New friend needed to pee Ch. 02 by trybiman

“Yea, we weren’t really sure how to bring it up, whether we would at all actually. As I said, it was a weird string of events that got it started, and it wasn’t really a sexual thing. Just some needed relief, and I’m not sure how to explain the rest. It’s not something I ever thought about, so thinking about telling anyone about it was pretty scary.”


“I’m really not sure what else to say. No hard feelings if your instincts are telling you it’s time to go.”

“Wow.” He paused, “I’m alright for now. I’m just not sure what else to say.”

“I can’t say I blame you. We’re already here, so I can help you out with what you came in here for while you wrap your brain around things.”

“Umm. Okay. If that’s alright. I do need to go.”

John stepped back and I turned toward Mark. “Ready when you are.” Then John motioned toward me.

“Alright.” He walked over, stopping about a foot away.

“Unless you’re planning on peeing all over the place, you’re going to have to get closer than that.”

He gingerly took his shaft between his thumb and fingers to aim as shuffled forward some more, stopping with his penis just in front of me. “Better?”

He was pointed directly at my mouth, a short inch or two away. “Perfect. If I put my hand up, do me a favor and pause so I can swallow. Trying to swallow with my mouth open doesn’t work so well.”

“Sounds fair. Here it comes.”

Not surprisingly, there was a pause while nothing happened. Mark looked a little anxious so John attempted to put him at ease. “I was a little gun-shy the first couple of times too, and I didn’t have someone standing there watching me.” I nodded in agreement.

It may have just been coincidence but it seemed like that did the trick because I quickly felt the warm stream start to pour into my mouth. The flow was moderate, so it seemed that his bladder wasn’t completely full either.

I put my hand up for him to pause once partway through. He obliged and I closed my mouth to swallow the first bit down. It had a different flavor than most of John’s had. “Mmmm.”

I opened my mouth again for him to continue. He was much quicker to get going than before, the flow spurting a little stronger at first as a result of holding back mid-stream. It quickly tapered back off to a more manageable flow and then soon began to lighten up further.

I knew that as the stream slowed I was going to have to inch forward so I could get underneath. When the flow’s strength diminished it would be unable to make it as far out before gravity took over. I was a little late to move, and the stream abruptly slowed, causing it to flow more gently and fall short of my mouth.

Mark’s eyes went wide as it first hit my lower lip, then my chin, then finally my chest before I was able to get back underneath.

The final bit of the stream made it successfully into my mouth, then I closed my mouth to swallow it all down. It just happened that it was right as he went to push out and shake off the last spurts, so they hit my lips and splattered against my face. I could see the apologetic look on his face when it happened.

“Oh my god. Sorry!”

I was far from bothered by that or the other spill. “Don’t worry about it. It happens”.

He had let go of his penis, so it was dangling above me. I could see a large droplet still hanging from his tip, stubbornly not ready to drop free. I took his soft shaft in my hand, then with my thumb I swiped it off, but It was quickly followed by another. I repeated the process two more times and it was again replaced by another.

“Every damn time. Frustrating right?”

“I can imagine. At least you don’t have to tuck it back into your underwear right away.”

“True, but I don’t exactly want it dripping down my leg either.”

“Good point.” I didn’t tell him what I was going to do. I figured it was easier to just act.

I moved my fingers and thumb back from his tip, and then straightened my back enough to lift up another couple of inches. I closed my lips snugly around just the tip of Mark’s penis, the goal to empty the last droplets of piss out to prevent any further leaking.

“Oh” he muttered involuntarily.

In conjunction with the light suckling I reached under him to press against that part of the urethra behind the balls that can sometimes push the last drops clear. My efforts were successful, and a last spurt warmed the tip of my tongue.

I left my hand gently cupping his balls and then took his whole shaft in, sucking every inch of it in reverse as I sit back onto my heels and let it slowly fall from my mouth.

Mark’s shaft had grown noticeably during the short time when I was suckling the last drops, leaving him empty at last.

The look on his face had changed. There was still the look of shock that had been there to some extent ever since he showed up, but there was more. Along with it, I could see hints of lust in his eyes.

I decided to tease him a little more. “I think I got it all, don’t you?”

“I think so.” His voice was a little breathy.

I cupped his balls a little more firmly, then caressed them as I loosened my grip. “Unless you think I should try to see if there is more.”

Mark was having trouble finding words. “Mmmm.”

That was all the answer I needed though. His shaft was sticking straight forward, not fully erect but it was hardening and had grown further. I rocked up and engulfed his tasty manhood. I was going to enjoy it almost as much as him, especially with John standing there watching.

He seemed to be enjoying himself as well, “Damn, that’s hot! We should go into the other room though if this is going to continue.”

I let Mark’s cock pop from my mouth. “Good idea.” And then directed Mark, “Hurry up. Let’s get you to the couch.”

I don’t remember exactly how we got there. It’s kind of a blur. I do know that I quickly found myself kneeling in front of Mark again. We had reached the couch but he was still standing in front of it rather than sitting. It didn’t matter to me though. I just wanted to taste his cream and I wasn’t picky about how I got it.

His magnificent rod, not quite fully hard, was filling my mouth and poking against the back of my throat. I had just gotten started and I was already enjoying myself and, If the increasing size of his cock was any indication, so was he.

John was standing just to my left. It seemed that he was trying to figure out the best position to watch from. He was obviously enamored by the view, his cock protruding out from his body, his state of semi-arousal on display.

Overcome with excitement, I reached over to caress John’s balls, then gently stroked his shaft while I continued to suck Mark to his full length. The more I got into sucking Mark, the more hungrily I stroked John. The speed of my hand was in sync with the movement of my head, but I noticed it wasn’t sliding as easily as I would have liked.

To take care of the situation I somewhat reluctantly pulled my head away from Mark to quickly engulf John’s shaft. I stroked Mark’s slippery shaft with my right hand while I slathered John’s with my saliva. He was already hard and he started to thrust into my mouth as I sucked, eventually plunging into my throat a few times before I pulled him free.

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