Oh how Love Has Sharp Claws Part 3 by verylostsoul

He replied with sarcasm, “OH! Now you are curious about them! I guess seeing is believing since I told you about them before when you didn’t believe me!” Darren laughed at the frown on my face before he continued, “Well the gold are ten million years, the silver are one million years, the copper are one hundred thousand years, the yellow are ten thousand, the red are a hundred, and the green are just ten years. Pass the green, I have no clue my age because time has been meaningless to me. That all changed when I meet you because every second with you is dear to me. Every minute that I am able to touch you, it assures me that you are really here in front of me. Just an hour with you is better than anything I have ever felt in all my years of living. So will you do me the honor of staying with me until the end of my time or the end of the world?”

I grind my teeth as I went over what he had just said in my head. Deep down I knew I was going to say yes until I realized that he was a lot older than me. Finally, I said, “I don’t know if I can spend the rest of my days with someone as old as you. I mean you are 27,232,150 years old, and there is no telling how long you are going to live compared to me. But if you can handle someone a lot younger than you, I am sure it will work out fine. So yes I will stay with you until the rest of my days just because you had to hurt your proud by saying something as charming as those words of poetry.”

At first he had not realized I was joking, then he busted out laughing as he replied, “You had me scared there for a minute at the thought you were going to say no to me. What are you talking about the rest of your days? I must not have told you that when we complete the last stage of the bond, you will live as long as me.”

I frowned at him as I said, “I thought we were bonded already? Tell me what I have to do to make you mine forever.”

He looked down at the bed as he answered, “You have to meet my family, pass whatever test my mother gives you, and you have to earn their blessing to be in my family.”

I nervously laughed as I said, “That should not be too hard to do since I am such a charmer and the best with people…”Now here I am standing outside of his family’s home which happens to be in the middle of the woods in the middle of no fucking where. Every horror movie I have ever seen pops into my mind as we walk slowly to the mansion of my doom. The door opens when we reach the front porch and a man that looks just like a butler leads us down a hallway that is decorated with thousands of pictures. We come to a large living room with just a few couches pressed against the walls. I spot a woman that is extremely beautiful sitting on one of the couches. She has the same caramel colored hair as Darren’s, yet hers curls past her shoulders. She holds up her hand to stop us and says, “Both of you take off your shoes now! I just had this floor waxed. Darren, you know my rules on this, so why didn’t you just do it?”

I nervously look at Darren as I quickly take off my shoes. He replies back, “But mom! It is just a floor, so don’t get your panties in a twist! Besides you are being rude to my bonded love, so why don’t you let me introduce him before you go crazy over some shoes! This is Lukus Mark, the one I have been waiting for so long. Lukus, this is my mother, Cherista LaCross, the queen of the Lemurians.”

When I look her in those hazel eyes, it is like she is burning a hole through me. I say to her trying to calm my nerves while still making eye contract, “You have a very nice home, your highness. Please give me permission to love your son for all eternally?”

She glares at me for a minute before bursting into laughter as she says, “Your highness? Boy, if you are going to be in this family, you are either going to call me mom or Cherista. Darren, you sure picked a winner here. He held it together even though he looked as if he was going to wet himself. I can only hope he passes my test because I look forward to picking on him in the future.”

Darren joins her in laughing as I breath a sigh of relief from their sense of humor. She stops laughing and her face goes serious as she says, “Lukus Mark, you have been brought before me, Queen of the Lemurians, in the name of being a bonded mate with the Second Prince, Darren LaCross. You will go through three tests. The first one is a test of courage, the second test is a test of loyalty, and the third test is a test of love. After you pass this three test, you will both make love in front of the ten top family members of this race. Then Darren will have to battle five of his siblings to the right to be with you. So let the tests begin!”

I look at Darren with a worried look as he kisses my cheek and moves to stand next to his mother. This left me to stand alone, facing whatever to come in the name of love. A few minutes later, a naked muscle bound man enters the room and Cherista speaks, “For the test of courage, you will face this man who will be in the form of a tiger. To win this challenge all you have to do is jump on the tiger’s back. Good luck!”

Color drains from face as I whimper, “Tiger? You want me to what to the tiger? Or should I say weretiger since this guy is turning into one! How the hell am I suppose to jump on his back?!”

Neither of them answer me as the man before me shifts into a beautiful reddish orange Bengal tiger. He starts to circle me, but with each turn he gets closer. Without warning, he tackles me and pins me with little trouble. He then takes one of his paws and slowly rips through my shirt without scratching me. The look in his eyes is so not for food, and I thought to myself, “Oh shit! I’m going to get my ass raped by a tigerman!”

As he bites at my belt to get into my pants, he stares up at me with an unnatural hunger filling them. I decide to take my chances to stab him in the eyes with two of my fingers. He starts to slash at me wildly cutting my arms just a bit as I roll out from under him. As he holds his paws to his eyes, I quickly leap on his back. I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his belly as he lets out an angry growls of protest,. Out of nowhere, Cherista yells, “Enough! Lukus has passed the test of courage with something never seen done before!”

I release the tigerman to slide off his back as he shifts back into human form. He pulls me to a stop to whisper in my ear, “Remember to not hurt my prince because if you ever do. I will make sure to continue were I left off as you lay there bleeding to death.”

My mind reviews what he just said as Cherista speaks again, “Since you have passed the test, we shall see if you can pass the test of loyalty. For this test you must be able to deny others the right to your body which means in simple terms you fight off the need to fuck with two other people. Now enter Addalena and Ares! Put Mr. Mark to the test, you two!”


Thoughts continually run at full speed to make me ready for anything until I look down at my clothes. The shirt is hanging in ribbons and my pants no longer stay on my hips. I became embarrassed at my appears in front of his mother, but soon I am sidetracked by two people entering the room. It is a man and woman about the same age as Darren with the same delightful caramel colored hair as him too. The woman is a few inches short than the man which I estimate to be about 5’9 in height. It starts to creep me out a little how closely they look to Darren except for the face, but than I notice that they are both naked. The woman has the body of a greek goddess with everything perfectly proportion, including her breasts. Those puppies are cream colored with a touch of pink however I tear my gaze away only to lock on to her marvelous shaved pussy. I bite my lip as I think of all the bad things I want to do to her and my cock grows hard under my torn pants. Without warning, my pants are jerked down, letting my hard cock spring forward. I turn to lay eyes on the man who is basically a younger smaller copy of the man I love. My inner self screams at me that this challenge is so not going to be a walk in the park, and this time I can only agree. They both start to circle me, closing it with each turn. The female, speaks first, “Look at him, Ares. What a wonderful find Darren got. I wish we had found him first. Oh well lets play with him since we have him now.”

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