Oh how Love Has Sharp Claws Part 3 by verylostsoul

I murmur, “You are welcome… I guess.”

She is still laughing when Darren enters again in battle dress of a roman gladiator. He gives me a quick smile before going to the middle of the floor to stand. Cherista stands beside me and begins to speak, “Welcome everyone! Today we gather here to see the battle of love be fought. The second prince of Lemurian race will battle five of his siblings for the right to be bounded to Lukus. Should he fail then the winner of the battles gets Lukus. Now lets bring in the first opponent!”

In walks a beautiful brunette woman with those same hazel eyes as my love. She has a tight fitting red dress on that hugs her ass and breast just perfectly. My eyes glide over her multiple times before I notice the scythe in her hand. Her eyes catch mine as she blows me a kiss before speaking to Darren, “Well! Well! Well, brother! Looks like you found a pretty little prize worth my time after all! I’m sure you couldn’t have won that one on charm only, so tell me how you scored him?”

I watch Darren smile widely as he replies, “Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! My dear sister, Karo. You shouldn’t try for something you will not win. How many Xs have you now from me?” She glares at him, but he continues, “This is going to be fun wiping the floor with you like always.”

She glaces at me before hissing at Darren, “You know how many damn Xs I have from you, bastard. This time I plan to give you one instead, so prepare to lose that beautiful lover!!”

I see movement out of the corner of my eye as Karo goes to attack Darren with the scythe. Cherista suddenly standing in between Karo and Darren with a staff blocking the attack. She speaks loud enough for everyone to hear, “Karo!! Darren!! Enough! Save it for the battle!” They both just nod as Cherista turns to say to everyone else, “The first opponent will be the Second princess of the Lemurian race, Karo LaCross. Now for the rules! No hair pulling, biting, face punching, decapitation, or cutting off limbs! However if a limb does get cut off there will be no fault to the one who does it. If one cuts off the head of the other opponent, that person shall have their head removed too. Now let the fight to the last breath begin!”

It slowly sinks in that these fights are to the death. My eyes grow wide as I see him just standing there grinning like an idiot. My mouth opens up to yell at him, “How the hell am I not suppose to worry now, you idiot! You are fighting to the death with your sister! Don’t you see how weird and wrong that is! You could kill her for real!!”

He just turns that idiot grin on me before he says, “Oh I plan to win even if it means in your words ‘killing her’. No one will stand in my way of you. Now sit down and watch as I win this. We can have victory sex after I kick all their ass!”

Before I can say anymore, Cherista screams, “Begins!” First Karo runs at Darren, and then they suddenly become blurs which left me worrying like a scared mother for her child. This battle went on for ten minutes before it came to a stand still. I spot Karo on her knees in front of Darren with serial cuts on her body. She says to Darren breathless, “Damnit! I trained so hard to kick your ass, and yet I still lost! Make this quick, so I can maybe at least save my dress.”

Without any warning he runs her through with an unseen sword that had not been there before. He smiles at me as some people carry Karo’s dead body away. My mind starts to wonder if I could truly love him after all this is over. He had just killed his sister in front of me and is smiling about winning. Cherista interrupts my thoughts by standard clapping before saying, “Well done! A little shorter then I had hoped for, but you past the first fight. Shall we move onto the next one?”

Darren nods with a smile which fades when he looks at me. He quickly comes to my side, and I try to pull away. Without giving me a warning, he quickly grabs me to whisper into my ear, “Don’t worry about her. Things are not what they appear to be, my love. Just watch until the end, and I will reveal all.”

He releases me to return to the center for the next battle. My mind did not ease from his words as his next opponent enter the room. This time it is a guy around the same age as me with fire engine red hair, yet still the same hazel eyes as all of the family. He is about an inch shorter than Darren however there is something different about him. This guy turns his gaze to me as a wicked smile appears on his face. I feel a shiver run down my spine as his eyes continue to lock onto mine. Cherista stands to speak, “The second opponent is the fourth prince of the Lemurian race, Connor LaCross. Let the battle begin!”

At first I think Connor is weaponless until I see claws on his fingers. I knew this would be over quickly before Connor could get a hit on Darren. Connor and Darren circle each other slowly at first then the speed increases to the point that all I see is two blurs moving round and round until they both come to a complete stop. Darren has two sets of claw marks across his chest and stomach. Connor on the other hand is in worse shape, but he is smiling as blood pours from his mouth. I then see Connor’s eyes flicker to me with that wicked smile, and he says to Darren, “Oh Darren! Darren! Darren! You may have got me, but how will you survive the next three fights. I poisoned you, dear brother! And there is no cure for it!”

Without warning, Connor life fades from his eyes and his dead body lands in front of Darren’s feet. The same people return to carry his body away just as they did Karo’s. Darren laughs his dying words off as he comes over to me. I frown at him and say, “I don’t think you should be laughing that off. You are poisoned, Idiot! What the hell am I suppose to do without you if you get killed!”

Darren smiles and pats me on the shoulder as he says, “You really worry too much, Lukus! I only have one opponent to worry about! Don’t worry so much, or you will go bald!”

Before I can protest any farther, his next opponent appears. It is a female that has short jet black hair with the same hazel eyes as the rest. She is dressed in a fleeting tight red plaid skirt with some skimpy black tank top. Her eyes are smeared with black eyeshadow and her lips with black lipstick. Those cute little ears of hers are dotted with serial piercings. In her hands, she holds a battle axe as if it is light as a feather. Cherista stands to say, “I see that fight was just as quick as the last one. Oh well… The third opponent is the first princess of the Lemurian race, Alexandria LaCross. Now begin, so I can get on with my day.”

Alexandria says to Darren with a wicked black smile, “Hello, older brother. I figured I would tell you my plans of what I plan to do with your lover if I win. I am going to make him crawl on the floor like the bitch he is, and then I am going to sexually tease him until he begs me to fuck him over and over again. Then I am going to make him lick my pussy in public to make him feel humiliated. He will never be allowed to wear clothes, so that I wipe him like the dog he is. I will even show him off in front of you however I will kick him just to see you suffer. I hope you enjoy knowing that your lover will live a life of misery in my hands, and there will never be anything you can do about it.”

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