Oh how Love Has Sharp Claws Part 3 by verylostsoul

I just stare at the boy, and say, “Who are you? I only love Darren, and you are too young to be Darren.”

The boy laughs and says, “You are silly, Lukus. I am Darren. We don’t die unless our heads are cut off. We just shirk in age to help us heal however if our heads are cut off. We are not coming back from that. So are we going to have this victory sex or not.”

My face just turns red as I hold my mini Darren, but he sneaks a kiss on me. I remember the kiss all to well, this is indeed my Darren. He sits up and moves to wrap his legs around me. Our lips press tightly against one another that we fail to notice there is someone in the room, “Hey. Can you stop lip locking and listening for a minute?”

I jerk away to see Cherista standing there with her hands on her hips as she says, “Good. I am glad you have come to realize that your Darren is not die, but you have one problem. You two can’t have sex until he is back to his normal age. It will take him longer to heal if he is getting filled with semen on the nightly bases.”

He laughs and replies, “Damn. She caught me. I was hoping to see what it was like to be the weaker one for awhile.”

I stare at him stunned by this fact, yet I kind of figured he would be up to know good. Cherista says, “Darren, you are just going to have to wait your thirteen days in order to have sex. You can wait, and Lukus can get his tattoo.”

He just continues to laugh as he steals another kiss before getting up. I just frown as his mother pulls me to a small room on the side. In this room this is just a bed and a table which I am motioned to lay on the bed. Without warning, she sticks me quickly with a needle. This is the end, I fear. My world is now dark, but I hold out for hope. I know I will see my beautiful Darren again, but I fear he will torment me with this current form.

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