Oh how Love Has Sharp Claws Part 3 by verylostsoul

A gay adult stories: Oh how Love Has Sharp Claws Part 3 by verylostsoul ,

Sorry it has taken so long to get this posted up. Life tends to put a lot of challenges in ones way, but enough of my problems. I hope you enjoy the third part because this maybe the last I fear.

I stared at him with confusion spreading across my face before I said, “You are a what?

Darren gave me a Cheshire cat smile as he replied, “I am a Lemurian.”

I crinkled my eyebrows as I frowned at him. With that grin plastered to his face, I could tell he was loving every minute of my confusion. Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore, and had to ask, “What the hell is that?”

That smile of his grew bigger into a ‘I have a dirty secret that I want you to guess’ smile as he replied, “Oh this is going to be so fun explaining what I am. Let me start off by talking about the history of the Lemurians and myths. It is believed that we were aliens from all over the galaxy seeking refuge on earth, but this was during the time of the dinosaurs. Of course, I don’t really know if that is true since I’m only a tenth generation Lemurian. What I do know is that we are the third root race that came before the Atlantians. A long time ago, we moved underground to escape the death of our people, yet we still lost people when the Atlantians were destroyed.”

I held my hand up to make him hold on as I added up the facts. My inner self pointed out that he was unworldly beautiful, but a being from a prehistoric race of people? Not likely. I wanted to argue with my inner self about how he could be telling the truth, but the inner self just shakes his head at me with disapproval. My eyes locked with Darren’s intense hazel eyes before I said, “How can that be possible? I may not know much about the Lemurian race, but I do know some stuff about the Atlantians. They have been died for millions of years or so the rumors say. It is hard to believe that you are just the tenth generation of a race that was suppose to have died and lived before Atlantis was destroyed!”

Darren ran a hand through that gorgeous spiky caramel hair of his as if he was thinking of what to say next to me. Finally he spoke, “But I am tenth generation of a race that lived and died before Atlantis was destroyed. Almost all of the Lemurians died because there was only time to save 200,000 people. My father died trying to save his family and the people he ruled. I have lost track of how many years it has been since his death. Hell, I have even lost track of how old I am over the centuries, but I remember that day as if it was yesterday. You may not believe a word I am saying, but I can show how I keep up with an estimation of how old I am. I have a leaf vines that are tattooed on my arms that were tattooed on each Lemurian child at the age of ten. The leaves grow like real ones to show the aging in tens only.”

I frowned at him as I looked his perfect sculpted body over to see not a single ink dot on him. My eyebrows raised as my frown deepened before I said, “You would have to have microscope or black light tattoos in order for me to not see them. Plus you get a leaf tattoo every time it is your birthday right? That is the only way I can come up with that sounds normal enough to believe. You get a leaf tattooed in black light ink every ten years it is your birthday.”

He just shook his head as laughter escaped his lips before he replied, “Lukus! Lukus! Lukus! Do you not have any imagination under that sandy blonde hair of yours? My body can shift to any form I need. What do you humans call them? Weres? No…. Skinwalkers? No. That is not it either. Oh! I remember! Shape shifters! I have a true form that I am going to show you since you are my ‘soul mate’ as humans call it. Now, stay on the bed, and close your eyes. Remember not to freak or else this will go bad.”

I closed my eyes even though my inner self was screaming he was crazy, and I need to run and to get the hell away from him. As I argue with my inner self, I started to realize that the wait was killing me to see what he looked like. Finally after what felt like ages, he said, “Open your eyes, Lukus. Take a look at my true form.”

I slowly opened my eyes, and at first my mind didn’t register what I was seeing before me. First, I noticed that his back was to me, and there was a tribal dragon tattoo there. It was solid black with it’s wings spread shoulder to shoulder with it’s tail running in and out of his skin as it went down his back. The dragon’s head rested on the back of his neck which seemed to be sleeping until I touched it to see if it was really there. Without warning, the dragon turned his head towards me to reveal crimson eyes, and to get a gasp from me. I forced myself to move on to his hair though the dragon was still staring at me. His hair still held the same spiky caramel look, yet it shined as if it was under direct sunlight. As I took this in, I noticed his skin had a shine to it like some freshly washed window. It was not translucent, but more like water was running over it without no end. The twilight vampires had nothing on sparkle like he did, and damnit I wanted to touch him so badly. I licked my lips at the thought of running my tongue along ever curve and line of his flawless body. My eyes glided down to lock onto his tight sculpted ass which I wanted to squeeze so much just to see if it felt the way it looked.

I hadn’t realized I was staring until I noticed he had turned to face me with a big ass smile plastered on his face. My mouth closed automatically and I locked gazes with glowing emerald eyes not the hazel I was use to. He said with that grin still in place, “ Do you see something you like, Mr. Mark? Because you are staring at me like a hungry lion. Do you also believe me now, my love?”

My lips tried to move, but sadly no sound escaped from them. I ripped my gaze away from him to give him a reply, “Damn you! I want you so fucking bad, Darren! Of course, I have to believe you now! I have no choice! There is no way anyone could human looking as wonderful as you are now!”

Darren gave me a ‘kid in a candy store’ smile as he laid down next to me on the bed. He slowly raised his hand to caress my cheek, and I closed my eyes to take in the warmth of his slightly large hand. It was like being touched by the warmth of heaven which made me peek to see if it was really Darren or some part of my imagination. I opened my eyes wide when I spotted the leaves on vines going down his arms. My eyes saw one gold maple leaf on each of his shoulders that looked just like real leaves attached to a tree, but these leaves were attached to a black inky vine that twisted downwards to the next leaves. The next set of leaves were silver in color with a total of seven split between each arm. Three on his left and four on the right in nice little groups. Though these leaves were just as stunning as the gold ones, I forced myself to move on to look at the next bunch. I looked down his arm the rest of the way without counting, so I could see all the colors without the numbers. There are rows of copper, yellow, orange, red, and green leaves that fill his arm. My eyes traveled back up his arm to count the copper leaves which only had one on each arm. Then I moved back down to the yellow to count a total of three, two on the left and one on the right. Down I went to orange which I counted just two leaves in total. To the next color I moved which is red with just one leaf on his right arm. The last color I came to was green which had a total of five leaves. Three on the left and two on the right, but what did his leaves mean? I remember he said it was his age, but how could that be? I meet his eyes as confusion filled my face again, and I asked, “You said you keep your age by these tattoo leaves, but what do the colors mean?”

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