Oh how Love Has Sharp Claws Part 3 by verylostsoul

I can see fire blaze in Darren’s eyes as he tights his grab on the sword. She starts to run at him with axe raised above her head. Without warning, Darren drops his sword and tackles her to the ground. She loses her battle axe as she is surprised by his attack. He starts to choke her with his hands tightly around her neck as he says, “I do not care if you are my fucking sister. I will not let you talk about my lover like that, you bitch!”

He raises her up just enough to snap her neck to finish her off. Darren quickly gets to his feet, and turns to face me with cold dark eyes. I feel fear rush through my body until he realizes he has scared me. He comes over to me as his eyes lighten from his own fear of losing me. I try not to jerk away as he pulls me into a hug and kisses my forehead. He whispers to me, “Sorry to scare you, my love. I will do whatever it takes to protect you from those who wish to do you harm!”

Darren slightly slumps against me, and I reply, “The poison is starting to take over isn’t it? You aren’t going to make it through two more fights are you? Tell me, damnit!”

He just smiles and straightens up to say, “You worry too much! I will be fine! Its not like I won’t win this next two with ease. So stop worrying because I plan to win!”

I just frown as he goes back to the middle of the floor to face his next opponent. Cherista stands with a grim look on her face as she says, “You should not have broke your sister neck, Darren. Yes, she was being her normal bitchy self, but still. Whatever. What is done is done, now lets just move on to the next fight. The fourth opponent is the third prince of the Lemurian race, Sirius LaCross.”

A guy with bleach blonde hair with sunglasses covering his eyes, but he looks like a the stereotype biker. He lowers his sunglasses just a little bit to look me over before saying, “Hmm. He is too small for my taste. You can have him, Darren. Peace out!”

He just turns and walks out the door that he enters. Cherista lets out an angry hiss and throws her glass she is holding at Sirius. It only shatters against the door that closes behind him which makes me slightly laugh. She calms down enough to say, “That little bastard did it again to me! Why does he always do this to me?! I will punish him this time for that, but first Darren you have to win this last battle.”

Darren smiles at his mother as he says, “You should have figured Sirius was going to do that to you. He likes pissing you off, and it is funny how he know just how to push your buttons. Lets see my last opponent shall we.”

She glares at him as his last opponent enters. The guy looks like a model with the beautiful caramel colored hair as my Darren with those lovely hazel eyes. His body is muscled bound since he is only wearing leather pants to fight my love. In his hands, he holds a broad sword with a smiles on his face as he says, “Hello, little brother. I see you have a beautiful partner at last, and here I was hoping it would be a woman that would bare you a child at last. Oh well. I will make him mine, and he will never want for anything in my arms. He will be given everything he could ever want plus more. So let me win to make him happy.”

Darren leans against his sword and starts to laugh at his brother as he says, “Oh brother. I will not let that happen because I plan to kick your ass in this battle. He will only be mine to make happy. So why don’t you just give up, brother.”

The guy replies, “That poison must have gone to your head, Darren. You are so pale right now. Hell you can barely stand up let alone kick my ass as you say. So just surrender because its over.”

Darren just laughs it off as Cherista stands to announce the last opponent, “The last opponent is the first prince of Lemurian race, Seth LaCross. Let this begin.”

Seth bows to Darren before turning that charming devil smile to me. He bows me a kiss and says, “We will be wonderful together, Lukus. I can’t wait until I get a look under those boxers you are wearing.”

My face turns bright red, but he just turns back to face Darren. Darren glares at Seth and raises his sword up to arm level. He swings at Seth, but Seth blocks it. He spartan kicks Darren causing him to fall to the floor. Seth is on top of him in no time with a sword point at his throat. Darren manages to forcefully roll Seth off of him. He is now on top of Seth, and starts to punch Seth in the side. Seth rolls his hips up to wrap his feet around Darren’s neck to remove him from a top of his chest. They both drop their swords to hand to hand combat. Seth quickly gets to his feet as does Darren, and they both start to circle waiting for the other to attack. Darren launches a kick towards Seth’s ribs, but Seth grabs it to throw Darren off balance. He just flips and kicks Seth in the shoulder. Seth releases Darren’s leg as he stumbles backwards a few inches. Darren rolls and picks up his shoulder, but Seth is faster. He has his own sword in hand which he swings at Darren. Darren barely blocks before throwing Seth’s off just a few inches from him. Seth is surprised, but goes for another attack. Darren barely blocks again however Seth is just a bit quicker. He manages to stab Darren with his sword in the side, yet Seth does not see Darren’s sword coming. Darren runs his sword through the back of Seth only to have it emerge out his back. They both fall to the floor coughing up blood as Seth pulls the blade out of his back. Blood starts to puddle around both their bodies, but I rush to Darren’s side. Seth laughs and says through blood covered lips, “This is a tie though they will say you won this. I want a rematch.”

Seth closes his eyes and draws his last breath. The people return to claim Seth’s body, but I am more worried about Darren. He gives me a bloody smile as I hold his head in my lap. I can’t help, but start to feel tears start to roll down my cheeks. He coughs a little in between his laughs as he says, “I did it. I won all the battles for you, my love. I am just going to take a quick nap, and we can have that victory sex that I promised.”

He starts to close his eyes, and I shake him as I say, “No! You can fucking die on me! I love you, damnit! I won’t forgive you if you leave me!”

It is too late though he takes one last breath before leaving me forever. I start to cry as I hold his died body to mine. What am I to do now? I lost the only person I have ever loved. The people try to take his body from me, yet I start to scream, “No! I won’t let you take him! Fuck off!”

His mother says in a calm voice, “Lukus, let them take him to get him cleaned up. He will want to be clean for his wake.”

I glare at her through tear filled eyes and yell, “I don’t care. I am not leaving him! So go away and let us be!”

She just motions everyone to leave us alone, but turns to me to say, “You are in for a surprise, my dear boy.”

Without another word she leaves me alone with Darren’s body. I rub my cheek against his, and cry heavy tears of sorrow. Suddenly something is different, the cheek I am rubbing against is warmer and smaller at the same time. I open my eyes to see what looks like a fourteen year old boy in my arms. My arms dart around to see if they have taking my Darren somewhere from me to play some cruel joke me. The boy opens his eyes to reveal those lovely hazel eyes and smiles at me. I try to stop crying as the boy reaches up to wipe the tears off my cheek. He says, “I feel really special right now. I never knew you loved me this much. I told you that you worried too much, my love.”

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