New friend needed to pee Ch. 02 by trybiman

To make up for the change I moved one hand to stroke his exposed shaft while I licked and sucked on the rest. The feeling would have been different for him, but I could tell that he didn’t mind the change. He kept quietly grunting while I slurped and stroked.

He was close and there was nothing anyone could do to get me to stop. I didn’t notice anything going on around me. Unfortunately, that included the repeated taps on the top of my head and on my shoulder. Someone was coming and I was totally oblivious. All I cared about at that moment was swallowing John’s creamy dessert.

My eyes shot wide open when I heard the door slide open part way and John called out to someone inside. “Hey, can you grab me another beer on your way back out?”

“Sure. Any preference?” Mike responded back.

“Just something light if there is anything.” I hadn’t stopped what I was doing, so I was impressed with how even his voice sounded.

“Got it. Be there in a minute.”

If he had looked in John’s direction and glanced down, he would have seen most of my lower half. That thought didn’t really cross my mind at the time though. It wasn’t until after, when the excitement had eased up, that I realized that I was fully exposed, and it would have been pretty easy to guess what I was doing.

Even while John and Mike were talking, I was sucking and stroking. Both of our brains were focused on the same thing, albeit from different points of view. Just as the conversation was ending and Mike started making his way into the kitchen, John was hitting that point of no return that we all know about. That point when even if you stopped what you were doing, it was possible that you were still going to finish.

It was enough to draw John’s attention back to his rock-hard cock that was enveloped in my mouth. Shortly after that he started to blow. His ass clenched as his balls pulled up and his cock throbbed, and then he shot his second load of the night into my waiting mouth.

The load wasn’t as big as the one from a little while before, but the orgasm felt just as intense, intense enough that John wasn’t able to fully stifle the grunt that accompanied it. In the moment it was hot to hear, but it was also loud enough that with the forgotten door still partially open, it was probably audible inside as well.

Once he started to soften, and I had milked all but maybe the last drop or two, I scrambled to get back away from the door and John tucked himself back in and zipped up just before Mike was exiting the kitchen. We had a couple short moments to recompose ourselves before he walked out holding three Coors Lights.

He handed one to each of us. “Everything good? Here you go, gotta stay hydrated.” That statement seemed to be the theme for the night.

We responded in unison. “Thanks”.

I tried my best to redirect the conversation. “Of course. Other than maybe an oncoming food coma heading my way after all the snacks I ate before we even got to the main course.”

I don’t know if I imagined it, but I was almost positive that I caught a funny look on Mike’s face before he raised his bottle in a half toast and then took a drink. Looking back on it, I’m pretty comfortable saying that I don’t really care if I did.

At one point, Mike started walking around the yard to see what I had done with it since he had been out there last. John hit me on the shoulder to get my attention and mouthed what I was already thinking, “I think he knows.”

All I could do was nod, and then I shrugged. He was probably right, but there wasn’t much we could do about it at that point.

Our suspicions grew further when Mike got up from the lounge chair that he was sitting in. Things had mellowed out quite a bit at that point, an indicator that the night was winding down. “Alright, I got a bunch of stuff going on this weekend. I’m going to grab Mark and Brett and head out. Let’s do this again sooner rather than later this time, maybe at my place.”

“Sounds good man. I’ll walk you out. Let’s shoot for next Saturday, or the weekend after at the latest.”

The three of them were standing with the door open pretty quickly, ready to go a lot faster than most times we’ve gotten together. “Damn you’re in a hurry. You guys got a hot date or something?”

They all glanced at each other, but Mark was the one to respond as he glanced from me to John and I could have sworn, to John’s groin. “We don’t.”

It really seemed like he put extra emphasis on the ‘We’. I had a pretty good idea what he was suggesting, but I wasn’t about to press the issue.

“Alright. Talk to you guys soon.”

After the door shut, I waited a few moments before saying anything. “You heard that ‘WE’ right?”

He chuckled. “Yea, I suppose we didn’t totally pull one over on them after all.”

“If they are not just assuming and they actually saw something, it was me in a compromising position with your cock in my mouth. Makes me a little excited thinking about it to be honest. They wouldn’t have seen much, but I’m sure they could make a very educated guess.”

“Very true.”

“I know it’s crazy to say but I hope they only think I was blowing you. I’m not ashamed of that. I just don’t think I’m really up for people knowing about the other stuff.”

“I’m with you on that. The guys are great, and I’m kind of looking forward to things being out in the open. It’s kind of killing me not being able to talk about how much I love sucking your cock.”

I felt my cock twitch inside its tight confines at the sound of that. “Mmmm.” I tapped the hard object below my waist. “Can’t wait.”

After a slight pause, “I gotta pee before getting at the dishes and food. Need anything?”

“Good for now.”

I made my way back to use the bathroom in the master bedroom, thankful for the extra privacy because I actually had to sit to pee. I finished in the restroom and washed up before heading back out to clean up.

I strolled back into the room almost completely naked. I couldn’t take one thing off because John still had the key, not that I had any intention of unlocking any time soon anyway.

“Mmmm. Look at you and your cute pink cage. I can’t believe you fit into that little thing!”

“Yea. I had to be extremely relaxed to make it work, and that was really hard to do because of the excitement that comes over me when I put it on. Even as soft as I could get, it still took some cramming to get in there and locked up.”

“Well, I’m enjoying it so far.”

“Glad to hear it. So am I. So, new rules for the rest of the evening. Clothing is no longer allowed.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, it is. Now hop to it. Get out of those clothes.”

“Well, if you insist.”

It didn’t take long for John to be naked from head to toe as well, and his pleasure with the turn of events was obvious. Seeing him already at half-mast made me tingle in all the right places.

I walked over in front of him while he was still standing. “There’s something I’ve been wanting to do that we haven’t tried yet.”

“Oh yea?”

“Yep. I hope you don’t mind.”

With that, I closed the final gap between us and leaned in for a kiss, my first ever kiss with another male. I wasn’t sure what I was expecting but I wasn’t disappointed. I had barely brushed up against his lips with mine when he shifted and leaned against me, causing our naked fronts to press together.

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