New friend needed to pee Ch. 02 by trybiman

My whole body tingled, and I melted into the kiss. What started out soft was quickly escalating. Our hands were moving almost of their own volition, squeezing and caressing with no rhyme or reason to their paths around each other’s bodies.

Our kisses grew more and more passionate. I was loving every minute of it. I loved it as much as, if not more than, any kiss I had experienced before that moment. I was keenly aware of his thick rod pressing against my groin, and I thoroughly enjoyed that as well.

Finally, I broke off from the kiss, panting slightly from the excitement coursing through me. “Wow. That really got me.”

“Same. And to answer your question, no I absolutely do not mind! Up there toward the top of the list of new discoveries for sure, way up there.”

“I definitely want seconds, but not right now. I really need to at least get all of the food put away and the dishes into the dishwasher that will fit.”

“Fair enough. I’ll give you a hand.”

Cleaning up the kitchen took much longer than it should have, what with John poking me with his semi-hard cock every chance he got. I’m not complaining in the slightest, just stating a fact. On top of that I made sure to periodically grab and stroke his cock when the opportunity arose. That served to stop him in his tracks every time, as did the moments when I made a big show of bending over to put things in the bottom rack of the dishwasher. You know the position…feet shoulder width about, legs straight, ass pushed back, bending at the waist.

When I put my ass on display in that manner for the third time, I didn’t consider the fact that John was walking only a step or two behind me. I’m sure it was mostly intentional, if not completely, when he crashed into me from behind, the tip of his cock slipping neatly into my crack and sliding up as he finally came to a stop with his hips pressed against me and his hand pushing on my back to catch his balance.

Fortunately, I had one hand free to catch myself against the cabinet or I would have fallen forward for sure. As it was, I was bent over with his meaty cock nestled between my cheeks and his hand was pushing me forward and down. Don’t think it didn’t cross my mind that it would have looked like he was pushing me into a more accessible position to have at my ass. If I’m being honest, I was somewhat surprised to find out that the thought made me all tingly inside.

We both held still for a few charged seconds, but the moment didn’t last beyond that. He extracted himself and muttered a clearly fake apology before going back to what he was doing. For my part, I took my time reorganizing and putting the plate I was holding into the dishwasher, giving myself a few extra seconds to catch my breath.

After our little collision we did our best to finish up the cleaning job, still stopping from time to time due to the sprinkling of gropes and occasional short kisses as we made our way around the kitchen.

I was loving the intimacy of hanging out with him completely naked…well, almost completely naked on my part. Every time we kissed, I could still feel the electricity course through me, right through to the tip of my cock which was constantly straining against its confines. My only hope was that he was feeling the same. Based on his constant state of arousal I was pretty confident that my hope wasn’t too far from the truth.

After what was more time than it should’ve taken the kitchen I was happy to see that it was looking presentable again. “Awesome. I’m so glad I’m not going to wake up to a big mess that I’ll need to clean up. Thanks for the help!”

“No problem. Most fun I’ve had cleaning before, that’s for sure.”

We started making our way back to the couch. “No doubt. I think there are a few things lately that have managed to be a bit more fun than you would normally think. Wouldn’t you agree?”

He looked down at his cock bobbing around as he walked. “I guess you could say that.”

I could hear the amusement in his tone.

I flipped the tv to a channel that was playing some random b-movie, and we took our places on the couch. John sat first, taking up only a small amount of space since he was right up against the arm rest. Once I settled in next to him, it was clear that we could have just as easily fit in the chair. For the first time ever, I was cuddling up into someone else’s arm rather than having someone in mine.

report His arm closed around me, draped down along my side in that familiar but reverse position. Even though I was already pressed against him, he attempted to pull me closer.

Surprisingly we did watch the movie for a while, both content to just lounge close together. We talked about the cheesy scenes here and there, but mostly just lounged there comfortably and watched the tv. It wasn’t long before I was looking more and more often toward his lap, taking in the fantastic view of his package lying there limp, having settled down after the little excitement in the kitchen.

As much as I was enjoying the position we were in, it was starting to wear on my back, so I decided to reposition myself to get a little more comfortable. I scooted over on the couch and then I laid down on my side facing toward the tv with my head resting in his lap, just inches away from where John’s cock still lay flaccid on his balls.

I was laying on my left shoulder so that arm was fixed in place, but that left my right hand free, so I rested it on his thigh and started to softly caress with no real target. As distracting as it was to have John’s cock and balls that close to my face, I was able to direct my attention back to the tv, albeit with considerably less focus than before.

We settled back in and finished the rest of the movie. It was not the best I’d seen but it was entertaining. As the credits started to roll John tapped my shoulder and shifted a little bit as if he was going to get up.

“Going somewhere?”

“Yea, all that water needs to go somewhere ya know.” With that he started to sit up.

I wasn’t having any of that though, “You remember what I told you earlier tonight right?”

“What was that?”

I flipped over to my other side and then laid my head back down, this time a little further onto his lap so his meaty hose was right in front of me. “Don’t pretend you don’t remember!”

He smiled. “Of course I do.”

That said, I moved forward and engulfed his entire soft cock with my mouth, did my best to look up at him, and gently nodded my head.

It was my turn to smile, as well as I could anyway. It was clear that he got the point.

I could tell he must have been holding it in for a little while just to make it to the end of the movie, because there wasn’t much delay between his agreeing and the stream starting. “Drink up.”

We hadn’t been playing together for long, but we had started to get to where we understood each other pretty well. John had a few pauses, each time coinciding with when I started to get short on air. I would swallow everything down, take a couple breaths, and then suck on him to get any stray drops before he started up again.

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