Oh how Love Has Sharp Claws Part 3 by verylostsoul

I give him a confused look since I could feel myself getting close to my limit. He thrusts into me one last time before he explodes deep inside of me. I dig my nails into his shoulders as I force my body to stay calm from the wonderful feeling of being filled. My breath catches in my lungs as I lay my head on his shoulder to hiss in his ear, “Why must you torment me so?!”

Darren gives me a smirk before stealing a kiss from my lips. As he pulls away, he replies to my words, “Oh, but this is nothing compared to the torture you put me through on the daily bases. I will have to save my complains for another time because I believe you are eager to find release with that hot sticky white cream. So fill me as I have filled you, and claim me as yours forever!”

A little chuckle escapes my lips as I force myself off of Darren’s cum covered cock. My eyes lock with his as I raise completely off of him. When I got onto my own feet, I scan him over to only find a perfect sculpted body with only one imperfection. That white thick ooze covering his masterpiece make him seem imperfect but perfect all at the same time. It makes me realize two things: one is that his real and two that he was all mine.

Darren rises gracefully to his feet beside me before putting one knee on the couch thingy and leaning over the back. His ass is so firm that I could probably bounce a quarter off of it. I run my hand over his left cheek before giving it a hard smack. Pain shots through my hand as if I had hit a brick wall, and all I could manage to say is, “Damn! Your ass must be made of marble or something because I feel like I broke my hand.”

I hear him chuckle at my comment before he says, “That may not be a good move to pull, my love, or you may really break your hand. Besides I workout too much for that to even be felt.”

Though my left hand is sore, I rub it over the cheek I had smacked. I press my body against his back, yet I do not enter him. He is in his true form for the first time waiting for me to fill him. All I can do is stare at his beautiful craved shoulders that only slightly curve to a smooth back with a little dip where the spine is. I pull him flat to my chest before I run my tongue along the side of his neck. Without giving him much warning, I bite his right ear lobe softly. Darren lets out a low groan as he says between clenched teeth, “Lukus! If you keep teasing, I will be forced to take you again! I thought you wanted to release inside of me? Instead, you want to tease me by explore my body. This leads me to believe that you want me to fill you again with my throbbing cock, or are you scared to act on those dark fantasies?”

I push him lightly as I spot that wicked grin of his, and in return I grab that throbbing cock. A loud breath escapes his lips as I say with a smirk, “Here let me help with that throbbing. I am sure after a quick massage it will be fine.”

My right hand squeezes gently as it slides up and down repeatedly on his cock. He lets out a low moan as he grits his teeth before pulling my hand to a stop with a backwards lust filled glare. Without giving him a chance to react, I shove my seven inch cock deep into Darren’s perfect round hole. He cries out with the voice of a god as I fill him deeply. As my cock is deep inside him, I barely can hold out the pleasure of how tight his hole is squeezing me. My hips slowly pull outwards to free him of most of my cock before slamming home again. He lets out a loud groan of pain mixed with pleasure. In and out I thrust, drawing breathless moans and groans from my wonderful Darren. I hiss breathlessly out between gritted teeth, “Why are you so tight?! I don’t think I can last much longer, Darren! I am losing control!”

He says breathlessly, “Let go then, Lukus! Fill me with your hot cum to the brim! Let us be bound together for all eternally!”

I drive into him over and over again making the throbbing in my cock almost unbearable. My hips push in deeper and deeper as I ride him like a godly stallion he was. I push in deep, holding my cock in before my back bows as I release my huge load into that perfect ass. He collapses under me and I can not hold myself much longer. Few seconds pass by before I collapses on top of him, and we both breath heavily as we soak each other warm scent in. We are both brought back from our dream state with serial clapping hands. I turn to look at where the clapping is coming from, and my face turns bright red as I see Darren’s mother rising to her feet. Cherista says with a huge smile, “Well! Well! My son in law will make a great lover for Darren after all. Unless Darren should fail to defeat his five siblings. If he should fail than Lukus will go to the winner of the battle. Do you agree to these terms of this battles, Second Prince Darren LaCross?”

He gives me a long glace before replying, “I, Darren LaCross, second prince of the Lemurian race, agree to surrender all rights of my bonded partner, Lukus Mark, to the winner should I fail in these battle to the death.”

My eyes grow wide with the horror of losing him. If I could not have him, what would my world come to? Would I be a slave to the winner of these battles, or would I take my own life to escape never seeing Darren again? My mind races with questions until I yell out without thinking, “No! Don’t do this to me, Darren! I can’t bare the thought of losing you! Please don’t make me someone’s else lover!”

He faces me and gently places his right hand under my chin. As we stare into each others eyes , he says in a calm voice, “Lukus, you worry too much. You should know that I love you more then you will ever know. I would whether die a horrible slow death by fire forever than lose you to another. So don’t worry! I plan to win against my siblings!”

One of his goofy smiles had spread across his face before he steals a kiss. I watch him walk away into a door the far right, yet still naked and perfect all at the same time. A sigh escapes from my lips as I take the empty sit next to my mother in law. She looks me over before letting out a laugh that causes me to frown. I ask confused by her laughter, “What is so funny? Your son could get seriously hurt from these battles, and you are laughing at god knows what! So tell me what is so funny about this?!”

Cherista laughs harder before gasping for breath to speak, “You are! Ha! Ha! Ha! You don’t even realize you are still naked! Ha! Ha! Ha! I mean I don’t mind the view, but I think it might distracted my son! If you want you can stay like that though!”

As her words sink in, my eyes slide down my body to see that I am indeed exposed to the world. Instead of turning fifty shades of gray, I turn fifty shades of red. I quickly got to my feet and grab the first pair of boxers laying on the floor. My hands quickly help me shove them on only to realize they were Darren’s. I didn’t say anything as I sit back down next to her again. She just continues to laugh at my embarrassment until tears roll from her eyes. As she wipes them away, she says to me, “Lukus, my wonderful son in law, that is the first time I have laughed so hard in a long time! Thank you!!”

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