weeks, so we had some catching up to do…work, family, hookups, etc.

I was 99% sure I knew what the answer was going to be when they prodded John about his recent successes, or lack of, but I was still all ears when he answered. I think I was more interested in how he was going to handle answering the question, or questions if they weren’t satisfied.

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