Oh how Love Has Sharp Claws Part 3 by verylostsoul

Ares replies to her words as he passes only inches from me, “Addalena, you are indeed right. Lets have him crave us enough to leave Darren and become our toy.”

I see Addalena smile as she stops in front of me which puts Ares at my back. Ares quickly grabs my arms to force me against him with my arms raised as Addalena drops to her knees just inches from my cock. She leans forward to take the head of my cock in between her lushes lips and starts to suck deeply. I can’t help but close my eyes to relax at the pure feeling of it. My mind seems to slip into the memory of my first time with Darren. I recall how he was shocked at see my cock, and he said in an excited tone, “I have never seen something as wonderful as this. You are going to get something very mind blowing, Lukus Mark! I plan to fuck you senseless since you were marked as mine from the beginning!”

Those words make me open my eyes to see that it is not my love’s lips wrapped around my cock, but Addalena’s lips. I realize my arms are free from Ares hold probably because I had relaxed. With this chance I push Addalena off my cock and elbow Ares in the stomach to get away. I move ten feet away from them to get a hold of myself as I hear clapping. My eyes catch Darren’s and I see relief fill them as Cherista says, “Congratulations on making it through round two, Lukus! There is one test left before you and my son will be one. The test of love which will prove that you truly love him. I will give you a dagger, and you will stab him in the heart than pull it out to lick the blood off!”

My eyes go wide with disbelief as I reply, “You want me to kill Darren just to win some stupid test?! Screw you! I can’t do it! I can face the tigerman and the twins, but there is no way in hell I can just stab him! Forget it!! I would wither never be accepted by this clan than end his life!”

Laughter fills the room as I see Darren fall from his chair laughing. He turns to his mother and says, “I told you he wasn’t going to do it! You are going to have to pay up, mom! I want the silver Porsche if you do not pass him for that answer!”

I watch her eyes grow wide as she replies, “Not my favorite car, you don’t! You may be my second son, but you won’t talk me out of the Porsche!” She lets out an angry puff of breath before saying, “Fine! Fine! Lukus has passed the last test. Now get your damn mind off my car!!”

My breath slowly escapes from between my lips as Darren comes running towards me. He pulls me into a tight hug and he whispers into my ear, “Now it is time for us to make love in front of my mom. Don’t get cold feet now because you get to stick it to me first. I can’t wait to have you deep inside me.”

As he pulls away a wicked grin spreads across his face and we turn to face his mother. Cherista speaks, “Well! Well! Well! It see,s you passed all the test, Lukus Mark. Even though my own son has black mailed me in a way, I will allow you to be apart of this family. You are half way there, and only two things left to do. The ceremony of lovers and the battle of mating. Now, Lukus, take my son as yours in front off the top ten family members!”

With that said, I watch as nine people of ever race enter in the room. All of them beautiful beyond belief and not a day over thirty. My body freezes up at the sight of all the people which makes me wonder how the hell am I suppose to take him with all these eyes on us. Then my eyes lock onto my beautiful Darren lounge naked on a couch that is probably the same one the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra laid on to be painted. That wicked grin is still on his lovely face as he motions me forward with his index finger. My feet carry me forward as wicked thoughts filling my head with each step. I stop I front of him as I take in ever curve of his beautiful body, but Darren draws my attention to those sparkling emerald eyes, “Will you play out those wicked thoughts that I see wondering behind your eyes? I want you to take me, and make me yours forever. Now come fulfill those wild daydreams of yours?”

My hands gives my mind no second chance to rethink this before removing the remains of my shirt. I say to Darren as my cock waves freely in the air, “Oh how I have waited for this chance for awhile.”

I kneel at the end of the couch where his feet where resting. My hands gently grab his left foot as his eyes lock with mine, and I rub my face against that warm fair flesh between them. I rub my face the top of his foot before I glade my tongue over the veins that creep along under his shimmer skin. He shivers at the touch of my tongue until I stop at his ankle. I notice that the hairs on his legs are soft and transparent as touch the tip of my nose which makes me rub my cheek against it. He says breathlessly to me, “Why do you tease me so? I want you so badly right now!”

A wicked smile crosses my face as I run my tongue over his slightly tan left knee, and mumbles something under his breath. God he tastes so fucking good! He tastes of vanilla and caramel though he looks like he should taste of pure spring water. My hands push his legs apart to get to the main prize, yet I glace over that shimmering body. That chest of his has just a little trail of hair that leads from his navel to a little translucent tough just above that lovely masterpiece. I trail my finger gently over the tip of his cock down to base and then running it up the trail of fine hair to his navel. Without giving him a warning, I stick my tongue above his navel and glade it up to the wonderful curve of his neck. My teeth graze his neck gently up to his jawline which makes me stop to whisper in his ear, “Have I teased you enough or should I continue?”

He hisses breathlessly back at me, “If you continue teasing, I will take you by force, and you will not get this chance again!”

I smile wickedly at him before stealing a kiss from those lush lips of his. Darren’s eyes lock with mine as hungry fills them, yet that makes me want to tease more. Without warning, I quickly slide into his bare lap making our bodies become one. He lets out groan when I rock forward a little to wrap my legs around him. My hard cock presses against his abdomen while his cock is pressing against my ass line. He pulls me close to whisper in my ear, “I want you so badly right now, Lukus! Force me inside that tight ass of yours! Claim me as yours!”

I guide his hands down to my ass, and he lifts me up just enough to slide his eight inch stiff in. My hole squeezes him tightly as I force him all the way in. We both groan from the pleasure before I slowly raise up to slide his cock half way out. Again I force him in as deep as it will go with him holding another pleasure groan in. I start to rock back and forward not letting him catch his breath as I gain speed. My cock rubs against his chest as I continue to ride him harder. He pulls me to a stop before kissing my deeply with a fiery of passion. I feel his tongue slide between my lips as I grab a hold of those perfect shoulders of his. My hips seem to start moving on their own begging Darren’s cock to explore deeper inside. We groan into each others mouth as he guides me on this journey of passion. Darren pulls his mouth away just enough to whisper in my ear, “You will have to make sure not to cum because it has to be inside of my body. If it is not then this is will be meaningless, and we will be unbounded.”

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